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what do individual goals help with?
reducing tension among group members
what are questions to consider when making individual goals?
what are the group goals?
does the leader have any personal goals that differ from the group goals?
do the members have any different needs/goals that will affect the outcome of the group?
what outcomes do members expect?
what is a norm?
the expected way of behaving in a particular scenario
what are the benefits of having group norms?
expresses values and ethical standards of group
helps the group function effectively and efficiently
defines what is appropriate and inappropriate
enhances productivity in performing stage
ensures group survival in threatening scenario
how might group norms work against group goals?
groups that encourage peaceful and quiet group conversations may result in members feeling unable to share their opinions freely
what are explicit norms?
group norms that are written/stated verbally and shared by all members
usually imposed on group by leader
what are implicit norms?
group norms that are rarely discussed/openly communicated but still expected
sometimes not understood by outsiders or new members
what are interaction norms?
when it is specified how group members should communicate with one another
key question- what communication behaviour is appropriate?
procedural norms
specifies how the group should operate and what structured procedures should be used
key question- how does the group operate?
what is a status norm?
specifies the level of influence among group members and how status is earned/established in a group
key question- who has power and control?
what is an achievement norm?
specifies quality and quanity of work expected from group members, helps determine time and energy devoted to working in a particular group
key question- what are the group’s standards?
when does conformity occur?
group members adopt attitudes and actions
group members adhere to group norms
group members are favoured by the majority of group members
what are some reasons you might feel obligated to conform?
wanting to be liked
having a lower status than other members
feeling obligated
you get along and like working with your group members
feel like might get punished for violating
when does non conformity occur?
a member’s behaviour does not align with the group
what does non conformity encourage
it encourages difficult conversations that can help improve the group’s performance (ligament concerns and alternative suggestions)
groups in balance can change norms as needed
what is destructive nonconformity?
occurs when a member resists conforming to norms without regard for the best interest of the group and its goals
what are the 3 actions to take with destructive nonconforming group members
accept- put up with non-conformity
confront- disrupt members’ actions and stand up against individuals
exclude- stop including members who do not conform
what is motivation?
it provides an incentive to contribute to achieve a group goal
what is extrinsic motivation?
incentives that come from an external source
ex. boss or parents
*can be good or bad
what is intrinsic motivation?
reward/incentives come from internal sources
ex. self praise
what are the 4 categories of motivators?
what is sense of choice (category of motivator)?
when someone feels like they have free will and the ability to make their own decisions
what is sense of meaningfulness (category of motivator)?
the belief that the job is worth doing, so they are motivated to do so
what is sense of competence (category of motivator)?
increased motivation when there is a clear goal at hand
what is sense of progress (category of motivator)?
when there is a shared feeling that the group is accomplishing something
what is a group norm?
it describes strategies for creating and changing explicit and implicit group norms
what is constructive nonconformity?
occurs when a member resists conforming to norms as a way of altering members about problems that may prevent the group from achieving its common goal
what is the Fundamental Interpersonal Relationship Orientation (FIRO) theory?
the need for inclusion, control, and affection, which changes how group members interact
what is inclusion?
the desire for attention and feeling accepted, and results in an ideal social memeber
what are the 2 types of inclusion
under social and over social inclusion
what is under social inclusion?
when a member may withdraw to avoid becoming hurt
what is over social inclusion?
when a member seeks attention and can’t stand being alone
what is control?
the desire to feel content and free to make decisions
some want to be in charge, others like to follow
results in a democratic member
what is a democratic member?
a person with power and is comfortable giving and taking orders
what are the 2 results of a poorly controlled group?
an abdicrat or an autocrat
what is an abdicrat?
when a group member becomes submissive and avoids responsibility
what is an autocrat?
when a group member tries to dominate the group and criticize other members
what is affection?
the desire to express and receive warmth and be well-liked
when the need is met results in a personal member
what is a personal member?
a person who is emotionally comfortable
what are the 2 things that can be a result of affection needs not being met?
underpersonal or overpersonal
what is underpersonal?
only superficial relationships because they think no one likes them
what is overpersonal?
