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The sound of a heartbeat comes from…
Turbulence of blood flow caused by closure of the valves
Listening to sounds in the body is called
The first heart sound is what valves closing
The second heart sound is caused by what valves closing
Where do you Auscultate the aortic valve
2nd intercostal space to the right of the sternum
Where do you auscultate the pulmonic valve
The second intercostal space to the left of the sternum
Where do you auscultate the Tricuspid and right heart sounds
The fourth intercostal space to the left of the sternum
Where do you auscultate the Mitral and left heart sounds
The fifth intercostal space in the midlclavavicuar line
Electrical events in order for the heart
SA node → junctional fibers→AV node→AV bundle→ bundle branches→ Purkinje fibers
What happens during the P-R interval
Beginning of atrial excitation to beginning of ventricular excitation
What happens during the S-T segment
Entire ventricular myocardium depolarized
What happens during the Q-T interval
Beginning of the ventricular depolarization through ventricular repolarization
What happens during the P wave
Depolarization of the SA node and atria
What happens during the QRS complex
Ventricular depolarization and atrial repolarization
What happens during the T wave
Ventricular repolarization
How many heartbeats are shown in this tracing?
What is the beat period for this patient? Round to the nearest 100th
What is the patients heart rate?
75 bpm
Is the patients heart rate considered bradycardia, tachycardia, or sinus rhythm
How do you find heart rate on ecg?
Get average of three R intervals and divide 60 over the average
What is the beats per minute given this example
70 bpm
All of the body parts above the level of the diaphragm are drained by
Superior vena cava
All of the body parts below the level of the diaphragm are drained by
Inferior vena cava
What is the structure labeled 1
What is the structure labeled 2
What is the structure labeled 3
Tunica interna artery
What is the structure labeled 4
Tunica media artery
What is the structure labeled 5
Tunica externa artery
What is the structure labeled 6
Tunica interna vein
What is the structure labeled 7
Tunica media vein
What is the structure labeled 8
Tunica externa vein
What is the structure labeled 9
What is the structure labeled 1
Ductus arterious
What is the structure labeled 2
Foramen ovale
What is the structure labeled 3
Ductus venous
What is the structure labeled 4
Umbilical vein
What is the structure labeled 2
Left internal corticoid
What is the structure labeled 3
Basilar artery
What is the structure highlighted
The circle of Willis
What is the structure labeled 1
Intercostal arteries
What is the structure labeled 2
Intercostal veins
What is the structure labeled 1
Internal carticoid
What is the structure labeled 2
External carticoid
What is the structure labeled 3
Brachiocephalic Trunk
What is the structure labeled 4
Pulmonic arteries
What is the structure labeled 5
Left carticoid
What is the structure labeled 6
Left subclavian
What is the structure labeled 7
Aortic arch
What is the structure labeled 8
pulmonary veins
What is the structure labeled 9
Descending aortic artery
What is the structure labeled 10
Superior vena cava
What is the structure labeled 11
Right subclavian
What is the structure labeled 12
Right carticoid artery
What is the structure labeled 1
Inferior mesenteric artery
What is the structure labeled 2
Gonadal artery
What is the structure labeled 3
left internal iliac artery
What is the structure labeled 4
left gonadal artery
What is the structure labeled 5
Lumbar artery
What is the structure labeled 6
Decending aortic artery
What is the structure labeled 7
Superior mesenteric
What is the structure labeled 8
Inferior Vena Cava
What is the structure labeled 9
Celiac Trunk
What is the structure labeled 10
Renal artery
What is the structure labeled 1
right vertebral artery
What is the structure labeled 1
Hepatic portal vein
What is the structure labeled 2
Common hepatic artery
What is the structure labeled 3
Hepatic vein
What is the structure labeled 1
Gastric artery
What is the structure labeled 1
Splenic artery
What is the structure labeled 1
Splenic vein
What is the structure labeled 2
Right subclavian
What is the structure labeled 3
Right braciocephalic
What is the structure labeled 4
Left brachiocephalic
What is the structure labeled 5
Left subclavian
What is the structure labeled 6
Internal left jugular
What is the structure labeled 1
What is the highlighted area
Superior vena cava
full body model
What is the highlighted area
Ascending aorta
full body model
What is the highlighted area
Aortic arch
full body model
What is the highlighted area
Brachiocephalic trunk
full body model
What is the highlighted area
Left common carticoid artery
full body model
What is the highlighted area
left subclavian
full body model
What is the highlighted area
Right common carticoid artery
full body model
What is the highlighted area
Right subclavian
full body model
What is the highlighted area
Brachial artery
Full body model
What is the highlighted area
Ulnar artery
Full body model
What is the highlighted area
Radial artery
Full body model
What is the highlighted area
Abdominal aorta
full body model
What is the highlighted area
Celiac trunk
full body model
What is the highlighted area
Superior mesenteric artery
full body model
What is the highlighted area
Right and left renal arteries
full body model
What is the highlighted area
Inferior mesenteric artery
full body model
What is the highlighted structure
Right and left common iliac artery
full body model
What is the highlighted structure
Left internal iliac artery
Full body model
What is the highlighted structure
Left external iliac artery
Full body model
What is the highlighted structure
Femoral artery
Full body model
What is the highlighted structure
Popiterial artery
Full body model
What is the highlighted structure
Posterior tibial artery
Full body model
What is the highlighted structure
Anterior tibial artery
Full body model
What is the highlighted structure
Great saphenous vein
Full body model