Types of Reactions, Electron Behavior, Waves
Strong Acids
HCl, HBr, HI, HClO4, HNO3, H2SO4
Strong Bases
G1 and G2 hydroxides
H2O, CH3OH (methyl alcohol), C2H5OH (ethyl alcohol), C12H22O11 (sucrose), most carbon compounds, covalent molecules
What makes acids/bases strong electrolytes?
they dissociate completely in solution
they are good conductors
What makes acids/bases weak electrolytes?
they only partially dissociate in solution
weak conductors
What makes things nonelectrolytes?
don’t dissociate at all in solution
are poor conductors
molarity (M) =
moles (n)/ volume (v)
ions carry _____
which is why strong electrolytes are good conductors
Arrhenius Definition of Acids and Bases
acid: makes protons in solution
base: makes hydroxide ions in solution
Bronsted-Lowry Definition of Acids and Bases
acid: makes protons in solution
base: accepts protons in solution
Lewis Definition of Acids and Bases
acid: accepts e-
base: donates e-
strong acids make higher [__] in solution
strong bases make higher [___] in solution
monoprotic acids
have 1 H+
diprotic acids
have 2 H+
tri-protic acids
have 3 H+
pH scale
<7: acidic
7: neutral (deionized water)
>7: basic
Higher pH =
stronger base
Lower pH =
stronger acid
hydroiodic acid
perchloric acid
sulfuric acid
hydrobromic acid
hydrochloric acid
nitric acid
phosphoric acid
hydroflouric acid
nitrous acid
acetic acid
sulfurous acid
hypochlorous acid
chlorous acid
chloric acid
neutralization reactions
acid + base = salt + H2O (l)
A: initial acid conc
B: buffer region ([acid]=[con base]
C: equivalence point [acid]=[base]
above C: end point
D:excess base present
graph with strong acid + strong base
point C (equivalence point) has pH of 7
graph with strong acid + weak base
point C (equivalence point) has pH of <7
graph with weak acid + strong base
point C (equivalence point) has pH of >7
indicator that turns pink in basic solution (so OH- ions are present)
the tendency of an atom to attract electrons
increases up a group and across a period
Oxidation # equals ______ in any neutral substance that contains atoms of only one element (O2)
Ox # equals ________ for ions that contain only one atom
the charge of the ion
Ox # of hydrogen is ____ when combined with a more electronegative element
Ox # of hydrogen is ____ when combined with a less electronegative element
Ox # of G1 and G2 are ____ and _____ respectively
+1 and +2
Ox # of oxygen is usually _____ unless it contains a single O-O bond, where it could be ____ (O2, O2-2, O3)
Ox # of G7 is usually ___ when bound to a less electronegative element
the sum of oxidation numbers for atoms in a neutral molecule is equal to ____
the sum of oxidation numbers in a polyatomic ion is equal to ______
the charge of the ion
the least electronegative atom in a molecule has a ______ oxidation number
the most positive oxidation number for an atom is often equal to _____
its group number
the most negative oxidation number for a nonmetal is calculated by _______
8- group #
Redox rxns
red: when the ox # of an atom becomes more negative/decr
ox: when the ox # of an atom becomes more positive/incr
reducing agents
does oxidation (gives e- to something else)
oxidizing agents
does reduction (receives the e-)
molarity and volume of dilutions
ka of strong acids
ka of weak acids
kb of strong bases
kb of weak bases
electrons behave as both _____ and _____
particles and waves
wavelength (λ)
the distance between two successive wave peaks
frequency (v)
the number of wave peaks that pass a given point per unit of time
the bottom part of a wave
the top of a wave
the height of a wave from maximum to the center
as λ incr,
v decr
as amplitude incr,
energy/intensity incr
gamma rays
can change how your DNA is wired, potentially causing cancer
is you can see red, it means that
green is absorbed and red is being reflected
humans can see between the wavelengths of
400-800 nm
λ x v =
3.00 e8 m/s
speed of light
h x v
6.626 e-34 J*s
Planck’s constant
work function
energy required to reject an e- from an atom of an element
diff freq =
diff energy
Bohr’s model of the atom only explains
closer to the nucleus =
more energy
electrons in a hydrogen atom travel
around the nucleus in a circular orbit
the energy of an electron in a given orbit is proportional to
its distance from the nucleus
it requires energy to move ____ and energy level
Can an e- be between energy levels?
only orbits with certain
energies are allowed
light is _____ when an electron moves to a higher energy level
this energy is equal to the diff between the energies of the two orbits
light is _____ when an electron moves to a lower energy level
this energy is equal to the diff between the energies of the two orbits
the lost energy is negligible
electrons are at
different energy levels
n1 is the lowest level
positive energy values
absorbing energy/ moving towards the nucleus
negative energy values
releasing energy/ moving away from the nucleus
Rydberg constant equation
1/λ = (1/m² - 1/n² ) x (1.097 e^-2 nm^-1)
higher orbit
lower orbit
λ =
h * v
higher amplitude =
higher intensity
6.626 e^-34 J * s
1 Hz=
1 s^-1
speed of light [c]
3 e^8 m/s
closer to nucleus=
higher energy