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Chapter 6: Impacts of Linear Momentum
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Achievement Motivation
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AFPF casus 3B
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Chapter 5 Solid, Liquid and Intermolecular force
Studied by 24 people
Chapter 18: Cell Death
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Studied by 62 people
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Anatomical Terminology
2 posterior regions of the head :: otic, occipital
5 anterior regions of the pelvis :: coxal, inguinal, perineal, pubic, pudendal
7 posterior regions of the trunk :: vertebral, scapular, cervical, thoracic, lumbar, sacral, gluteal
8 anterior regions of the trunk :: acromial, throacic, pectoral, mammary, sternal, abdominal, umbilical, caudal
9 anterior head regions :: cephalic, frontal, orbital, nasal, oral, mental, buccal, lingual, cervical
9 upper body regions :: axillary, brachial, antebrachial, cubital, antecubital, olecranon, carpal, manual, digital
13 lower extremity regions :: femoral, geniculate, patellar, popliteal, crural, sural, fibular (peroneal), tarsal, calcaneal, pedal, dorsum, plantar, digital
abdominal :: abdomen
abdominal cavity :: Cavity housing intestines
acromial :: shoulder
anatomical position :: erect, feet forward, arms at side with palms anterior and thumbs lateral
antebrachial :: forearm
anterior (ventral) :: toward the front
appendicular :: limbs
axial :: head, neck, trunk
axillary :: armpit
brachial :: upper arm
buccal :: cheek
calcaneal :: heel
cardiovascular system function :: transports nutrients and waste, immune function
cardiovascular system parts :: heart, blood vessels, and blood
carpal :: wrist
caudal :: toward the tail
cephalic :: head
cervical :: neck
coxal :: hip
cranial cavity :: houses the brain
crural :: lower leg
cubital :: elbow
deep :: away from the surface
digestive system function :: mechanical and chemical breakdown of ingested foods and absorption
digestive system parts :: mouth, salivary glands, esophagus, stomach, liver, pancreas, small intestine, large intestine, rectum, anus
digital :: fingers, toes
distal :: away from the point of attachment
dorsal body cavities :: cranial and vertebral
dorsum :: top of foot
endocrine system function :: secretes hormones that regulate processes such as growth, reproduction, and metabolism by body cells
endocrine system parts :: pituitary, thymus, thyroid, parathyroid, adrenal, pineal, ovaries, testes, and pancreas
femoral :: thigh
frontal/coronal plane :: vertical plane dividing the body or structure into anterior and posterior portions
geniculate :: knee
gluteal :: butt
inferior :: below
inguinal :: groin
inner serous membrane :: visceral
integumentary function :: regulation, protection, prevents water loss
integumentary system parts :: hair, skin, nails, sweat glands
lateral :: away from the midline
ligaments :: attach bone to bone
LLQ :: colon, small intestine, ureter
LRQ :: appendix, cecum
lumbar :: area of back between ribs and hips
lymphatic system function :: immune response, circulatory functions, fat absorbtion
lymphatic system parts :: vessels, nodes, spleen, thymus, tonsils, and lymph tissue
mammary :: breast
manual :: hand
medial :: toward the midline
mediastinum :: space between the lungs
mental :: chin
midsaggital (median) plane :: lies on midline
muscular system function :: movements, posture, and generates heat
nasal :: nose
nervous system functions :: sensory input, integration, motor output
nervous system parts :: brain, spinal cord, nerves, sensory receptors
occipital :: back of head
olecranon :: back of elbow
oral :: mouth
orbital :: eye
otic :: ear
outer serous membrane :: parietal
parasagittal plane :: offset from the midline or midsagittal plane
patellar :: front of knee
pedal :: foot
pelvic cavity :: holds urogenital organs, urinary bladder, reproductive organs
pericardium :: contains the heart
perineal :: region between the anus and external genitalia (entire pelvic floor)
perotineal cavity :: space between the parietal and visceral peritoneum
plantar :: sole of foot
pleural :: contains the lungs
popliteal :: back of knee
posterior :: toward the back
posterior (dorsal) :: toward the back
prone :: lying face down
proximal :: closer to the point of attachment
pubic :: genital region
pudendal :: external genitalia
Reproductive system function :: reproduction, produce sex cells and hormones
reproductive system parts (male) :: testes, prostate, scrotum, penis, and the duct system
reproductive system parts (women) :: ovaries, uterine tubes, uterus, mammary glands, and vagina
respiratory system function :: oxygen and carbon dioxide exchange
respiratory system parts :: nasal passages, pharynx, larynx, trachea, bronchi, and lungs
sacral :: lower back, sacrum
scapular :: shoulder blade
serous membrane function :: minimizes friction and wear on organs
skeletal system functions :: provides support, strength, protection, and mineral/fat storage; blood cells made in bone marrow
skeletal system parts :: bones, cartilages, ligaments, and tendons
sternal :: breastbone area
superficial :: near the surface
superior :: above
supine :: lying face up
sural :: calf
tarsal :: ankle
tendons :: attach muscle to bone
thoracic cavity :: mediastinum, pleural, pericardial
thoracic/pectoral :: chest
transverse (horizontal) plane :: divides the body into superior and inferior parts
ULQ :: stomach, pancreas, spleen
umbilical :: belly button, navel
urinary system functions :: waste removal, regulates pH, water balance
urinary system parts :: kidneys, ureters, urinary bladder, urethra
URQ :: liver, gallbladder
ventral body cavities :: thoracic, abdominal, pelvic, serous membranes
vertebral :: spine
vertebral cavity :: contains the spinal cord
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undefined Flashcards
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Explore Top Notes
Chapter 6: Impacts of Linear Momentum
Studied by 88 people
Achievement Motivation
Studied by 6 people
AFPF casus 3B
Studied by 3 people
Chapter 5 Solid, Liquid and Intermolecular force
Studied by 24 people
Chapter 18: Cell Death
Studied by 7 people
Studied by 62 people