Study guide and note content from units 1 - 7
values in a data set added up and divided by the number of included values
middle value when data set is placed in ascending order
standard deviation
measure that is used to quantify the amount of set data values
standard deviation squared
numerical values - values that can be averaged
values that are generally words, or grouped numbers - cannot “average”
the difference between the highest and lowest values in a data set
first quartile
middle value between the minimum and the median (the median of the bottom half)
third quartile
middle value between the median and the maximum (the median of the top half)
Interquartile range (IQR)
the difference between the first and third quartile
extreme values that are more than 1.5xIQR from the 1st/3rd quartile
resists the effects of outliers (ie: median, IQR)
influenced by the existence of outliers (ie: mean, standard deviation, range)
displays general distribution of data
each value represented by a dot - good for specific layout
displays data grouped into bins of the same width, but displaying the varying frequencies of values
bar chart
similar to histogram, but used for categorical variables - bars don’t touch and x-axis values are not continuous
stem-and-leaf plot
displays all but the last digit of each individual value as a stem, and last digit is the leaf - key must be included
statistical inference
method used to provide ways to answer specific questions from data with some guarantee of success
entire group of individuals to which the data is being generalized
part of the group that is being studied
simple random sample
all samples size n have the same chance of being selected
probability sample
each member of a sample has a known chance greater zero of being selected
stratified random sample
dividing a population into groups of similar members and then choose a SRS within each smaller group to form the full sample
multistage sample design
process of selecting t counties, then x townships, y blocks in the township, and z households
cluster random sample
total population is divided into groups and a sample of the groups is selected
contained in a study that systematically favors certain outcomes
voluntary response sample
sample that consists of people who choose themselves by responding to a general appeal
individual chosen for the sample can’t be contacted or refuses to cooperate
confounding variables
two variables whose effects on a response variable cannot be distinguished from each other
convenience sample
sample made from groups that are easiest to reach
response bias
when a responded lies about sensitive information or telescopes the timing of an event
observational study
data collector visually measures variables of interest, but does not attempt to influence the responses
statistically significant
an observed effect too large to attribute plausibly to chance
The most effective way to show a relationship between two or more variables
double-blind experiment
experiment where neither the person nor the data collector know the variable being applied to the person
matched pairs
special case of randomized block design used when the experiment has only two treatment conditions
grouping similar units to allow one to draw more specific, separate conclusions
experimental units
members on which an experiment is done
members of a group that are human beings
condition applied to a member or group
different explanatory variables in an experiment
specific value of a factor
dummy treatment that can have effect
control group
group of people receiving a sham treatment
use of chance to divide experimental units into groups
principles of experimental design
control - basis comparison
Randomization - fair choice of experimental units/subjects
Replication - need to ensure that results continue to tell the same story
hidden bias
occurs when the experimenter does not treat all the subjects the exact same way
Median formula
(N + 1 )/2
Standardized Score (z-score)
the number of standard deviations a value is from the mean of its respective data set
normal distribution
bell-shaped curve centered at the mean of a data and distributed approximately as outlined below
types of distribution problems
raw value →formula → z-score → normalCDF →percentile
percentile → invNorm → z-score → algebra → raw value
symmetric, normal shape
bell-shaped as outlined on other side as well
symmetric, but not normal
mean and median are the same, mode may be different
skewed left
values drag out to the left (smaller numbers)
skewed right
values drag out to the right (larger numbers)
Best descriptive statistics when distribution is symmetric
mean and standard deviation
Best descriptive statistics when distribution is skewed
median and IQR
value that describes a sample (ie: sample mean, sample standard deviation)
value that describes a population (ie: population mean, population standard deviation)
sampling distribution
the sampling distribution of a statistic is the distribution of values taken by the statistic in all possible samples of the same size from the same population
