What chapter is the battle on Mt Caramel
1 Kings 18
What chapter does Sennachrib lay siege to Jerusalem
2 Kings 18-20
What chapter did Isaiah receive his call
Isaiah 6
Suffering servant songs
Isaiah 53
Jeremiahs letter to the exiles in Babylon
Jeremiah 29
YHWH marriage to Israel is found
Ezekiel 16 and 23
Lady Wisdom
Proverbs 8
Ecclesiastes 3
A time for everything
Rhetorical Criticism
Focuses on the use of words and concepts that develop an author's argument within a book
Canonical Criticism
Focuses on the final form of a book and it's placement in the canon (brevard childs)
Form Criticism
Determines the forms and patterned literary units used to compose the biblical text and determine their original "setting in life" (Herman Grunkel)
begins and ends with the same words or phrase
Hebrew scripture formed from initials letters of the three parts of the Hebrew canon. Torah, Nevi'im, Kethuvim
Last of three major divisions in Bible. Ruth, psalms, job, proverbs, Ecclesiastes, songs of Solomon, lamentations, Daniel, Esther, Ezra, Nehemiah, chronicles
a hymn or song from the Bible
Claims throne w support of Joab and abiathar. Last son of David who was executed by Solomon
David's nurse, last wife
Goes against law of God and purchases Samaria; starts northern kingdom. Dynasty with ahab and his father
Tells David a story to confront him; prophet who challenges david
Takes reign over Omri; Omri's son marries jezebel
Rebuilt the capital of northern kingdom. Witnessed split of the kingdom, first king of Northern kingdom
Wicked wife of Ahab
Only good king of Israel. Kills ahabs descendants. Anointed by elisha.
Tigalth-Pileser III
Comes to throne 745. Revives bro-Assyrian empire and meets Judah and Israel
Assyrian king from 705-681. 701- bro-Assyrian ruler Judah because hezekiah rebels
715-686. Rebels against Syria. King of Judah and God extends his life 15 years. 2 Kings 18-21
Longest reign in history of Judah (698-643). Captured and sent to Assyria. Wicked song, caused more bloodshed Bc of his sin, cause Judah in exile
Moved into power vacuum as Assyria declined. Tries to stop pharaoh necho. Killed at Megiddo in 609. Last reforming king. Godly guy
Pharaoh Necho
Helps Josiah's enemy. Kills Josiah.
Come to throne after Jehoiakim dies. 2nd exile king in 597. Released from prison in 561
587 rebels and causes the downfall of Jerusalem in 586. Last king of Judah. Rebelled against nebuchadnezzar.
Conquered Jerusalem. Neo-Babylon empire. Book of Daniel. Dies in 562. 597 deports Ezekiel and many others
Antiochus Epiphanes IV
Oppressed Israel. 2 successive invasions of Egypt. Died in battle in Persia. 164 death. Beginning of Hanukkah. Greeks defeated by Jews
Tobias and sanballat
Non Jewish leaders that oppose Nehemiah's building if the wall. Bad guys. Arrive as governors
Potential author of ester. Important man in capital city of Susa/Shushan. Esters cousin. Jew. Fued w haman Bc he refused to bow before him
Seeks the king to destroy all Jews. Bad guy
Second century Jewish fam that dominated political scene of Israel durning intertestamental period. The father, mattathias, was followed by his sons, the most famous of which was Judas who led Maccabean revolt of Jews against Greeks. Liberate Jews from antichous-pileses
Two kings the north and south kingdom were measured by
David and jeroboam
Common patterns in Kings
He did what was evil/right in the sight of the lord
Southern Kingdom, capital Jerusalem
Northern Kingdom. Capital Samaria
1 and 2 a kings spans how many years
Kings author
Deuteronomistic History
Joshua, Judges, Samuel, Kings. Hebrew former prophets
Kings proves
Word of prophets come true
Solomons downfall
Deut. 17:14-20 His multiplying of horse, wives, gold, etc.
Rival religion in Israel
-Jeroboam 1 = calf worship in Dan and Bethel
Reason for rapid dynasty changes in northern kingdom
Idolatry of the north so God didn't bless them
Elisha's double portion
Rights of the firstborn or twice as many miracles
Prophetic pattern
Pre 8th cen- God-prophet-king-people Post 8th cen- God-prophet-people
Major Prophets
Isaiah, Jeremiah, Ezekiel, Daniel
Future oriented
proclaiming a message for the present
Prophet names
Seer(1 Sam 9), Watchman(Ezekiel), Man of God(Kings), Messenger of YHWH
Author of Lamentations
Jeremiah. Fits historical setting. Weeping tones
Purpose of Lamentations
Why a nations capital was destroyed Prove stronger gods Ones own gods behind attack
Babylonian prophets/writers
Ezekiel and Daniel
Ezekiel s living beings
Lion, bull, eagle, man. Can represent Babylonian gods
Jeremiahs message to Jerusalem
Surrender to Babylon. There is hope in YHWH.
Ezekial's message
Exile will be long
Prophecy vs Apocalyptic
linear vs. in breaking of God to do away with history
Theme of hosea
Don't marry unfaithful woman. Baal worship
Theme of Joel
Locust plague. Pentecost
Theme of amos
social justice, vinedresser, shepherd
Theme of Obadiah
Edom bad
Theme of jonah
Nineveh repents
Theme of Micah
Let justice rule and right motives
Theme of Nahum
Destruction of Nineveh
Theme of Habakkuk
Justice of God
Theme of Zephaniah
The Day of the Lord
Theme of Haggai
Rebuilding the temple. Post exilic
Theme of Zechariah
Rebuild temple. Post exilic
Theme of Malachi
Court cases and forerunner. Post exilic
Oracles against the nations
Sovereignty of YHWH . Hubris of nations, justice to YHWH. Evil will be judged Evil influences on Israel Hope for Israel
Three main types of parallelism
Synonymous, Antithetical, Synthetic
Job deals with
Theodicy- how could a good God allow evil
Psalms is the Hebrew...
Hymn book
Proverbs is the Hebrew...
Job setting
Patriarchal period
Structure of proverbs
Begins and ends with female imagery/figures (an inclusio)
Ruth(Pentecost), Song of Songs(Passover), Ecclesiastes(tabernacle), Lamentations(mourning fall of Jerusalem), Ester(casting of lots(Purim))
Qoheleth. Destination vs journey
Song of Solomon
The strongest emotion, human love, had to be addressed by wisdom writers
1 and 2 Chronicles
White washed history. Davadic monarchy
1 chronicles goes with
1 and 2 Samuel
2 Chronicles goes with
1 and 2 Kings
Reason for exile according to chronicles
Unfaithful to covent Failed to listen to prophets So land would have sabbath rest
The centrality of religion in Chronicles
YHWH, priests and Levites are central, 2) YHWH is the deliverer in battles, 3) Fasting and prayer is key to these victories and for answers to problems
Ezra focused on
The Law and Temple
What language replaced Hebrew in post exilic
Aramaic then Greek
Ester message
God won't tolerate anti-Jewish hostility
Who put northern kingdom in exile
Who put southern kingdom in exile
Who related Jews in 538
King Cyrus of Persia
Order of world empires
Assyrian, Babylonian, Persian, Greek, Roman
Prosperous northern king during the ministries of Amos, Jonah and Hosea was
Jeroboam II
Lasted mentioned king In 2 Kings
Which is not a characteristic of apocalyptic literature
Received by prophet
Which is not an Oracle against the nations
Israel is not stronger then the nations
Where does Micah talk abt messiah
Bethlehem; 5:2