seeks intimate friendships despite disinterest of others and becomes too talkative
what does FIRO help?
improve group performance
help meet group and individual needs
why might FIRO be harmful?
not all behaviours are from unmet needs
what is a role?
what you do and what members expect of you
what are task roles? and give examples
behaviours that affect the group’s ability to complete its work
ex. coordinator, information provider, opinion provider, questioner, clarifier, analyzer, implementer
what is social maintenance? and give examples
behaviours that affect how well group memebrs get along
ex. harmonizer, motivator, supporter, gatekeeper, team builder
what is the role of the coordinator?
makes sure group is focused, plans and conducts meetings, assigns tasks, facilitates decision making, identifies group problems
makes sure meetings are productive and that members know the responsibilities
serves as chairperson
in ideal group multiple people would be coordinator
what is the role of the information provider?
researches and shares information, makes suggestions, contributes expertise and skills
makes sure members are fully informed
what is the role of the opinion provider?
expresses opinions, interprets opinions of others, makes sure members understand different points of view when making decisions
what is the role of the questioner?
asks for info and opinions, clarification, makes people explain their thought process
helps group develop a better understanding in discussion
what is the role of the clarifier?
explains ideas/suggestions corrects misunderstandings, makes summaries and refines goals
minimizes confusion and provides clearer understanding
what is the role of the analyzer?
assesses everything and provides multiple options for solving problems
make sure group uses critical thinking and reasoning is sound
what is the role of the implementer?
turns ideas into actions by action plans, providing assistance
without implementer group’s idea does not become reality
what is Belbin’s Team Role Theory?
members complete roles compatible with their skills
team works best when there is a balance of primary roles and people work to their strength
the best team members have flexibility: assuming rules needed in particular context
what are the roles in Belbin’s Team-Role Theory?
Coordinator/chairperson, sharper, innovator, resource investigator, monitor/evaluator, implementer, teamworker, completer/finisher, specialist
what is the role of the coordinator/chairperson (Belbin)
clarifies goals, helps allocate roles, responsibilities, and duties, helps group come to conclusions
what is the role of the sharper (Belbin)
seeks patterns in group work, pushes group toward agreements and decisions, and challenges others
what is the role of the innovator (Belbin)
advances proposals and offers new and creative ideas, provides insight on course of action
what is the role of the resource investigator (Belbin)
explores opportunities, makes contacts, shares external information, negotiates with outsiders, responds well to challenges
what is the role of the monitor/evaluator (Belbin)
analyzes problems and complex issues, monitors progress and prevents mistakes, assesses the contribution of others, sees all options, judges accurately
what is the role of the implementer (belbin)
transforms talk and ideas into practical action, develops actions plans for group members
what is the role of the teamworker (Belbin)
gives personal support and help to others, is socially oriented and sensitive to others, resolves conflicts, calms the waters, serves as an ingroup diplomat
what is the role of the completer/finisher (Belbin)
emphasizes the need for meeting schedules, deadlines, and completing tasks, searching out errors
what is the role of the specialist (Belbin)
single-minded, self-starting, dedicated, provides unique or rare expertise and skills
where do disruptive behaviours come from?
unmet personal needs but still interfere with the group’s needs
list the disruptive behaviour roles
support seeker
what is a dominator?
prevents other by participating by inhibiting effecting collaboration and decision making
interrupts, rejects ideas, and argues
high control and autocratic behaviour
what is an obstructionist?
blocks group progress by making negative statements
changes subject and group direction
negative non verbal behaviour (ex. eyerolling)
creates disorder
what is an attacker?
puts down other members for self centered reasons
sarcastic, unreasonably critical, takes credit for other people’s work
negative statements
what is an egoist?
seeks personal attention
jokes a lot, brags, talks about personal issues
what is a support seeker?
needs group sympathy too often
inappropriate sharings
promotes themselves as helpless even when capable of task
distracts group
what is a nonparticipant?
does not contribute
sits silently
distracted by other tasks
“present” but not “there”
what is communication apprehension?
the fear or anxiety associated with either real or anticipated communication with others
how can you reduce apprehension?
