Piaget's discipline name
Genetic Epistemology
Genetic Epistemology
origin of knowledge
example of assimilation
a baby sees a "big black dog" but it is actually a bear
Accommodation Cognitive Change
changing cognitive structures based on an interaction with the environment. It is when you encounter something new that changes your view on the world
Example of Accommodation Cognitive change
baby sees bear and thinks its a big black dog but then bear stands on two legs and baby realizes dogs don't do that letting the baby know its a bear
Equilibrium Cognitive Change
dirves development
balance between assimilation and accommodation
someone can change their view but they don't always need to
Cognitive Structures: Schemes
thought that underlie actions
merge together and get more organized and complicated
eventually turn into logical reasoning around mid childhood
Cognitive Structures: Operations
gets more complex
becomes abstract
What world view does Piaget have?
Organismic world view
Organismic world View
believe in goal of balance, equilibrium, drives development
development is active
there are qualitative changes
development is predictable
Sensorimotor: Reflexive schemes take place when
birth- 6 weeks
Sensorimotor: Reflexive Schemes
Newborn reflexes basis of sensorimotor intelligence
think with their eyes, ears, hands
In what stage of Sensorimotor do first learned adaptations appear?
Primary Circular Reactions
Sensorimotor: Primary Circular Reactions take place when
1-4 months
In what stage of Sensorimotor do reflexes become voluntary actions
Primary Circular Reactions stage
In what stage of Sensorimotor are circular reactions primary ?
Primary Circular Reactions
In what stage of Sensorimotor are circular reactions body focused?
Primary Circular Reactions
Assimilation Cognitive Change
you take things based on your existing cognitive structures and see the environment based on what you already know about the world
In what stage of Sensorimotor are circular reactions secondary?
Secondary Circular reactions
Sensorimotor: Secondary Circular reaction takes place when?
4-10 months
What stage to babies manipulate objects in the environment ?
Secondary Circular Reactions
What stage do toys with different noises and textures become engaging for babies?
Secondary Circular Reactions
What Stage do circular reactions become more complex?
Coordination of Secondary Circular Reactions
When does coordination of secondary circular reaction take place?
8-12 months
What stage does the child have a combination of schemes and solving problems
Coordination of secondary circular reactions
What stage does a child understand that objects continue to exist when they are out of sight
Coordination of secondary circular reactions
When does tertiary circular reactions happen?
12-18 months
In what stage does a child repeat actions over and over with variations
Tertiary circular reaction
When does mental representation stage happen
18 months to 2 years
At what stage do internal images of absent objects and past events occur (displaced reference)
Mental Representation
When can a toddler solve problems through symbolic meaning rather than trial and error?
Mental Representation
What stage permit make-believe play?
Mental Representation
When do sensorimotor periods of cognitive development occur?
birth to 2 years
When does the preoperational period of cognitive development occur
2-7 years
What characteristics are the main focus of Preoperational Cognitive Development?
Centration, Irreversibility, Egocentrism, Intuitive Reasoning
Centration (piaget)
when a child focuses on one aspect of a problem
Irreversibility (Piaget)
children have irreversibility in their thinking
Egocentrism (piaget)
Children grow up thinking they're the center of attention because at home they are
Intuitive Reasoning (piaget)
make-believe games
Language development takes off here
Animism Example
baby sees a baby doll in the washing machine and cries because it thinks the doll will get hurt
When does Concrete Operational Cognitive Development happen?
7-11 years
Concrete Operational Cognitive Development
Conservation develops
coordination of spatial systems develops
reversibility in thinking
When does formal operational cognitive development begin
11 years and on
Formal Operational Cognitive Development
Hypothetical Reasonings
they start thinking like scientists
propositional reasoning
reflective thinking
Reflective thinking (formal operational Cognitive development)
A child thinks back to something that happened and how to make it happen again or to avoid it
Limitations (Formal Operational Cognitive Development)
A child becomes the star of their own movie
children become self conscious and worry about what others think about them
What does Vygotsky focus on when it comes to development?
