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exclusively (adv)
For only one particular person, group or use
Completely; without including anybody or anything else
compensate (v)
compensate (for something) to provide something good to balance or reduce the bad effects of damage, loss, etc.
SYNONYM make up for
đền bù
compensate (for something) to act in order to balance or correct something wrong or not normal
SYNONYM make up for
bù đắp, cân bằng
compensation (n)
compensation (for something) something, especially money, that somebody gives you because they have hurt you, or damaged something that you own; the act of giving this to somebody
khoản bồi thường
compensatory (adj)
intended to make up for something such as damage, loss, injury, etc.
balancing or reducing the bad effects of damage, loss, etc.
exclusive (adj)
only to be used by one particular person or group; only given to one particular person or group
(of a group, society, etc.) not very willing to allow new people to become members, especially if they are from a lower social class
of a high quality and expensive and therefore not often bought or used by most people
not including anything else
exclusive of somebody/something not including somebody/something
OPPOSITE inclusive
not able to exist or be a true statement at the same time as something else
bear a resemblance to (someone or something) (collocation)
To share similarities, especially in appearance, with somebody or something else
e.g The Tasmanian tiger bore a resemblance to a dog
superficial (adj)
Not studying or looking at something carefully or completely; seeing only what is obvious
Qua loa
e.g The book show only a superficial understanding of the historical context
Appearing to be true, real or important until you look at it more carefully
e.g When you first met her, she gives a superficial impression of warmth and friendliness
(Of a wound or damage) Only affecting the surface and therefore not serious
e.g superficial burns (vết bỏng ngoài da)
Not serious or important and not having any depth of understanding or feeling
e.g she’s so superficial
Of or on the surface of something
e.g a superficial deposit of acidic soils
superficiality (adv)
The fact that something is not obvious and only considers what is obvious
e.g Teacher criticized the superficiality of his writing
The fact that somebody/something is not serious or important and lacks any depth of understanding or feeling
e.g The superficiality and lovelessness of their relationship
superficially (adv)
In a way that appears to be true, real or important until you look at it more carefully
e.g The fruit superficially resembles a blackberry
Not carefully or completely; in a way that considers what is obvious
e.g A document of this length can only superficially address the topic
Not seriously or to a great degree; in a way that only affects the surface
e.g The indigenous culture was only superficially affected by the Roman invasion
In a way that is not serious or important and lacks any depths of understanding or feeling
e.g He interacted only superficially with his co-workers
carnivore (n)
động vật ăn thịt
carnivorous (adj)
Eating meat, consisting of meat
omnivore (n)
động vật ăn tạp
omnivorous (adj)
Eating all types of food, especially both plants and meat
Having wide interests in a particular area or activity
e.g She has always been a omnivorous reader
Herbivore (n)
động vật ăn thực vật
herbivorous (adj)
ăn thực vật
insectivore (n)
động vật ăn côn trùng
insectivorous (adj)
Ăn côn trùng
(Of a plant) able to capture and digest insects
distend (v)
To swell (= become larger and rounder than before) or make something swell because of pressure from inside
Trương phình, làm cho trương phình, phồng, làm phồng
e.g He tied a piece of cloth around his upper arm to impede circulation and distend the veins
distended (adj)
(Especially of part of the body) larger than normal due to pressure from inside
e.g Starving children with huge distended bellies
distension (n)
The fact of swelling because of pressure from inside
e.g Distension of the stomach
pursue (v)
Theo đuổi, cố gắng để đạt được cái gì, muốn chinh phục nó
e.g She wishes to pursue a medical career
To continue to discuss, find out about or be involved in something
e.g We have decided not to pursue the matter
Rượt đuổi, đuổi bắt
e.g Police pursued the car at high speed
pursuit (n)
The act of looking for or trying to get something
e.g pursuit of something The pursuit of happiness
in pursuit of something She travelled around the world in pursuit of her dreams
The act of following or going after somebody, especially in order to catch them
e.g in pursuit I galloped off my horse with Rosie in hot pursuit
Something that give your time and energy to, that you do as a hobby
pursuer (n)
kẻ rượt đuổi
pursuant (n)
Pursuant to something According to or following something, especially a rule or law
SYN in accordance with something
e.g A complaint was made pursuant to section 13 of the Act of 1987
pursuance (n)
In pursuance of something In order to do something, in the process of doing something
e.g They may need to borrow money in pursuance of their legal action
emerge (v)
To move out of or away from something and become possible to see
e.g The crabs emerge at low tide look for food
(Of facts, ideas) To become known
SYN transpire
e.g No new evidence emerged during the investigation
To start to exist; to appear or become known
e.g After the election, opposition group began to emerge
To survive a difficult situation or experience
e.g She emerged from the scandal with her reputation intact
emergence (n)
The fact of somebody/something moving out of or away from something and becoming possible to see
e.g The island’s emergence from sea 3000 years ago
The fact of starting to exist or becoming known for the first time
e.g The emergence of new technologies
coincide (v)
(Of two or more events) to take place at the same time
e.g The strike was timed to coincide with the party conference
(Of ideas, opinions) to be the same or very similar
e.g Our view on this issues coincide with yours
(Of objects, places) to meet, to share the same place
e.g At this point, the two paths coincide briefly
coincidence (n)
Sự trùng hợp bất ngờ
e.g It’s not a coincidence that none of the directors are women
coincident (adj)
trùng hợp
coincident (with something)
coincidental (adj)
tình cờ, trùng hợp
e.g I suppose your presence here today is not entirely coincidental
relentless (adj)
Not stopping, not getting less strong
SYN unrelenting
e.g Her relentless pursuit of perfection
The wind was relentless
Refusing to give up or be less strict or severe
e.g A relentless enemy
demise (n)
Kết thúc hoặc thất bại của công ty, tổ chức. viện nghiên cứu, …
e.g The war brought about the industry’s sudden demise