I lowk fell off so the exam 1 flashcards are way better (those are missing one lecture, these are missing three atm,) but I'll have my shit together by the next midterm (trust)
Region of the brain that relays most senses and motor information to the brain
Thalamic Adhesion
Structure that separates the halves of the thalamus
Specific Nuclei
Nuclei in the thalamus that relay a certain type of somatosensory information to a certain brain area.
Non-Specific Nuclei
Nuclei that create barriers in and around the thalamus
Internal Medullary Lamina
Sheet of axons from the intralaminar thalamic nuclei that separate the regions of the thalamus
Thalamic Reticular Nucleus
Shell of neurons that inhibits communication from the thalamic nuclei to the cerebral cortex
Association Nuclei
Nuclei in the thalamus that relay multiple types of somatosensory information to association areas in the brain
Thalamic Dorsomedial Nucleus
Association area of the thalamus that relays information to the prefrontal cortex
Thalamic Pulvinar Nucleus
Association area of the thalamus that relays information to the parietal
Inner cerebral cortex
Characteristic layered structure of the outer cerebral cortex
Layer I
Outermost layer of the neocortex
Layer II/III
Layer of the neocortex that
Layer IV
Layer of the neocortex that projects to layers II and III
Layer V
Layer of the neocortex that projects to the brainstem
Layer VI
Layer of the neocortex that projects to the thalamus
Primary Motor Cortex
Cortex that controls movement
Primary Sensory Cortex
Cortex receiving information
from specific thalamic relay nuclei
Association Cortex
Region of the cortex that synthesizes and respond to information from multiple different regions of the cerebral cortex
Cerebral Commissures
Tracts that cross the midline of the brain
Corpus Callosum
Commissure between cerebral hemispheres
Anterior Commissure
Commissure between temporal lobes
Limbic structure that provides information to the pituitary gland
Pituitary Gland
Structure that controls the glands of the autonomic nervous system
Limbic structure in the temporal lobes involved in declarative memory
Limbic structure involved in conditioned fear responses
Limbic structure that connects the hypothalamus and hippocampus
Basal Ganglia
Nuclei across the midbrain and forebrain with roles in motor function and motivation
Basal ganglia in the telencephalon consisting of the caudate nucleus
Internal Capsule
Gray matter between the caudate nucleus and putamen
Globus Pallidus
Basal ganglia in the telencephalon medial to the putamen
Subthalamic Nucleus
Basal ganglia in the diencephalon ventral to the the thalamus
Skeletal Muscle Cranial Nerves
Cranial nerves that exclusively provide nerves to muscles
Extraocular Muscle Nerves
Skeletal muscle cranial nerves that control eye movement
Oculomotor Nerve
Extraocular muscle nerve that controls the inferior rectus
Abducens Nerve
Extraocular muscle nerve that controls the lateral oblique of the eye.
Trochlear Nerve
Extraocular muscle nerve that controls the superior oblique of the eye
Spinal Accessory Nerve
Muscle nerve for the sternocleidomastoid and trapezius
Hypoglossal Nerve
Muscle nerve for the tongue
Special Sense Cranial Nerves
Cranial nerves that exclusively enables the senses of smell, sight, hearing, and balance
Olfactory Nerve
Specific sensory nerve for smell
Olfactory Bulb
Messenger between the olfactory nerve and cortex
Optic Nerve
Specific sensory nerve for sight
Vestibulocochlear Nerve
Specific sensory nerve for hearing and balance
Trigeminal Nerve
Nerve that controls chewing muscle and interprets general sense
Upper chewing muscle
Lower chewing muscle
Mixed Cranial Nerves
Cranial nerves that provide neurons to skeletal muscles and interpret general sensation and taste
Facial Nerve
Nerve that controls facial muscles and interprets taste in the anterior tongue
Facial Autonomic Ganglia
Ganglia of glands that control tears
Glossopharyngeal Nerve
Nerve that controls the pharynx
Glossopharyngeal Autonomic Ganglia
Ganglia of gland that controls salvation
Vagus Nerve
Nerve that controls throat muscles
Carotid Sinus
Swelling in the internal carotid artery that detects blood pressure
Carotid Body
Tissue in the internal carotid artery that detects blood oxygenation
Aortic Arch
Area of the heart that detects blood pressure and blood oxygenation
Somatosensory System
System that detects general sensation
Afferent Neurons
Neurons that carry sensory information
Efferent Neurons
Neurons that carry motor information
Dorsal Roots
Roots of spinal nerves that contain afferent axons
Ventral Roots
Roots of spinal nerves that contain efferent axons
Somatosensory Primary Afferent Neurons
Neurons that innervate sensing tissue
Sensory Receptors
Specific sensors at the peripheral end of a neuron
Afferent axons in the spine
Receptors that detect mechanical force
Touch Receptors
Encapsulated mechanoreceptors distributed throughout the skin
Pacinian Corpuscles
Touch receptors for vibration
Two-Point Discrimination
Process of sensing multiple objects on the skin
Mechanoreceptors in and around muscles
Muscle Spindles
Organs that sense muscle length and tension
Golgi Tendons
Organs that sense muscle load
Receptor protein found in mechanoreceptor neurons
Knee-Jerk Reflex
Reflex response to a muscle being stretched
Flexor-Withdrawal reflex
Muscular response to pain in the skin
Spinocerebellar Tract
Tract that carries proprioceptive information to the ipsilateral cerebellum
Trigeminothalamic Tract
Tract that carries facial sensation from the trigeminal ganglion to the cerebral cortex
Spinothalamic Tract
Tract that carries pain information from the ventral lateral funiculus of the spine to the contralateral cerebral cortex
Dorsal Column Tract
Tract that carries touch information from root ganglia of the spine to the contralateral cerebral cortex
Medial Lemniscus
Rostral portion of the dorsal column
Fasciculus Cuneatus
Bundle of nerves that carry axons from the upper body to a dorsal column nucleus
Cuneate Nucleus
Lateral dorsal column nucleus
Fasciculus Gracilis
Bundle of nerves that carry axons from the lower body to a dorsal column nucleus
Gracile Nucleus
Medial dorsal column nucleus
Somatotopic Organization
Map of the body within the central nervous system
Sensory Decussation
Point where sensory information crosses the midline
Thalamic Ventral Posterior Lateral Nucleus
Synapse point of the spinothalamic tract and dorsal column
Thalamic Ventral Posterior Medial Nucleus
Synapse point of the trigeminothalamic tract
Primary Sensory Cortex
Postcentral gyrus of the parietal lobe
Limbic Cortex
Area that pain and itch information is projected to for avoidance
Pain Neurons
Thin primary afferent axons
Pain receptors with free nerve endings and a high threshold potential
Mechanical Nociceptors
Nociceptors triggered by force
Heat Nociceptors
Nociceptors triggered at 45° C
Sensory receptor for heat and capsaicin
Chemical in peppers that trigger nociceptors
Cold Nociceptors
Nociceptors triggered at 0° C
Polymodal Nociceptors
Nociceptors with multiple types of protein receptors for pain
Acute Pain
Pain that goes away after pain stimulus is removed
Persistent Pain
Pain that occurs during the healing process