know you are not alone
be well prepared
learn communication skills
relax physically
think positively
visualize success
members with high apprehension may…
avoid group participation
talk less
agree rather than disagree
smile and giggle inappropriately
use awkward phrases
have difficulty following discussion
members with low apprehension may…
initiate discussion
speak more often
assert themselves and their beliefs
become group leaders
strategically choose when to speak and stay silent
appear more confident
dominate discussion
what are strategies for helping apprehensive members?
provide supportive and constructive feedback (smile and nod, don’t interrupt)
encourage and include anxious members (ask questions)
stop talking (with for others if they seem like they want to talk)
what is assertiveness?
speaking up and acting in your own best interest without denying rights and interesting of others
how does assertiveness benefits individuals and groups?
increase effectiveness
increase confidence
lower communication apprehension
lowers stress due to knowing how to handle situations
what is passitivity?
someone with non-assertive behaviour due to low confidence or doesn’t want to express their opinions
why might someone be passive?
low confidence
high communication apprehension
fears criticism
inclusion needs
feels powerless
what is aggressiveness?
critical, insensitive, combative, abusive behaviour motivated by self interest at the expense of others, bullies others into submission
why might someone be aggressive?
because their personal affection, inclusion, and control aren’t met or don’t know how to express assertively
what is passive-aggressive
uncooperative and obstructive behaviour that appears cooperative by lacking respect to rights, appearing confident, and undermining others
what makes groupwork the best?
if the members are assertive
how can you enhance your assertiveness?
take time to prepare group meetings
make sure you get time to speak
be clear with your opinions
assertive body posture
express feelings
expressive speaking
what is academic dishonesty?
knowingly act or fail to act in a way that results or could result in unearned academic credit or advantage (McMaster definition)
intentional participation in deceptive practices regarding one's academic work or the work of another
what are some examples of academic dishonesty offenses?
submitting the same work more than once
submitting work purchased that was not created by you
improper collaboration
help another student be academically dishonest
alter a grade that was already given
*first and second year students are the top offenders
why is academic dishonesty bad for nursing students?
impacts care of patients in clinical setting
what is a code of ethics
example of normative ethics in that they prescribe how members of a profession should act, given the goals and purposes of the profession related to individuals and society
what is the Code of Ethics for Registered Nurses?
it presents a central foundation and provides guidance for ethical relationships, behaviours, and decision making to be used with porfessional standards, best practice, research, laws, and regulations that guide practice (from CNA)
what is advocacy?
the act of identifying a cause and/or recommending a course of action, undertaken on behalf of persons or issues, in order to create equity and better health for all (from CNA Code of Ethics for Registered Nurses)
what are the requirements for issuance of certification, any class
The applicant’s past and present conduct, in the opinion of the Executive Director or a panel of the Registration Committee, must afford reasonable grounds for the belief that the applicant,
i. does not suffer from any physical or mental condition or disorder that could affect his or her ability to practise nursing in a safe manner,
ii. will practise nursing with decency, honesty and integrity and in accordance with the law,
iii. has sufficient knowledge, skill and judgment to competently engage in the practice of nursing authorized by the certificate of registration, and
iv. will display an appropriately professional attitude.
consequences of academic dishonesty
first offense up to the instructor
mark of zero
mark reduction
resubmit work
F for course
no penalty
second or more up to school
definition of RN according to CNA
RNs are self-regulated health-care professionals who work autonomously and in collaboration with others to enable individuals, families, groups, communities and populations to achieve their optimal levels of health. At all stages of life, in situations of health, illness, injury and disability, RNs deliver direct health-care services, coordinate care and support clients in managing their own health. RNs contribute to the health-care system through their leadership across a wide range of settings in practice, education, administration, research and policy.
what does a metaparadigm do?
map out general parameters of a scientific discipline and focus on scientific efforts
what are the 4 concepts of the metaparadigm in the Conceptual Foundation of the Practice of RNs?
what does the person/client refer to in the Conceptual Foundation of the Practice of RNs?
refers to the beneficiary of RN care, which may be an individual, family, group, community or population. RNs focus on wholeness, considering the biophysical, psychological, emotional, social, cultural and spiritual dimensions of the client