What does the term “on the beat” refer to in modern policing?
It refers to police officers returning to patrol the streets on foot to provide a visible presence and engage with the community.
When were Neighbourhood Watch Schemes first introduced, and what do they involve?
Introduced in 1982, these schemes involve organised groups of local people working with the police to prevent crime in their neighbourhoods. The membership has grown to 10 million people nationwide.
What are Police Community Support Officers (PCSOs), and when were they introduced?
Introduced in 2002 by the Metropolitan Police, PCSOs are present in all 43 forces. They help deal with anti-social behaviour and minor crime to make communities feel safer.
What are Crime Prevention Schemes run by the police?
These schemes provide advice on personal safety, home and vehicle security, and protection against fraud to help reduce crime.
What do Victim Support Schemes offer, and who runs them?
Victim Support is a national organisation that provides help to victims, including counselling and advice to help them cope with the impact of crime.