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what features do all cells have in common
cytoplasm; cytoplasmic cell membrane; ribosomes; cell wall (some microbes- strength)
properties of all cells
structure, metabolism, growth (proteins convert nutrients into new cells) , evolution (chance mutations in the DNA)
metabolism in all cells
all cells use information in DNA to produce RNA and protein. via catabolism and anabolism
transforming molecules to produce energy
synthesising macromolecules
properties of certain cells
communication; motility, horizontal gene transfer; differentiation
size range of prokaryotes
0.2 µm to >600 µm in diameter and between 0.5 µm and 10 µm long
size range of eukaryotes
5-100 micrometers
how is surface area to volume ratio an advantage in smaller cells
small cells have a higher SA:V ratio and support greater nutrient and waste product exchange per unit cell volume, making them more efficient than larger cells.
coenocytic fungi
aseptate fungi- no septa; continuous cell mass with 100 000s nuclei
Four Kingdoms of Eukarya
Protista, Fungi, Plantae, Animalia
characteristics of algae
cell walls with cellulose
can photosynthesize
many conformations
Unicelllular/ multicelllular
cell walls contain chitin -derive nutrients from environment
non motile usually
asexual (budding/fission)/ sexual (meiosis derived spores) reproduction
unicellular asexual/sexual reproduction nutrition from organic substances movement through cilia, flagella, pseudopods
obligate parasites; only replicate in host cell do not carry out metabolism small genomes of DNA /RNA
live in extreme environments
beginning of microscopy
Robert hooke- first to describe microbes Antoni van leeuwenhook- first to see bacteria
light microscopy
passing visible light transmitted or reflected from the sample through one or multiple lenses to magnify the sample.
bright field microscopy
simplest of all light microscopy which uses white light to illuminate the object
three main parts of compound microscope
mechanical- base, arm stage magnifying- objective and ocular lens illuminating - substage condenser, iris, diaphragm, light source
total maginification formula
ocular x objective lens
spherical abberation
found in systems that use spherical lenses; light rays striking off centre are ore or less refracted than those at the centre blurring of the image
chromatic aberrations
fringes of colour around the image caused by dispersion of lens material
variation of refractive index with wavelength of light
resolving power
ability to measure separation of images close together
numerical aperture
the ability of a lens to gather light
how does oil change the RI of transmitted light
-increases resolving power of a microscope -oils have high RI
Resolution limit
minimum angular separation between two points that can be perceived
d=0.5 x λ/ NA
NA for dry and oil immersion
Dry-0.95 Oil- 1.5
basic dyes
stain cation
acidic dyes
stain anions
simple stains
single basic dye -highlights entire microorganism -crystal violet, safranin, methylene blue
additive that increases affinity of stain to sample
eg grams iodine stain, forms crystal violet-iodine complex which clumps and is contained in layers of peptidoglycan
differential stains
react differently with different kinds of microorganism eg gram stain, gram+ purple, gram - pink
four steps of gram staining
apply basic dye eg crystal violet to stain gram + bacteria
apply mordant- iodine
decolourize with 95% ethanol to destain gram - bacteria
apply counterstain of safranin to stain decolourized cells pink
why does gram + bacteria retain crystal violet stain
the thick peptidoglycan layer retains the primary stain
capsule stain
india ink
flagella staining
leifson stain
phase contrast mircroscopy
improves contrast of unstained life cells phase ring- amplifies contrast between RI of cell and surroundings
dark field microscopy
used to observe flagella light enters from the side, does not go through the slide
fluorescence microscopy
cells glow on black background due to filter naturally fluorescent or dyed cells
electron microscopy
uses electrons instead of light, the shorter wavelength of electrons gives greater resolution
operates in vacuum produces electron micrograph
transmission electron microscope -cut bacterium into slices to view internal structure of the cell -0.2nm resolving power
specimen stained with high atomic weight substances that scatter electrons and improve contrast
-specimen coated with thin film of heavy metal -only visualises surface scattered electrons collected + projected to produce an image
aseptic technique
A procedure performed under sterile conditions (no living organisms)
enrichment culture technique
isolates microbes having particular metabolic characteristics from nature
Louis pasteur
disproved spontaneous generation theory (that life arose spontaneously from non living material)
Koch's Postulates
Pathogen must be present in all disease cases
Isolate pathogen, cultivate in pure culture
Inoculate into susceptible animal, initiate disease symptoms 4) Re-isolate pathogen, confirm it's the same pathogen
Sergei Winogradsky
demonstrated that specific bacteria are linked to specific biogeochemical transformations proposed chemolithotrophy
Martinus Beijerinck
enrichment culture technique
Carl Woese
rRNA sequences could be used to infer evolutionary relationships (aligned sequences)
oxidation of only inorganic compounds to yield energy
the cell envelope
layered structures surrounding cytoplasm
cell wall -cytoplasmic membrane
outer membrane
s layers
plasma membrane
surrounds cytoplasm
selective permeability; prevents influx of ions and loss of nutrients
bacterial and eukaryotic cytoplasmic membrane
phospholipid bilayer with embedded proteins
fatty acid tails ; hydrophobic
glycerol+ phosphate+ other functional group (sugar; ethanolamine, choline) ester linkages in phospholipids
membrane proteins
embedded- integral transmembrane- extend completely across peripheral- loosely attached/associated with membrane
