Social Psychology: PSY 3630 : Emotions Chapter
Emotions: What are these three facts about Emotions?
Reaction to specific people or events.
Associated with physiological changes.
Helps people to meet social goals.
True or False: Emotions are specific?
Emotions last for ….. ? Rather than …. ?
Seconds or Minutes ….. Rather than for Hours or Days.
The Emotional Facial expression lasts between ….. to …. seconds?
1 to 5 seconds.
The Appraisal Process are ….. (Hint: How ….. and …. in our environment are evaluated to our current goals)
How objects and events in our environment are evaluated to our current goals.
The Primary Appraisals lead to either a …. or a …. feeling?
Lead to either a pleasant or an unpleasant feeling.
In the Primary Appraisal the automatic positive or negative appraisal is made from:
An event or a Circumstance
The Primary Appraisal evaluates whether …. (Hint) the (End Hint) is …. with one’s goals
Whether the event is Congruent or Incongruent with one’s goals.
The Secondary Appraisals lead to these four emotions?
Fear, Anger, Pride, and Guilt
The Secondary Appraisal Stage asks “Why do we …. “ ?
“Why do we feel the way that we do” ?
The Secondary Appraisal stage evaluates the different ways to …. events and understand the …. of the …..
Respond to event and Understand the Consequences of the Responses.
The Core-relating Themes are Themes that …. purpose of each emotion.
Themes that define the purpose of each emotion.
“That’s Unfair” may trigger …. ?
“That’s Dangerous” May Trigger ….. ?
What themes are similar across cultures?
Appraising something as unfair may lead to …. ?
Anger in any Culture.
Title: University and Culture Specialty of Emotion
Emotions are …. that are meant to promote survival and ….
Behavioral based adaptations that are meant to promote survival and reproduction.
Physiological responses are ….. ?
Cross - Cultural.
What are the four Physiological responses?
Facial expressions, Heart Rate, Breathing, and Vocalizations
True or False: Emotions vary from culture to culture?
Emotions are influenced by …. (Hint: View of Self)
Influenced by View of Self, Social Views, and Social Roles.
Emotions should be expressed in different ….. and in …. cultures?
Different ways and in Different cultures
True or False: Emotions are universal?
Each culture may have different …. and …. .. rules?
Different accents and Display of rules
Title: Darwin Thesis and Hypothesis
Are Human facial expressions learned?
People who are blind would do what …. ? Despite having never seen a single facial expression.
People who are born blind would show the same facial expressions as the people who have sight.
Darwin’s Thesis implied that Human emotions derive from …. and …. …. …. mammal and primate ancestors.
Derive from motivation and evolutionary advantages obtained from our mammal and primate ancestors.
True or False: Are Human emotions universal?
True or False: Human display of emotions resemble animal display of emotions?
True or False: The “attack posture” is used by mammals?
Facial expressions of a….. resembles …. …. and …. …. used by mammals .
Anger resembles threat displays and attack postures of mammals.
Title: Universality of Facial Expressions
Paul Ekman and his colleagues found that …. ? for the Primary Emotions are recognized …. …. …. ?
Facial expressions for the Primary Emotions are recognized cross culturally.
The “Fore of Papua New Guinea is a …. ?
Happiness, Suprise, Sadness, Anger, Disgust, and Fear are all expressions of …. ?
Cultures never exposed to the Western media can identify these six expressions of emotion?
Happiness, Suprise, Sadness, Anger, Disgust, and Fear
The United States students accurately identified the ….. ?
Facial expressions that were displayed by the “Fore of New Guinea” .
Facial expressions may be ….. ?
Title: Cultural Specifity of Emotion
Cultural rules that …. ?
Govern when and how. Emotions should be expressed.
When are emotions expressed?
Culturally specific.
Example: In India, embarrassment is expressed by …. ?
Biting their tongues.
True or False: Emotions are more frequently emphasized in some cultures ?
Collectivists may express more …. ?
Shame and Embarrassment.
Individualists may express more …. ?
True or False: Societies with a culture of honor may express more anger?
Some cultures may …. more emotions?
Definition: Hyperrecognize
Have multiple words for an expression.
True or False: Do cultures show variation in the expression of emotions ?
What do culture rules about emotions?
When and How emotions should be expressed.
What are independent cultures better at ?
Communicating through Touch.
True or False: Do interdependent cultures touch each other more within a conversation?
What did Jourard do in 1966 ?
Observed friends in a cafe?
How many times did the British friends touch each other?
0 Times
How many times did the American friends touch each other?
Puerto Rican friends touched each other …. …. times ?
180 Times.
Title Module: 6.2
Title: : Emotions and Social Relationships: Touch and Closeness
What can promote closeness in social relationships?
Touch is …. ?
Pleasurable and Rewarding.
What is the largest organ ?
What can touch release ?
During stress what can touch reduce …. ?
Title: Touch encourages …. ?
In primates, Touch increases the …. ?
Likelihood of sharing food with grooming partners.
In humans, Touch increases the …. and …. with requests ?
Cooperation and Compliance.
True or False: In Social settings, Touch can signal Social Emotions like Gratitude and Compassion?
In one study, what were participants allowed to communicate …. from Touch Alone without …. ?
Different emotions from Touch Alone without being able to see or hear the other person.
True or False: Interdependent cultures maybe able to communicate emotions through Touch than independent cultures?
Title: Emotions and Social Relationships: Mimicry
Example: Laugh when …. ? Blush when …. ?
Laugh …. Blush
What did studies find ?
People unconsciously imitate each other.
Especially mimic the …. ?
Emotions of others.
When doing amusing tasks what will friends do?
Mimic eachother’s laughter.
True or False: Strangers will not mimic eachother’s laughter?
Over the course of a year. The college roommate emotions will …. to the other roommates?
Become similar.
True or False: Roommates who are closer friends mimicked each other more than those who were less close friends?
Title: Emotions and Social Relationships: Neurotransmitters
Oxytocin is a …. ?
Hormone and Neurotransmitter.
True or False: Oxytocin is involved in …. …. in non-human animals?
Care Giving and Monogamous Mating …. True.
When is Oxytocin released?
Childbirth, Breastfeeding, and Orgasm.
Oxytocin may be involved in the …. ?
Feelings of Love.
What happened when women were asked to recall warm feelings about another person?
Gestural displays of love.
Gestural displays of love were associated with …. ?
Higher levels of oxytocin in the bloodstream.
True or False: Oxytocin may encourage trust amongst strangers?
During the “Trust Game” what were participants asked to do when they were given a certain amount of money?
Share the money with the stranger.
What is the stranger allowed to do with the money?
Choose how much to give back to the participant.
What were participants who inhaled oxytocin vs inhaling a placebo pill twice as likely to do?
Give a maximum amount of their money to the stranger and trust them to return the money.
Title: Emotions within and Between groups
Within Groups, emotions like anger can increase …. within a group ?
Social Power.
Example: Within Groups, emotions are linked to ….
Higher perceptions of Social Status.
True or False: Within Groups, emotions have more power in negotiations.
What can displays of emotion like embarrassment or shame lead to?
Decreased Social Power.
Title: Intergroup Emotion Theory
What do people feel in times of conflict?
Anger and Contempt.
In times of conflict who do people feel anger and contempt towards …. ?
Outgroups that are viewed as less powerful.
In times of conflict who do people fear …. ?
Outgroups are viewed as more powerful.
Title: Infrahumanization