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movement of drawing away from the middle
destruction of abnormal or excessive tissue by melting, vaporizing or eroding
termination of pregnancy by expulsion from uterus of an embryo
scraping away of the skin
abruptio placentae
premature separation of the placenta from the uterine wall
collection of pus
inflammatory disease of the skin involving the sebaceous glands and hair follicles
acoustic neuroma
benign tumor within the internal auditory canal growing from the acoustic nerve
acquired immune deficiency syndrome
A disease caused by HIV and interferes with cellular immunity lowering resistance to infection and malignancy.
describing a disease of sudden onset
movement of drawing toward the middle
abnormal growing together of two surfaces that are normally separated
without fever
passageway by which air enters and leaves the lungs or mechanical device used to keep the air passageway unobstructed
placing of portions of a fractured bone into correct anatomical position
environmental substance capable of producing an immediate hypersensitivity in the body
physician who studies and treats allergic conditions
hypersensitivity to a substance
Alzheimer's disease
progressive disease that destroys memory and thinking skills and eventually simple tasks
reduced vision in one eye caused by disease or misuse
able to walk, not confined to bed
removal of a limb or portion of a limb
absence of pain
a life-threatening reaction to a previously encountered antigen
surgical connection between two normally distinct structures
reduction in the amount of red blood cells in the blood
ballooning of weakened portion of arterial wall
surgical excision of an aneurysm
angina pectoris
chest pain, frequently radiating to left arm and jaw due to ischemia
anorexia nervosa
eating disorder characterized by a disturbed perception of body image resulting in failure to maintain body weight,
drug that targets microorganisms to kill or halt growth or replication
substance produced by lymphocytes that inactivates or destroys antigens
agent that slows down the clotting process
a substance that triggers an immune response when introduced into the body
Apgar score
system for rapid neonatal assessment at a 1 minute and 5 minutes after birth
apical pulse
using a stethoscope to auscultate the pulse rate at the heart
any disturbances or abnormality in the normal heart's rhythm
arterial blood gases
test performed on arterial blood to determine levels of O2, CO2 ,and other gases
artificial cardiac pacemaker
battery-powered apparatus implanted under the skin with leads placed on the heart
artificial insemination
introduction of semen into the vagina by artificial means
abnormal collection of fluid in the peritoneal cavity
deprivation of oxygen for tissue use; suffocation
to withdraw fluid or to suction or to draw foreign material into respiratory tract
respiratory disease characterized by bronchospasms causing paroxysms of shortness of breath
defective curvature of the refractive surface of the eye
pertaining to both sides being unequal
both sides unequal
lack of coordination
collapsed lung or portions of a lung
atrial fibrillation
a cardiac arrhythmia characterized by rapid electrical impulses in atria
atrial fibrillation ablation
procedure in which abnormal cells that trigger atrial fibrillation are destroyed by using a device that heats or freezes the cells
attention deficit hyperactivity disorder
brain disorder characterized by inattention, hyperactivity, and/or impulsivity that interferes with functioning
act of listening to body sounds with a stethoscope
developmental disorder characterized by difficulty with social interaction, communication, and repetitive behavior
autoimmune disease
disease caused by the body's inability to distinguish its own cells from foreign bodies, thus producing antibodies that attack its own tissue
single-celled microorganisms that reproduce by cell division and may cause infection by invading body tissue
bariatric surgery
surgical reduction of gastric capacity to treat morbid obesity
barium enema
series of x-ray images taken of the large intestine after a barium enema has been administered
Bell palsy
paralysis of muscles on one side of the face caused by inflammation of facial nerve
not malignant, non-current, favorable for recovery
benign prostatic hyperplasia
non-cancerous excessive development of the prostate gland
removal of living tissue from body - viewed under microscope
bipolar disorder
major psychological disorder typified by a disturbance in mood; disorder is manifested by manic and depressive episodes
blood pressure
pressure exerted by blood against the blood vessel walls
blood urea nitrogen
test that measures amount of urea in blood used to determine kidney function; when increased indicates kidney failure
bone marrow biopsy
procedure to obtain a sample of bone marrow usually from the ilium for study
bone marrow transplant
infusion of healthy bone marrow cells to a recipient with matching cells from a donor
breast cancer
malignant tumor of the breast
breech presentation
parturition in which the buttocks, feet, or knees emerge first
agent causing narrowing of the bronchi
agent causing the bronchi to widen
bulimia nervosa
eating disorder characterized by uncontrolled binge eating followed by purging
abnormal enlargement of the joint at the base of the great toe,
capsule endoscopy
visual examination of a hollow organ with the use of a capsule that is swallowed
carcinoma in situ
cancer in the early stage before invading surrounding tissue
cardiac arrest
sudden cessation of cardiac output & effective circulation which requires CPR
cardiac catheterization
catheter into heart via a blood vessel to determine cardiac disease
cardiopulmonary resuscitation
emergency procedure consisting of artificial ventilation & external cardiac massage
carpal tunnel syndrome
a common painful disorder of the wrist
clouding of the lens of the eye
flexible, tube-like device for withdrawing or instilling fluids
destruction of tissue with a hot or cold instrument, electric current, or caustic substance
celiac disease
autoimmune disease of malabsorption caused by an immune reaction to gluten which may damage the lining of the small intestine
inflammation of skin and subcutaneous tissue caused by infection, leading to red, swelling, and fever
cephalic presentation
parturition in which any part of the head emerges first
cerebral aneurysm
aneurysm in the thinking part of the brain
cerebral embolism
moving blood clot in the cerebrum
cerebral palsy
condition characterized by lack of muscle control and partial paralysis caused by a brain defect or lesion present at birth or shortly after
cerebrospinal fluid
clear watery fluid that fills the space between the arachnoid membrane and the pia mater
cerebrovascular accident
loss of blood to the brain caused by cerebral thrombus, embolism or hemorrhage (stroke)
cervical cancer
malignant tumor of the cervix
cesarean section
the birth of a baby through an incision in the mother's abdomen and uterus
obstruction of an oil gland of the eyelid; also called meibomian cyst
treatment of cancer by using drugs
chest computed tomography
computerized radiographic images of the chest performed to diagnose tumors, abscesses and pleural effusion
chest radiograph
a radiographic image of the chest used to evaluate the lungs and the heart
therapy that consists of manipulation of the vertebral column
specialist in therapy consiting of manipulation of vertebral column