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Critical Path
longest path from start to finish
Earliest start time = max[EF times of all activities immediately preceding activity]
Latest start time = LF – t
Earliest finish time = ES + t
Latest finish time = min[LS times of all activities immediately following activity]
subtraction of either LatestStart - EarliestStart or LatestFinish - EarliestFinish
turning inputs into outputs
Backward integration
owning and controlling entities upstream (earlier on in the chain → strawberry farms, dairy farms)
Forward Integration
owning and controlling entities downstream (closer to the consumer → food trucks, deli restaurants)
4 Costs of Quality
External failure, Internal failure, Appraisal, Prevention
Causes of Variation: Common Causes
(completely unavoidable)
purely random; unidentifiable factors
e.g. diameter varies by 0.0001 in.
Causes of Variation: Assignable Causes
(the real reason why; to investigate)
Variation-causing factors that can be identified
e.g. poorly trained employee
Types of Variable Charts (continuous numerical data)
R-charts, xbar-charts
Types of Attribute Charts (discrete numerical data)
p-charts, c-charts
Variables (to measure performance)
weight, length, volume, or time
Variable Data Examples
How long did the customer wait? What was diameter of the pizza? Temp of food? Weight of chicken?
Attributes (to measure performance)
yes-no counts (yes, defect or no defect)
Attribute Data Examples
Food sent back to kitchen? Bill correct or not? Did food leave the kitchen < 147 degrees? Was the pizza larger than 12 in?
Statistical Process Control
Step 1: Calculating X-bar & R-Chart UCL & LCL
within each sample (will either be by row or by column), calculate the range and the average
Step 2: Calculating X-bar & R-Chart UCL & LCL
then calculate the average of all sample ranges and averages to compute x-bar and R-bar
Step 3: Calculating X-bar & R-Chart UCL & LCL
based on n (aka sample size), identify A2, D3, D4 values on the chart to be used in the formulas
What makes a process out of control
run = is when you have 5 consecutive sample points either to the upperside or lowerside of your nominal value
reached past UCL or LCL
Using Control Charts for Process Improvement
Sample the process
Find the assignable cause
Eliminate the problem
Repeat the cycle
Variable charts involve ____ measurements
Attribute charts involve measuring by ____
counting the # of defects
R-bar & X-bar charts _____
have to be done together
p-charts & c-charts _____
are less expensive $$$ than other charts
p-bar =
total defectives / total observations
c-chart UCL & LCL steps
calculate average number of defects per item (total defects observed / total # of observed items) = c-bar
take c-bar + z (whatever sigma, ex 3) * sqrt c-bar = UCL
take c-bar - z (whatever sigma, ex 3) * sqrt c-bar = LCL
What makes c-Charts different?
c-Charts: defects on one unit (e.g. how many scratches are on one piece of plexiglass (c = 4)
Six Sigma Quality: DMAIC Cycle
D - Define
M - Measure
A - Analyze
I - Improve
C - Control
WBS stands for ____
Work Breakdown Structure
5 Steps to Planning Projects
Define work breakdown structure
Diagram the network
Develop the schedule
Analyze cost-time trade-offs
Assess risks
WBS First Level (after starting a business)
WBS Second Level
WBS Third Level
AON stands for
EOQ (an Inventory Model) stands for ____
Economic Order Quantity
The Q System (an Inventory Model) is the _____
Continuous Review System
Aspects of the Continuous Review (Q) System
constant lead times introduced now
two models
certain demand and uncertain demand
Inventory position (IP) = OH (on hand inventory) + SR (scheduled receipts) - BO (backorders)
Continuous Review → continuously checking IP after every withdrawal….
if IP > R do not place an order
if IP <= R, place an order of size Q
Eg walmart checkout
(R means Reorder point)
The P System (an Inventory Model) is the _____
Periodic Review System
Aspects of Periodic Review (P) Systems
Fixed interval reorder system (order once a week or month)
Q may vary with each order
IP reviewed periodically instead of continuously, new order after every review
TBO (Time Between Orders) fixed at P
Periodic Review → Only check your inventory position after every P time periods…
Always place an order of size Qt = T - IPt
Comparatively, P Systems (single-bin system)
convenient to administer
orders may be combined
IP only required at review
Comparatively, Q Systems (two-bin system)
individual review frequencies
possible quantity discounts
lower, less-expensive safety stocks
What is the average cost of inventory?
30-35% of product’s value (about 1/3)
Examples of Pressures for High Inventory
Customer Service/On-Time delivery, Quantity discounts, Transportation costs, Setup & Ordering costs, Supplier’s prices about to increase
Examples of Pressures for Low Inventory
Pilferage (stealing), Storage and handling costs, Obsolescence (becomes obsolete soon, short product lifetime), Interest or opportunity cost, Insurance on assets, End of year taxes
Is inventory bad?
Not necessarily
Physical Inventory
Raw materials, component parts, work in process (WIP), finished goods
Conceptual Inventory
Cycle Inventory
Safety Stock Inventory
Anticipation Inventory
Pipeline Inventory
EOQ Assumption: Demand rate is ____
EOQ Assumption: No constraints on ____
lot size (Q) --- any size Q is possible!