Focuses on interactions with others and sees knowledge as a negotiated human construct
Who is contextual and who is organismic (piaget and Vygotsky)
Contextual - vygotsky organismic - piaget
Vygotsky thinks thought is ________________ by parents, teachers, siblings etc
What are the four levels of development? (Vygotsky)
Phylogenic, Historical, Ontogenetic, Micro genesis
Phylogenic Development
How did language come about
How did we evolve as humans
whether competition or cooperation drove development
Historical Development
How tools are developed and how they change the way we think and feel about the world
Example his how cellphones change the way we think and communicate
Oncogenic Development
Individual Development
Micro Genesis development
Development of a skill
Zone of Proximal Development
this is where development happens
learning and schooling should be set up to allow ZPD interactions to happen so example is working in smaller groups
supported help; help but not too much
example is when a kid is learning to write and you put your hand over there to guide them
Miller's experiment on language
Did an experiment with english speaking kids and with chinese speaking kids. Chinese kids were able to count higher than english speaking because of how the language is
__________ Work is encouraged because it enhances learning for everyone
Sounds of language like boom
Morphemes (Strange example)
strange is root word one morpheme stranger is two morphemes strangers is there
When does baby cooing occur
2-4 months
How does cooing start out then progress
starts out as just sounds but then becomes more social
when does baby Babbling occur
4+ months and it is breath vowel sounds
Baby Jargon example
video of baby and dad talking about a football game where the baby talks in his own language and the father pretends to understand
When does a babies first word generally appear
12-13 months
Holophrase (baby talk)
A sentence worth of meaning into one single word Example: dog can mean look at the dog
A babies first word is normally a ...
How early and how late can a baby talk
as early as 9 months and as late as 17 months (more than 17 months is concerning)
When do two word utterances occur
18-24 months
When do babies begin speaking in normal sentences?
3 years +
By the first time a babies first word appears, how many other words do they understand?
about 100
when parents speak more animated. They are repetitive and have a higher pitch voice and louder
Overextension form of talking
taking a word and using it over extensively
for example using dog for any animal that walks on four legs
Underextension form of talking
only using the word dog to describe your dog and no other dog
Overregulation form of talking
kids start changing the rules of language once they understand it.
Example of Overregulation form of talking
a kid uses the word ran but then changes the rules and uses runned cause they know -ed us past tense
Chomsky's belief
We become biologically prepared to accept the structure of language
Who believed we came with Language Acquisition Device (LAD)
The Lennerberg Hypothesis
we have a critical period of language development between infancy and puberty which is when language develops most easily
broad period and children can't learn outside of this critical period
The Wug Experiment
Scientist came up with nonsense words that the kids have never heard before
showed a little bird and called it a wug then showed multiple little birds and the kids called it wugs
What did the wug experiment show?
Showed that language isn't simply imitation
What form of communication appears earlier than first words?
Sign language would appear at around 8 months because it provided real life connections to the word the kid was signing.
Koko the ape
ape with the largest sign vocabulary
was in playboy magazine
used sign language to communicate, mainly to deceive and insult people
Characteristics of an Easy Child
very predictable
Doesn't mind change
high threshold
cheerful mood
Characteristics of a Difficult Child
high motor activity
rhythmicity is unpredictable (never know when their hungry, sleepy, etc.)
cry a lot
short attention span
Characteristics of a slow-to-warm-up child
takes long to get used to things
low motor activity
basically the middle of a difficult and easy child
The Goodness-of-fit model
developed by Alexander Thomas and Stella Chess
it's important if your babies personality fits with yours
Freud on Attachment
believed babies were the oral stage of development
babies felt provided for by whoever fed them
Importance of Touch experiment
monkey's were isolated and some weren't
it was noticed that those who were isolated began biting their fingers and toes or attacking other monkeys when put together
those given pretend mothers developed better
What is Kangaroo Care?
premature babies are normally placed in isolations but kangaroo care is where the parents hold their babies instead which was proven to help development
Bowlby's Ethological Theory
Preattachment phase
attachment in the making phase
clear-cut attachment phase
formation and reciprocal relationships
When is the Preattachment Phase?
Birth to 6 weeks
What happens during the preattachment phase
babies aren't too attached when they're born which is why bowlby believes it is important for mothers to be very responsive so that these babies develop the trust
doesn't agree with watson because watson says no attention
agrees with erikson's trust vs mistrust
When does the attachment in the making phase take place?
6 weeks to 6-8 months
What is the Attachment in the Making phase?
babies begin to recognize their family members and begin to develop recognizable patterns
they are generally happy and show less stranger anxiety
When does the Clear-cut attachment phase occur?
6-8 months to 18-24 months
What is the clear-cut attachment phase?
babies seek proximity to their family and their parents
begin to show separation distress
show stranger anxiety especially in new environments
try to understand the world by checking in with their parents
When does the formation and reciprocal relationships phase happen?
18-24 months and on
What is the formation and reciprocal relationship phase?
this is when babies develop more autonomy and separate themselves from the environment more
they do things for themselves but know the parent will be there when needed
reduction in separation and stranger anxiety because they know the parent is coming back so they don't get as upset
Spitz: "Failure to Thrive"
two sets of children: one where they received care but didn't know from who and others who were raised by their mothers in prison
those raised in prison developed better because they got to experience the relationship with their caretaker