Comparison of Stakeholders and Shareholders

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What is a Stakeholder?

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What is a Stakeholder?

A stakeholder is any individual or organisation that has a vested interest in the activities and decision-making of a business

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What are the features of a stakeholder?

  • Have an interest in the business- but do not own it

  • May work for (employees) or otherwise transact with the business

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What are the features of shareholders?

  • Own a business

  • May also work in the business

  • Benefit directly from increases in the value of the business

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What are the internal stakeholder?

They are closely connected to the organisation and their needs are likely to have a strong influence on an organisation

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What are the examples of internal stakeholders?

  • Owners

  • Shareholders

  • Employees

  • Managers

  • Trade union representatives

  • Members of work councils

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What are external stakeholder?

  • They have diverse needs and varying levels of influence on an organisation’s ability to. meet its objectives

  • Even though they are external to the organisation they still have a contractual relationship

  • They are sometimes known as ‘connected stakeholders’

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What are the examples of external stakeholders?

  • Customers

  • Competitors

  • Suppliers

  • Central and local government agencies and regulators

  • Pressure groups

  • Investors

  • Bankers

  • Creditors

  • Professional and Trade associations

  • The local community

  • The media

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What are primary stakeholders?

  • Those who are directly involved and affected, either positively or negatively, by an organisation’s actions

  • These people will have the power to influence and shape decisions

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What are secondary stakeholders?

  • They are the ‘intermediaries’ so the persons or organisations who are indirectly affected by an organisation’s actions

  • These people will have the power to influence and shape decisions

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What are key stakeholders?

They can either be primary or secondary stakeholders but will have significant influence upon, or within, an organisation

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