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study of the structure of an organism
study of the function of an organism’s anatomy
what are the levels of organization
organ system
stuff that can be studied with the naked eye
gross/macroscopic anatomy
stuff that has to be studied with a microscope
microscopic anatomy
6 important life processes
life depends on what environmental factors
required for temperature regulation, movement of nutrients, and metabolic processes
provides the body with nutrients and energy
promotes the release of energy from food and required for breathing
helps with metabolic processes and is an energy form
atmospheric pressure for breathing and hydrostatic pressure for blood pressure
steps to maintain homeostasis
receptor to monitor the change
control center to evaluate receptor’s input and send impulses
effector to receive info and activate the change
facing down and laying on your stomach
prone position
facing up and laying on your spine
supine position
contains the brain
cranial cavity
contains the spinal cord
vertebral canal
contains the thoracic cavity and abdominopelvic cavity
ventral cavity
contains the heart and lungs
thoracic cavity
contains the stomach intestines and reproductive organs
abdominopelvic cavity
serous membrane that lines cavity wall
parietal layer
serous membrane that covers an organ
visceral layer
this tissue provides protective covering and functions in absorption/secretion
this tissue supports body parts through stabilization and binds structures together
this tissue supports body movements and the skeletal structure
reverses changes in a controlled condition with one feedback loop
negative feedback
increases changes in one of the body’s controlled conditions
positive feedback
above another body part of towards the head
below another body part ir towards the feet
towards the front
towards the back
closer to the point of attachment of a limb
farther from the point of attachment of a limb
imaginary line diviidng the body into equal right/left halves
located on the same side of the body
located on opposite sides of the body
located near the surface
located away from the surface in a more internal position
located outward, near the surface, used todescribe locations of certain blood vessels and nerves
cut that divides the body into right and left
sagittal section
cut that divides the body into equal halves at the midline
cut which divides the body into unequal halves lateral to the midline
cut that divides the body into superior and inferior positions
cut which divides the body into anterior and posterior positions
cut across a short axis of a cylindrical organ
cross section
cut at an angle through a cylindrical organ
oblique section
cut along the long axis of a cylindrical organ
longitudinal section
what are some general characteristics of epithelial tissue?
covers body/organs, forms glands, lines body cavities, avascular, always have a free surface and basement membrane
junctions between adjacent cells
single layer flat cells, nutrients cross barrier easily, makes up air sacs and blood vessels
simple squamous
single layer cubed cells, lines kidney tubules, lines ducts to glands, secrete and reabsorb molecules
simple cuboidal
single layer column cells, nuclei near basement membrane, contains goblet cells that produce/secrete mucus, lines intestines and stomach to absorb nutrients, contains cilia/microvili
simple columnar
column cells that appear multilayered, nuclei at two or more levels, can have cilia/goblet cells, respiratory lining and nasal passage
pseudostratified columnar
multilayered flat cells, top cells are flat and then round towards the bottom, outer layer of skin, protects against abrasion, lines cavities that open to the outside
stratified squamous
multilayered cubed cells, 2-3 layers of cells, mammary/saliva/sweat glands, secretes water and ions
stratified cuboidal
cheek region
armpit region
multilayered column cells, lines male urethra and pharynx, secretes mucus
stratified columnar
tissue that goes through repeated cucles of stretching without damage, for example the bladder
made of specialized substances that secrete something
glandular epithelium
glands that ductless, ex: hormones
endocrine glands
glands that have ducts and push things out
exocrine glands
fluid products released without damage
merocrine glands
scented glands, like armpit and groin, cells decapitate when products are released
apocrine glands
secretory products that are whole cells, “hollow” when released
holocrine glands
what are some general characteristics of connective tissue?
most abundant and diverse tissue type, varies in vascularization, cells usually divide
has similar characteristics with all tissues
ex: cartilage, elastic tissue, fibrous tissue
connective tissue proper
tissues that vary in chracteristics
ex: adipose, blood, bone
specialized connective tissue
most common connective tissue cell type, fixed cells, produce connective fibers, large and star shaped
fixed connective cell tissue, release heparine or histamines, antibodies, destroy invading microorganisms
mast cells
thick, long, straight, unbranched fibers, hold structures together, found in dermis, helps make up tendons and ligaments
collagen fibers
wavy and branched fibers, found in vocal cords, can stretch but returns to origional shape with no damage
elastic fibers
super thin fibers, interwoven framework, highly branched, in lymph nodes, forms a supportive network
reticular fibers
mainly made of fibroblasts with collagen and elastic tissue, beneath epithelial so it can bind the skin to deeper structures, provides support and cushion, provides epithelium with nourishment, anchors blood vessels and nerves
loose connective tissue/areolar tissue
fat cells, made up of adipocytes, cushions and insulates, energy storage
composed of reticular fibers, support structure for organs, found in liver and spleen
reticular connective tissue
connective tissue that is dense, strong, able to resist tension, makes up tendons and ligaments, capsule around organs, lines joint cavities, poor blood supply
dense connective tissue
majority elastic fibers with some collagen and fibroblasts, forms attachment between bones, lines walls of airway/heart, ability to stretch without damage and return to original size
elastic connective tissue
chondrocytes with a rigid matrix, poor blood supply, shock absorption
cartilage that is most abundant, solid gel matrix that resembles white glass, located at the ends of all bones
hyaline cartilage
cartilage that is flexible, extremelly resilliant, composes external ear and larynx
elastic cartilage
cartilage with very tough collagenous fibers, shock absorber, makes up verterbral disc and pubic symphasis
muscles cells
muscle fibers
muscle tissue that is striated, makes up voluntary movement, located anywhere that attaches to bone
skeletal muscle
muscle tissue that is non-striated, makes up involuntary movement where nervous system isn’t necessary, makes up digestive organs
smooth muscle
muscle tissue that is striated, makes up involuntary movement, muscle fibers are branched, cells attached by intercalated discs, needs signals from nervous sytem to maintain blood pressure
cardiac muscle
basic cells of nervous tissue
part of neuron that receives a signal
part of neuron that houses the nucleus
cell body
part of the neuron that the signal travels down
axon terminal
epithelial membrane that lines body cavities internally and covers organs, made of simple epithelium and connecetive tissues
ex: visceral, parietal, pericardium
serous membranes
epithelial membrane that is open to the external environment, lines tubes and openings
mucus membrane
epithelial membrane that is completly external, such as the skin, made of stratified squamous and connective tissues, thick and somewhat waterproof
cutaneous membrane
connective tissue membrane that located between bones, in joint cavities, made entirely of connective tissue, contains synovial fluid that reduces friction
synovial membrane
what are the general charcteristics of the integumentary system?
protective barrier, maintains homeostasis, prevents water loss, houses sensory receptors, synthesizes chemicals
what are the main functions of the integumentary system
protection, water barrier, regulates body temperature, sensory reception, waste elimination
tough protein that adds structural strength
what are the main characteristics of the epidermis
outermost layer of skin, made of stratified squamous epithelial tissue, keratinzed (has proteins)
create immune responses to foreign bacteria/viruses
epidermal dendritic cells
touch receptors
merkel cells