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form colonies are single-celled organisms that make up domains bacteria and archae
what do prkaryotes form?
some species form colonies
prokaryotes come in variety of shapes, name them.
describe the prokaryote cell-surface structures
unlike our cells, have a cell wall that maintains shape, protects the cell, and prevents bursting in hypotonic environement
what do most bacterial cell walls contain?
contain peptidoglycan, which is a network of sugar polymers cross-linked by polypepetides
what do archael walls contain?
this contains a variety of polysaccharides and proteins but lack peptidoglycan
what is the Gram stain used for?
used to classify bacteria by cell wall composition
what are the two types of gram ve bacteria?
gram +ve and gram -ve
gram positive bacteria are..
bacteria have simpler walls with a large amount of peptidoglycan
gram-negative bacteria are...
bacteria have less peptidoclycan and are more complex with an outer membrance that contains lipopolysaccharides
what is the capsule that reside on many prokaryotes?
many of them have a sticky layer of polysaccharide or protein surrounding the cell wall
what are the two types of capsules?
1. it can be dense and well-defined
2. can be a slime layer if it is not well organized
what do capsules help with?
both types enable adherence to the subtance or other individuals, prevent dehydration, and protect the cell from the host's immune system
what is the use of fumbriae?
these are hair like appendages that allow the prokaryotes to stick to their substrate or other individuals in a colony
what are pili (sex pili) and their function?
this is longer than fimbriae and function to pull cells togeter enabaling exchange of DNA
what are endospores
this is when water or nutrients are lacking
the cell copies its chromosome and surrounds it with a multilayered structure
describe motility in prkaryotes
about half of all prokayotes exhibit taxis, which is the ability to move toward or away from stimulus
what strucure is used for this movement to occur?
the flagella are the most common strucutures used
what is the DNA function in bacteria?
genes in signaling binary fisions, characterisitcs, signals and things to do as the bacteria
where is the chromosome located in bacteria?
it is in the nucleoid, which is a region with no membrane
what can some prokaryotes have in the nucleoid?
Plasmids are located in some prokaryotes, they are smaller rings of indeedendlty replicating DNA
- they are like additional genes used to genetically improve itself
What are microbes?
microscopic organisms
prokaryotic genes- tree of life, do they dominate it?
bacteria dominate the tree of life, estimates of 2.2 - 4.3 million species
what is binary fission?
this is how prokaryotes reproduce quickly and can divide every 1-3 hour under optimal conditions
what are the three key features of prokaryotic biology?
1. they are small
2. they reproduce by binary fission
3. they have short generation times
what can occur as a result of binary fission?
binary fission results are usually identical but differences can occur through mutations
what is the setting where mutations occur the most?
mutations are usually low but it can accumulate rapidly with short generation times and large populations
what is genetic recombination?
it combines the DNA from 2 sources and contributes to prokayote diversity
what is genetic recombination occur?
DNA from dif individuals can be combined by tranformation, tranduction, or conjugation
what is horizontal gene transfer?
this is the movement of genes between indidividual prokaryotes of dif species
describe the conjugation process?
this is the process through which DNA is transffered between two prokaryotic cells
1. pilus od the donor cell attaches to the recipeint
2. the pilus retracts, pulling the two cells together
3. DNA is transferred through temporary structure called the "mating bridge"
what is required for the production of pili?
a piece of DNA called the F factor (f for fertility) is reposnible to make pili
how can the F factor exist?
exists either as a plasmid or a segment of DNA within the bacterial chormosome
what is the function of the F plasmid?
its function is a DNA donor
what happens when a F+ cell can convert F- cell to what?
it converts to F+ cells if it transfers an entire F plasmid to the F- cell
what is it called when the F factor is in the chromosome of DNA?
it is the Hfr cells , named for high frequency of recombination which functions as donors during conjugation
what occurs in homologous segments of the chromosomal DNA from the Hfr cell?
the HFR cell recombines with that of the F- cell
what happens after the recombination of F- cell to HFR cell?
