Thick connective tissue that covers muscle
Fascia lata
-extensive, thick connective tissue on craniolateral aspect of thigh
Crural fascia
-extends from fascia lata distally to leg
How many gluteal muscles?
-superficial, middle, deep gluteal
Where do the gluteal mm orginate and insert?
-originate from pelvis
-insert on proximal femur
-middle gluteal muscle
-superficial gluteal muscle
-m. Gluteus superficialis
-m gluteus medius
-m. Gluteus profundus
Where does the superficial gluteal muscle insert?
-3rd trochanterr
Where do the middle and deep gluteal muscles insert?
-greater trochanter
What is the main function of the gluteus mm (and 3 sub functions?
-extend the hip
rotate hip medially; extend/abduct hip
Fascia lata
Fascia lata
Deep gluteal muscle
Middle gluteal muscle
Superficial gluteal muscle
Deep gluteal muscle
Greater trochanter
what is the feline muscle modification (rump area)?
-gluteofemoralis muscle
Gluteofemoralis muscle
–caudal to the superficial gluteal muscle
Gluteofemoralis muscle (feline)
Where does the sacrotuberous ligament attach?
From the sacrum to the greater tubercle
Sacrotuberous ligament
Origin for the superficial gluteal muscle
ligament is absent in the feline?
Sacrotuberous ligament
Sacrotuberous ligament
Where does the tensor fascia latae muscle originate and insert?
originates from the tuber coxae and aponeurosis
Inserts on the fascia lata
What is the function of the tensor fascia latae muscle?
– Tenses the fascia lata
-Flexes the hip.
-tenses the area over the cranial aspect of the stifle joint, extensor of the stifle joint.
What is the location of the tensor fascia latae muscle?
cranial aspect of the hip joint
tensor fascia latae muscle
tensor fascia latae muscle
Where do the quadriceps femoris muscles originate?
– Either on the hip, rectus, femoris, muscle, or the proximal femur
what is important to note about the distal tendons of the quadricep femoris muscles?
combine to form the patellar tendon/ligament
where does the quadriceps femoris muscles insert?
tibial tuberosity
Definition: patellar tendon
-attaches muscle to bone
Quadriceps muscle group to patella
definition: patellar ligament
-Attaches bone to bone
-patella to tibial tuberosity
which nerve innervates all four heads of the quadriceps muscle group?
femoral nerve
What is the main function of the quadriceps muscle grp?
extensor of the stifle joint
What happens if the femoral nerve is damaged?
– The animal cannot bear weight on the pelvic limb
what are the four heads of the quadriceps muscle group?
– Vastus lateralis muscle (vast and lateral)
-vastus intermedius muscle (deep to rectus)
-Vastus medialis muscle (vast and medial)
-Rectus femoris muscle (straight)
What is the function of the rectus femoris muscle?
- Flexes the hip.
– extends the stifle.
Rectus femoris muscle
Vastus lateralis muscle
Vastus lateralis muscle
Greater trochanter
Rectus femoris muscle
Vastus medialis muscle
Rectus femoris muscle
Vastus medialis muscle
Vastus lateralis muscle
Rectus femoris muscle
Vastus medialis muscle
Definition: iliopsoas muscle
– Flexer of the hip
Source of a lot of chronic pain in dogs
Where does the iliopsoas muscle originate?
– Ventral part of lumbar vertebrae, ilium
where does the iliopsoas muscle attach?
– lesser trochanter
Iliopsoas muscle
definition: sartorius muscle
– Innervated by the Femoral nerve
– known as the tailors muscle, because Taylor's follow this line of muscle when measuring the inseam of a pad.
– thin, flat; cranial, caudal
Location: sartorius muscle
-superficial to vastus medialis muscle
What is the function of the sartorius muscle?
– Flex hip.
– flex caudal extend cranial stifle
Sartorius muscle
What is another name for the caudal thigh muscle?
hamstring muscles
What nerve innervates the caudal thigh muscles?
Sciatic nerve
Where do the coddled by muscles/hamstring muscles insert on the pelvic limb?
Cranial and caudal aspects
What is the action of the hamstring muscles?
- broad pull on the limb (thigh through hock), resulting in a powerful thrust forward
What are the three hamstring muscles?
- biceps femoris muscle.
–semitendinosus muscle
– semimembranosus muscle
Where does the biceps femoris muscle lie?
Where does the biceps femoris muscle originate?
-ischiatic tuberosity
-sacrotuberous ligament
What is the function of the biceps femoris muscle?
-flex and extend the stifle joint
How does the biceps femoris muscle extend the stifle?
By contracting
What is another name for the Achilles tendon?
Common calcaneal
What does the biceps femoris muscle in Achilles tendon do?
Extends the hock
Extends the hip
Where does the semitendinosus muscle lie?
Where does the semitendinosus muscle originate and insert?
-ischiatic tuberosity
Inserts on the tibia
What is the function of the semitendinosus muscle?
Extend the hip, flex the stifle joint
With the common calcaneal tendon what is the function of the semi tendinosus muscle?
Extends hock
biceps femoris muscle
Biceps Femoris muscle
Semitendinosus muscle
Semitendinosus muscle
Semitendinosus muscle
biceps femoris muscle
Semitendinosus muscle
Semimembranosus muscle
Where does the semimembranosus muscle lie?
Where does the semimembranosus muscle originate?
Ischiatic tuberosity
With the biceps femoris and semitendinosus muscles
Where does the semimembranosus muscle attach?
Distal Femur and proximal tibia
What is the function of the semimembranosus muscle?
Extend the hip and flex/extend stifle joint
Biceps femoris muscle
Semitendinosus muscle
Semimembranous muscle
What are the three main adductor muscles in the pelvic limbs?
Adductor,gracilis, pectineus
Where do the adductor muscles originate?
From pubic synthesis or pubis
What nerve innervates the adductor muscle group?
Obturator nerve
deifinition: adductor muscle
–thick muscle
– adducts the limb, extends the hip
Definition: gracilis muscle
– Superficial to adductor muscle.
-Contributes to common calcanean tendon.
Definition: pectineus muscle
– Small muscle
– cranial to gracilis muscle.
– mix up part of femoral triangle.
pectineus muscle
adductor muscle