archael cytoplasmic membrane
ether linkages in phospholipids isoprenes instead of fatty acids for hydrophobic tails
function of cytoplasmic membrane
permeability barrier (polar and charged molecules must be transported ) protein anchor energy conservation (proton motor force to drive flagella etc)
eukaryotic plasma membrane
carbohydrates- attachment and receptor sites glycoproteins (proteins attached to carbs) sterols- role in membrane fluidity humans- cholesterol fungi- ergosterol
active trasport
simple (driven by energy in proton motor force group translocation (binding proteins and energy from ATP) ABC system (chemical modifications of the substance driven by PEP- phosphoenolpyruvate)
simple transport
symport- solute and H+ cotransported in one direction antiport- solute and H+ transported in opposite direction
group translocation
substance chemically modified eg glucose phosphorylated eg phosphotransferase in E.coli -glucose, fructose, mannose (not as specific as ABC)
ABC transporter system
ATP binding cassette substrate binding proteins have high substrate affinity
What organisms prefer ABC transporters
extremophiles- as the transporters are very specific, efficient at finding required substances
The cell wall
withstands osmotic and turgor pressure to prevent lysis maintains shape and rigidity
gram positive and gram negative bacteria
gram positive - thick cell wall make of peptidoglycan and NO outer membrane, purple color gram-negative - thin cell wall made up of peptidoglycan WITH outer membrane, red-pink color
Bacterial Cell wall
glycan tetrapeptide contains : -sugar backbone (NAG and NAM joined by B-1,4 linkages)
peptide attached to NAM
amino acids, L-alanine, D-alanine, L-Lysine, D-glutamic acid, DAP
Acid fast cell walls
eg TB causing bacteria
high % mycolic acid (waxy lipid)
layer outside thin peptidoglycan layer -cells stick together and stick to surfaces
Archael Cell walls
no peptidoglycan, no outer membrane, S layer protein shell
pseudomurein cell wall
archaea similar to peptidoglycan -NAG and NAT -B1,3 linkages (lysozyme can't hydrolyse) all AAs are L stereoisomers no D
Eukaryotic cell walls
Plants- cellulose Fungi (Chitin) -NAG units -arthropod exoskeleton Yeast cells- Glucan and Mannan
Gram - outer membrane
second lipid bilayer external to cell wall
Lipopolysaccharide layer
surface recognition, virulence factors, strength
porins (transmembrane transport proteins)
-ionic bonds to divalent cations (MG, Ca) -Lipid A: endotoxin, when cell dies it is responsible for fever shock and thrombosis
core polysaccharide: structural stability -O polysaccharide: extends outwards; function as an antigen
S layer
paracrystalline structure of protein/glycoprotein
outermost layer -strength, lysis protection, creates periplasmic space, cell surface interactions, protect cell from host defenses some archaea without a cell wall depend on s layer for strength.
Glycolax layer( capsule/ slime layer)
polysaccharide coat outside cell envelope capsule- visible with india ink, tight matrix, tightly attached slime- loosely attached and easily deformed
function of slime and capsule
-attachment to surfaces -maintenance of biofilms -infectivity -prevent dessication -macrophage resistant
fimbrae and pili
composed of pillin -fimbriae: can number in 100s; stick to each other and surfaces -pili: longer than fimbriae, few per cell motility and horizontal DNA transfer
archaeal grappling hooks, surface attachment and biofilms
Carbon storage polymers
PHB and PHA synthesized when C in excess glycogen
polyphosphate granules
inorganic phosphate elemental sulfur accumulates in periplasmic granules
magnetotaxis- migration along magnetic field lines biomineralized magnetic iron oxides
gas vesicles
confer buoyancy (floating bacteria; remain at surface for sun+oxygen) conical shaped gas filled structures
usually gram + dormant, tough, non-reproductive formation triggered by lack of nutrients not metabolically active UV, heat, chemical pasteurisation resistant
interacts with environment/host contains spore antigens that may trigger immune response triggers germination in favourable environments
spore coat
resistant to toxic molecules contains enzymes needed for germination
peptidoglycan- temp resistance
core well
UV and harsh chemical resistance
chromosomal DNA encased in SASPs protect DNA from UV and heat DPA stabilises the proteins and DNA ribosomes and other structures
Mechanisms to destroy endospores
-burning/autoclaving -ionising radiation -10% sodium hypochlorite -ethylene oxide (hospital)
15-20 nm wide polar, tufts, lophotrichous, amphitrichous etc filament (flagellin) hook Basal body (motor) gram - : 2 sets of rings gram + : inner set of rings (no outer membrane so don't require additional rings to attach to membrane)
cell movement
Clockwise - tumbles counterclockwise- runs
smaller than flagella rotation driven by ATP hydrolysis proteins unrelated to flagella
surface motility
millions of cells spread over surface to colonise new area twitching and gliding motility (pili)
twitching motility
type IV pili extend from one cell pole, attach to surface, retract to pull forward ATP hydrolysis
gliding motility
smooth, continuous motion along long axis without external structures only bacteria helical protein track, corkscrew movement
Movement toward or away from a stimulus.
phototrophic organisms optimise position for receiving light scotophobotaxis: entering darkness causes cells to tumble and head back to light algae, cyanobacteria
magnetotacic bacteria
use magnetic fields to remain upright to swim towards or away from O2 saves time display aerotaxis
Cytoskeleton (eukaryotes)
microtubules, microfilaments, intermediate filaments
move proteins and chemicals/compounds to the correct area speed up movement around cell highly conserved gene sequence
eukaryotic flagella and cilia
whiplike motion do not rotate dynein protein cilia are short flagella that beat in synchrony
-carbon -oxygen -hydrogen -nitrogen -sulphur -phosphorous 96% dry weight of the cell