this becomes a new genetic variant on which evolution can act
is the totality of an ogranisms chemical reactions
metabolic pathways
they begin with specfic molecule (substrate or reactant) and end with a product
catabolic metabolic pathways
release energy by breaking down complex molecules into sompler compounds
what is an example of catabolic pathways?
cellular respiration- breaks down glucose in the presence of oxygen
CATabolic acronym
think of CAT, they break things hence when you think CATabolic rxn, think of large molecules being broken down into smaller pieces
anabolic metabolic pathways
consume energy to build complex molecules from simpler ones
example of anabolic pathways
photosynthesis- builds alrger organic compounds out of smaller molecules
ANAbolic acronym
think of body builders, take ANAbolic steroids to get bigger hence when u think of anabolic rxn think smaller molecules being pieced together to build larger ones
What is chemosynthesis?
this is the use of inorganic energy sources to synthesize larger molecules
what are chemoautotrphs?
they feed on chemicals that are good electron donors (hydrogen sulfide, sulfur, or iron)
what are the most common chemoautotrophs?
most of the chemoautrophs are extremophiles that live in hostile envirnments (dee sea vents)
e.g. tubeworms in deep sea vents host chemosynthetic bacteria that convert CO2 to org compounds
what are photoautotrphs?
they trap light energy and convert it into chemical energy (photosynthesis)
photoautotropic bacteria perform what?
they may perform oxygenic photosynthesis or anooxygenic photosynthesis
they obtain carbon from other living organisms
- they breakdown bonds in complex molecules and harvest energy (cellular respoiration)
where are choloroplasts hypothesized to evolve from?
chloroplasts are hypothesized to evolved from ancient photoautotrophs bacteria
where did mitochandria evolve?
mitochondria evolved from a chemoheterotropic prokaryote
what are the three types of catabolic pathways
aerobic respoiration, anaerobid respiration, and fermentation
how do prokaryotic metabolisms vary with respect to O2?
1. obligate aerobes require )2 for cellular respiration
2. obligate anaerobes are posisoned by O2 and live by fermentation or use subtances other than O2
3. faculative anaerobes can use O2 if it is present or carry out fermentation or anerobic respiration
what do obligate aerobes require?
they require O2 for cellualr respiration
what do obligate anaerobes require?
they do not need O2 because they get posined by O2
- they live by fermentation or use subtances other than O2 for anaerobic respiration
what does the facultative anaerobes require?
they can use O2 IF it is present or carry out fermentation or anaerobic respiration (all three "systems")
what is the function of photoheterotrophs?
they cannot use CO2 so they must breakdown larger organic molecules (other orgs.) to obtain energy
- they capture ligth energy to convert to chemical energy
what happened to the Monera kindgom?
it expanded into the protista kindgom, aka Whittaker's 5 Kingdom Classification
what is Carl Woese 3 domain system?
this is the diagram where bacteria and archae seperate
what is metagenomics
this is used to examine bacterial genomes from environmental samples
- vast majority undescribed
major phyla the textbook dicusses
1. phyla exhibit
2. prescence in the environment
what is a proteobacteria also known as ohylum pseudomonadota
this is a gram negative bacteria including, photoautotrphs, chemoautotorphs, and heterotrophs
what does gram + vs and gram - ve refer to in the cell?
it refers to the location of the peptidoglycanlayer
- we have this purple stain color in gram +ve because
- we have
what is the difference btwn the gram +ve and -ve bacteria?
the gram -ve is organized differently, first layer of plasma membrane, then the peptidoglycanlayer, then another layer of membrane
- sanwhich of membrane and the ham is the peptidoglycanlayer
the gram +ve bacteria are organized like:
1. plasma membrane layer
2. peptidoglycanlayer
what do heterotrophic proteobacteria consist of (A LOT)?
they consist of A LOT of pathogens
pathogens may cause
- gonorrhea
- cholera
stomach ulcers
What is a pathogen?
disease causing organism, bacteria to pathogen (?)
where do chalmydias typically live?
