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a collection of cells of the same type that perform a common function
4 types of tissue
connective, muscular, nervous, epithelial
connective tissue
binds and supports tissue parts
muscular tissue
moves the body and its parts
nervous tissue
conducts nerve impulses
epithelial tissue
covers body surfaces; lines body cavities
three components of connective tissue
specialized cells, ground substance, and protein fibers
ground substance
noncellular material between the cells
three types of protein fibers
collagen, reticular, and elastic fibers
collagen fibers
flexible and strong
reticular fibers
thin, highly branched collagen fibers
elastic fibers
contain elastin, a protein that stretches and recoils
three types of connective tissue
fibrous, supportive, and fluid
fibrous connective tissue; two forms
loose and dense
loose fibrous connective tissue
includes areolar connective tissue, reticular connective tissue, and adipose tissue
dense fibrous connective tissue
found in tendons and ligaments
t/f loose fibrous connective tissue supports epithelium and many internal organs
two major types of supportive connective tissue
cartilage and bone
3 cartilage types
hyaline, elastic, and fibrocartilage
hyaline cartilage
fine collagen fibers; found in the tip of the nose, ends of long bones and the fetal skeleton
elastic cartilage
lots of elastic fibers; found in the outer ear
strong collagen fibers; found in the disks between vertebrae
t/f bone is the most rigid connective tissue
two types of bone tissue
compact and spongy
compact bone
makes up the shafts of long bones; bone cells are located in lacunae
spongy bone
inside the ends of long bones; lighter than compact bone, but strong
two types of fluid connective tissue
blood and lymph
made of a fluid matrix called plasma and cellular components called formed elements
red blood cells (erythrocytes)
cells that carry oxygen
white blood cells (leukocytes)
cells that fight infection
platelets (thrombocytes)
pieces of cells that clot blood
derived from the fluid surrounding the tissues; contains white blood cells
t/f muscular tissue isn't specialized to contract
three types of muscular tissue
skeletal, smooth, and cardiac
skeletal muscle
attached to the skeleton by tendons; voluntarily controlled
t/f muscle fibers have multiple nuclei
are muscle fibers striated (striped) or dotted in appearance
smooth muscle
no striations, spindle-shaped cells with one nucleus; involuntarily controlled
cardiac muscle
found only in the walls of the heart; striated; involuntary; single nucleus; connected by intercalated disks
nervous tissue is made of what
neurons nad neuroglia
three primary functions of nervous tissue
sensory input, integration, and motor output
neuron parts
dendrites, a cell body, and an axon
what do dendrites do in a neuron
carry information toward the cell body
what does the cell body do in a neuron
contains the nucleus and other organelles
what does the axon do in a neuron
conducts nerve impulses away from the cell body
bundles of axons traveling to and from the brain and spinal cord
outnumber neurons 9:1; take up more than half the volume of the brain
what is the neuroglia's main function
support and nourish neurons
why are neuroglia important
help with learning and memory
made of tightly packed cells; either simple or stratified
simple epithelium
single layer of cells
stratified epithelium
multiple layers of cells
simple squamous epithelium
single layer of flattened cells; found in the lungs
simple cuboidal epithelium
single layer of cube-shaped cells
simple columnar epithelium
single layer of column-shaped cells
pseudostratified columnar epithelium
appears stratified but every cell touches the basement membrane
stratified epithelia
several layers of cells
stratified squamous epithelia
forms the outer layer of the skin and lines the mouth & esophagus
transitional epithelia
cells change shape in response to tension
one or more cells that make and secrete a product
two types of glands
exocrine and endocrine
exocrine glands
secrete into ducts
endocrine glands
secrete into the bloodstream; have no ducts
integumentary system
includes the skin and accessory organs such as hair, nails, and glands
functions of the integumentary system
protects underlying tissues from trauma, pathogen invasion, and water loss; helps regulate body temperature; contains sensory receptors; makes us aware of our surroundings
t/f the integumentary system only includes two types of tissues
what are the two main regions of skin
epidermis and dermis
what layer is under the skin
subcutaneous layer (hypodermis)
thin, outermost layer of the skin; made of stratified squamous epithelium
skin from another area of the body
skin from another person
what are the cells of the epidermis
keratinocytes, langerhans cells, melanocytes
upper layer of epidermis; dead and filled with keratin; waterproof barrier
langerhans cells
a type of white blood cell
produce melanin; produces skin color and protects from UV light
skin cancer
caused by ultraviolet rays from the sun
basal cell carcinoma
cancer of the epidermal stem cells; most common type of skin cancer
cancer of melanocytes; extremely serious
thick, inner layer of the skin; made of dense fibrous connective tissue
subcutaneous layer
includes hypodermis; composed of loose connective tissue and adipose tissue to store energy, insulate and protect
t/f the subcutaneous layer is technically not part of the skin
accessory organs of the skin
nails, hair, and glands
offer a protective covering; grow from the nail root to cover the nail bed; cuticle covers the nail root
follicles & shaft; color comes from melanin
hair follicles
epidermal structures that surround the hair itself
hair shaft
the portion of hair protruding from the skin
arrector pili muscles
attached to the hair follicle
t/f goosebumps come from the arrector pili muscles contracting
oil glands
produce sebum; acne
sweat glands (sudoriferous glands)
in the dermis; help regulate body tempurature
a group of tissues performing a common function
groups of organs with a similar function form an...
organ system
two types of body cavities
ventral and dorsal
ventral cavity
contains the thoracic, abdominal, and pelvic cavities; thoracic and abdominal are separated by the diaphragm
dorsal cavity
contains the cranial and vertebral cavity
body membranes
line cavities and the internal spaces of organs and tubes that open to the outside
four types of body membranes
mucous, serous, synovial membranes, and the meninges
mucous membranes
line the tubes of the digestive, respiratory, urinary, and reproductive systems; composed of epithelium overlying loose fibrous connective tissue
what do mucous membranes do
protect from bacteria; protect stomach from burning; secrete mucus
serous membranes
line closed cavities and cover the surface of the organs contained within; pleurae, pericardium, peritoneum