EOQ Assumption: Only costs are _____
holding (storing an item) and ordering (administrative costs)
EOQ Assumption: Decisions for items are _____
independent (no correlation between different products; we’re just ordering final products)
EOQ Assumption: No uncertainty in _____
lead time or supply
Lead Time =
Time between placing an order and receiving it
Lot sizing
Two Decisions:
When to order?
How much to order?
Cycle Inventory
saw-tooth diagram (max Q units, min 0 units)
Safety Stock Inventory
Protects against uncertainties in demand, lead time, and/or supply
Operations not disrupted
Avoid customer service problems
Place order earlier than needed
Anticipation Inventory
Absorbs uneven rates of demand
Predictable, seasonal demand patterns
Anticipating supplier strike
Stockpile during low demand
Pipeline Inventory
Inventory moving from point to point in material flow system
eg parts traveling on trucks (inbound)
eg materials moving between operations (within plant)
eg finished goods shipped to distribution center (outbound)
ABC Analysis
Classifying inventory to best manage it
Class A: 20% of the items make up 80% of the total dollar value (TVs in the back; protect them)
Class B: 30% of the items make up like 25%
Class C: 50% of the items make up like 5%
Holding cost _____ as Lot Size (Q) increases
Holding cost increases
Ordering cost _____ as Lot Size (Q) increases
ordering cost decreases
Total cost ____ as Lot Size (Q) increases
Total cost decreases initially, then increases (like a Nike swoosh)
EOQ Variables are
D = Annual Demand
Q = Lot Size
S = Cost of Setup Ordering Cost (?)
H = Holding cost
Aspects of a Push System
Production trigger is based on forecasts or desired inventory levels
No bounds on inventory
When to use a Push system?
Example: Convenient store (inventory has built up; waiting for you to buy it, based off of forecasts)
Long setups (spread the costs over the course of the setup) & Variety of products (will have to produce an array of colors in batches to offer customers)
Aspects of a Pull System
Production trigger is actual consumption of inventory
Imposes a bound on inventory
Eg. Kanban
When to use a Pull system?
Small setups & Few product lines
Example: custom cakes
Visual display to decrease throughput time e.g. must have 3 in your inbox, 0 in your outbox to start working (airplane example)
Idle time
sitting waiting for a unit
Cycle time
time in between finished goods getting off the assembly line
Supply Chain
Two or more parties linked by a flow of material, information, & money, often global in scope
order variation increases as you go upstream towards the supplier
Supplier → M → R → Customer (looks like a bullwhip with the handle at the customer and the wavy end of variability is at the supplier)
downstream is going → to the customer, upstream is going to the supplier <-
when you run out of a product, you will no longer be selling the product anymore
Ran out of a product but eventually are going to fulfill the order
(cumulation of these would be a backlog)
Center of Gravity
Determine x and y coordinates in the middle (may not be feasible right at this point but start there and go out)
x* and y*
example: where you pinpoint the starting point to the realtor
Load-distance score
Select site that minimizes distances “loads” must travel
Horizontal Pattern of Demand
Data cluster about a horizontal line as time progresses
Trend Pattern of Demand
Data consistently increase or decrease
Seasonal Pattern of Demand
Data consistently show peaks and valleys
Cyclical Pattern of Demand
Data reveal gradual increases and decreases over extended periods
Time-Series Methods
Simple moving averages
Weighted moving averages
Exponential smoothing
Simple Moving Average
Dt = actual demand in period t
n = total number of periods in the average
F t+1 = forecast for period t + 1
Weighted Moving Average
weights on historical demand (weight more recent demand more heavily, lowering
more control
Ft+1 = forecasted demand for period t + 1
Dt = actual demand in period t
Wi = assigned weight
Exponential Smoothing
forecasting software
really strong results
Ft+1 = forecasted demand for period t + 1
Dt = actual demand in period t
sigma = smoothing parameter
Trend-Adjusted Exponential Smoothing
At = exponentially smoothed average of the series in period t
Tt = exponentially smoothed average of the trend in period t
sigma, Beta = smoothing parameters
= Cumulative Forecast Error
A measurement of the total forecast error that assesses the bias in a forecast.
if CFE is negative, we are overestimating
asses bias
= Mean Squared Error
measure of variability
Square Error = error ^2
A measurement of the dispersion of forecast errors.
Square Error
= error ^2
= Mean Absolute Deviation
another indication of variability
Absolute Error = ABS(Actual - Predicted)
A measurement of the dispersion of forecast errors.
Absolute Error
= ABS(Actual - Predicted)
= Mean Absolute Percent Error
average of the absolute percent errors; telling us amount of error relative to the size of demand
Absolute % Error = (Absolute Error / ACTUAL DEMAND) * 100%
big deal to be off by 10 diamonds at a small jewelry store versus 10 cotton balls at a large manufacturing plant
Absolute % Error
= (Absolute Error / ACTUAL DEMAND) * 100%
Difference between actual and predicted
Error relative to size of demand is related to _____
MAPE (Mean Absolute Percent Error)