rely on animal species
describe what chlamydia is
all species of chamydia parasitize animal cells and have a gram negative walls lacking peptidoglycan
describe what a Spirochetes- spirochaetota is
these bacteria are helical, gram negative, heterotrophs that spiral through the environment by rotatin internal filaments
- this bacteria reside in ticks and when a tick bites you the bacteria enters your blood stream generating lime disease
this is a gram-negative bacteria
- free living photoatrophic bacteria
gram-positive bacteria
this is a diverse group
- vast majority of them are free living bacteria meaning they mostly live in soil, water, etc.
how is archaea decribed?
this is almost a bridge between bacteria and eukaryotes
extremophiles are a type of archae, describe them and their habitat
this is an archaea that live in extreme envirnoments, uninhabitable for most organisms
what do extreme halophiles require?
this requires/tolerates highly saline enviroments
what do extreme thermophiles consist of
they have adptions that make their DNA and proteins stable at high temps (above 100C)
are obligates anaerobes that produce methane as a by-product of their metobolism
where are methanogens found?
found in diverse environements
- underice in Greenland
- swmaps and marshes
- guts of cattle, termites and other herbivores
what is TACK archae
this is a subgroup composed of the remaining, closely realted clades of archae
what is a lokiarchaeotes
this is a recntly discovered group closely realted to the TACK archae may represent the sis group (asgard archae) of the eukaryotes
what roles do prokaryotes have?
they play major roles in the recycling of chemical elements btwn the living and nonliving components of the enviro.
- help during decomposition and minerilazation that release simple&soluble organic and inorganic coimpounds for other organisms to use it
what does it mean when prokaryotes conduct chemical conversion
prokaryotes convert some molecules to forms that can be used by other organisms
what do nitrogen fixing bacteris do?
they are able to metabolically pull N2 out of the air and incorparate this N2 for the use of other organisms (they convert N2 to ammonia etc.)
what is an example of nitrogen-fixing bacteria?
example of rhizobia bacteria living in legume roots which provide a safe home for them. meanwhile rhizobia bacteria in roots are able to fix N2
what does symbioses mean
this is a long term biological interaction btwn two dif species that live in close physical and/or physiological contact with each other
who is involved in the symbioses structure?
two partners invovled:
symbiont- the smaller pair
host- the larger pair (can be viewed as habitats of the symbiont
what was the example of symbiosis from lecture?
the Hawaiian bobtail squid, the squid is the host and the Vibrio fischeri are the symbiont
- the symbiont help protect the squid from predators by the luminiscent light
Human microbiome
animals are hosts to millions of prokaryotes that compose our microbiota
normal flora
this is composed of microorganisms growing on body surfaces of healthy individuals
what do beneficial microorganisms help with?
tehy serve as a physcial barrier to prevent the invasion of pathogens (competitive exlcusion)
what is competitive exclusion?
these are microorganims that create a physical barrier to prevent invasion of pathogens
- it covers bindings sites to prevent pathogens from landing on epithelial surfaces
- compete for nutrients
- may exlcude antimicrobial peptides
food production benefits human health by?
huamns reap many benefits from bacteria including the production of many foods
- yogurt
fermented cabbage
describe DNA technology
DNA polymerase from Pyrococcus furiosus is used in the polymerase chain reaction (PCR) DNA amplification technique
- whole system reliant upon polymerase
CRISPR-Cas9 system
is an adaptive immune response, in response to viruses
- this helps prokaryotes defend against viral attacks, has been developed as a gene-altering tool
what dos "Cas9" mean in the title?
this is the section where enzymes are released (??)
what is a virus?
a virus is an infecitious particle consisting of genes packaged in a protein coat
- sometimes it contains an outer envelope/membrane
what do viruses require?
they require a host to replicate (obligate, intracellular parasites) and they exist in a shady area between life-forms and chemicals, leading a kind of "borrwed life"
what is the first hypothesis of the origin of viruses expalined in lecture
the progressive or escape, hypothesis states that viruses arose from genetic elements that gained the ability to move btwn cells