steps to create a sampling distribution
Take a larger number of samples from the same population
Calculate the p-hat or x-bar for each sample
Make a histogram of these values
Examine the distribution displayed in the histogram for overall pattern (shape), center, and spread
Bias versus Unbiased
If the sample is collected randomly, the mean of your sample should approach the mean of your population -- this is considered unbiased
as you take the many samples of a sampling distribution, the bigger the sample size of each sample, the closer each sample mean will be to the population mean (bigger sample = less variability)
Central Limit Theorem
The sampling distribution of the means from any population whatsoever (regardless of shape) will be normal provided the sample size of the individual samples is large enough (generally 30+)
Sample means
The mean of the x-bars (sample means) is an unbiased estimator of the population mean
Sampling distribution requirements
n is greater than or equal to 30 (sample size of each individual sample is n)
Sample proportions
mean of the sampling distribution of p-hat is p (therefore p-hat is an unbiased estimator of p)
Sample proportion requirements
np & n(1-p) is greater than or equal 10
1 proportion z-test
testing a hypothesis regarding the proportion of a single population -- looking for evidence to reject Ho and statistically support Ha
2 prop. z-test
testing a hypothesis regarding the equivalence of the proportions of two populations -- determining if the evidence shows statistically a difference of higher/lower value between the two proportions
1 & 2 prop z-test: step 1
hypothesis; null and alternative hypothesis, and defining the parameter(s)
1 prop. z-test: step 2
type and conditions
A) one-proportion z-test
B) conditions (1. SRS, 2. success and failures greater than or equal 10)
2 prop z-test: step 2
type and conditions
A) two-proportion z-test
B) conditions (1. SRS, 2. success and failures greater than or equal to 5, 3. fair to believe the two populations are independent of each other)
1 & 2 prop. z-test: step 3
calculations; z-score, p-value
1 & 2 prop. z-test: step 4
conclusion; “based on our evidence [p-value compared to significance level], we [reject/fail to reject] the null hypothesis, so there [is/isn’t] significant evidence to support the alternative hypothesis [in context].”
1 prop. z-interval
using sample proportion to estimate a range of values that are likely to contain the population proportion
2 prop. z-interval
using our sample proportions to estimate a range of values that are likely to contain the difference in population proportions
1 & 2 prop. z-interval: step 1
defining in a sentence the population value/ difference in proportions that we are hoping to estimate (ie: “estimate the true proportion”)
1 prop. z-interval: step 2
type and conditions
A) one proportion z-interval
B) conditions (1. SRS, 2. success and failures greater than or equal to 10)
2 prop. z-interval: step 2
type and conditions
A) one proportion z-interval
B) conditions (1. SRS, 2. success and failures greater than or equal to 5, 3. fair to believe the two populations are independent of each other)
1 & 2 prop. z-interval: step 3
calculation; (calculator or formula)
1 & 2 prop. z-interval: step 4
interpretation; “we are % confident that our interval (,_) contains the true proportion/difference in proportions of [parameter of interest]
Type I Error
Rejecting Ho when Ho is true
Type II Error
Rejecting Ha when Ha is true
The probability of accurately determining Ha as true
How can you increase power?
Increase n (the best option)
Increase a
Move Ho and Ha further apart
Decrease o
Calculator function: x → z → %
Calculator function: % → z → x
1 sample t-test
Testing a hypothesis regarding the mean of a single population -- looking for evidence to reject Ho and statistically support Ha
2 sample t-test
Testing a hypothesis regarding the equivalence of the means of two populations -- determining if the evidence shows statistically a difference or higher/lower value between the two means
1/2 sample t-test: step 1
null and alternative hypothesis, define the parameter
1 sample t-test: step 2
Types and Conditions:
A) 1-sample t-test
B) Conditions (1. SRS, 2. Normality)
2 sample t-test: step 2
Types and conditions:
A) 2-sample t-test
B) Conditions (1. SRS’s, 2. Normality, 3. Independence b/w)
1/2 sample t-test: step 3
test statistic
degree of freedom
1/2 sample t-test: step 4
conclusion; “based on our evidence [p-value compared to significance level], we [reject/fail to reject] the null hypothesis, so there [is/isn’t] significant evidence to support the alternative hypothesis [in context].”
1 sample t-interval
Using our sample mean to estimate a range of values that are likely to contain the population mean
2 sample t-interval
using our sample means to estimate a range of values that are likely to contain the difference in population means
1/2 sample t-interval: step 1
Defining the parameter we are estimating (“estimate the true mean/difference”)
1 sample t-interval: step 2
Type and conditions:
A) 1-sample t-interval
B) Conditions (1. SRS, 2. Normality)