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what is Fred’s theory of personality
ID, Ego, Superego
Whet is the ID
From Birth-18 months
Unconscious biological drives and urges
Demands instant gratification
What is the Ego
18months- 3 years
Reduces conflict between demand of ID and superego
Uses defence mechanisms to cope with conflicting ideas
What is the Superego
3-6 years
Punishes ego through guilt but rewards ego with pride
Direct opposite of ID
What are the defence mechanisms
Repression, Denial, Displacement
What is Repression
Forcing a distressing memory out of the conscious mind
What is Denial
Refusing to acknowledge some aspect of reality
What is Displacement
Transferring feelings from true source of distressing emotion into a substitute target
What is the ice burg theory
Top of the iceberg is the conscious mind and is visible
Bottom of iceberg is the unconscious mind
Our everyday actions aren’t controlled consciously but are products conscious mind
What is the preconcious mind
contains thoughts and memories which aren’t in conscious mind but can be accessed if desired
What is the unconscious mind
Threatening memories that are locked away, forgotten
Accessed during dreams
Assumptions of Psychodynamic theory
Describes how unconscious mind influences behaviour
Personality is constructed by passage through psychosexual stages
Traumatic childhood experiences can lead to psychological disorders
What are the psychosexual stages
Freud said children must pass through all these stages to live a healthy life
Oral, anal, phalic, latency, genital
What is the Oedipus complex
Male child unconsciously develops sexual feelings for mother and hatred to father
Because of this desire, boy experiences anxiety from being punished by father so identifies with him
Happen in Phalic state (3-6yrs)
What is the Electra complex
Girls experience penis envy- they desire their father
They give up the desire for their father and place it with desire for a baby (identifying with mother)
Happens in phalic stage (3-6yrs)
What is a weakness of the psychodynamic approach- untestable concept
Karl popper said approach didn’t meet scientific criterion of falsification
It’s not open to empirical testing and possibility of being disapproved
Concepts like ID said to occur when unconscious, making them very difficult to test
Frauds ideas were based on study of individuals like little hans- hard to make universal claims about human behaviour
Suggests the psychodynamic theory is Pseudoscience (fake science) than a real science
What is a strength of the Psychodynamic approach- idea of psychotherapy
Freud brought new form of therapy- Psychoanalysis
It was the 1st attempt to treat mental disorders psychologically rather than physically
It uses range of techniques to access the unconscious like dream analysis
It claims to help client by burning their repressed emotions into their conscious mind so they can be dealt with
Shows the value of the psychodynamic approach in creating new approach to treatment
What is a counterpoint of the idea of psychotherapy
Psychoanalysis is inappropriate or harmful for people experiencing more serious mental disorders
Symptoms of schizophrenia like paranoia mean they have lost grip on reality
They can’t articulate their thoughts in the way required for psychoanalysis
Suggests Freudian therapy may not apply to all mental disorders
What is a strength of psychodynamic approach- ability to explain human behaviour
It had a huge influence on psychology
was a key force in psychology for first half of with century and used to explain range of phenomena (personality development, gender identity)
Suggest it’s had a positive impact on psychology
What is the Little Hans study
5yr old boy Hans developed fear of horses after seeing one collapse
Greys said his fear was a form of displacement where his repressed fear of his dad was displaced onto horses
Weakness of little Hans study
Limited support of Oedipus complex as boys father gave Freud details of study
He was familiar with Oedipus complex so could have influenced the info he gave to Freud