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standard error of statistic

Standard deviation of sampling distribution

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Big Three of Causality

  1. When X changed, Y also changed. If X changes and Y doesn't change, then we cannot assert that X causes Y.

  2. X happened before Y. If X happens after Y then X cannot cause Y.

  3. Nothing else besides X changed systematically.

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confidence intervals for comparing group proportions


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mean comparison of groups

t.test(response~group, data=df)
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Power for tests of difference of Means

power.t.test(n=100, delta=15, sd=30, sig.level = 0.05)
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Power for difference in Proportion

power.prop.test(n=200, p1=0.1, p2=0.15, sig.level = 0.05)
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How does power of the test affect sample size

increase, increase

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Interpret Bayesian Credible Interval

The probability that the true success rate is between qbeta(0.975, a, b) and qbeta(0.025, a, b) is .95

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Two forms of randomness required to ensure valid statistical results from an experiment

random selection and random assignment

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ANOVA to analyze A/B/n tests

numerical, difference of means

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Chi-squared test for A/B/n

binary, proportions

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Why do we need to use Tukey HSD test

it controls the type I error rate

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Probability of obtaining at least one type I error

1 - (1- alpha)^(number of tests performed)

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Basic Structure of a Randomized Complete Block Design

randomly assign order, every block has one replicate of the experiment (full repeat of an experiment)

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latin squares design

each treatment appears exactly once in each row and each column. The rows and columns each represent a blocking factor; the treatment is represented in the square.

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How does replication affect the mean square error

gives a better estimate by providing more degrees of freedom

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Why is replication important

estimate for the error and perform inference

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The effect of A on the response depends on the level of factor B

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Main effect

2 * coefficient

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Common cause variation

natural or background or random variability

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in control

only has common cause variation

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assignable cause variation

Other kinds of variability that represent unacceptable level of process performance

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basic framework of control chart

normal distribution; CL, UCL, LCL

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Define Measure Analyze Improve Control

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How to assess p chart for assignable cause

qcc(df$(response), df$size, type="p")

if the fraction nonconforming (defective) in a population is not in statistical control (between UCL and LCL)

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How to assess Xbar chart for assignable cause

qcc(df, type="xbar")

is sample to sample variability within the control limits

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How to assess R chart for assignable cause

qcc(df[,2:6], type="R")

is within subgroup variation stable

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