A new civilization emerges from the Greco Roman Empire. What is this civilization called
The christian church had to shift from a belief in the rapid conclusion to the world to what
To the belief that Christianity will be continues presence in the world (Jesus is not returning as soon as they thought)
Jesus is an
Apocalyptic prophet
List the maturation of the Christian church
move from oral tradition to written tradition 2) development of rituals, communion, hierarchy 3) development of accommodationist ideology 4) rejection of radical revolutionary strains of Christianity
What is the most powerful institution in Europe
The church
Why is the church useful to the state
Serves as a public good and they do not have to pay taxes
Wrong thinking
History of the decline and fall of the Roman Empire was written by
Edward gibbons
Assigns Christian’s reasons for success
Edward gibbons
Quid pro quo
You do something , like sacrifice something and then God responds
Reasons that Christianity rose
The doctrine of immortality, miracles, morality, organization
What did pope Gregory the greats missionary blueprint say
Don’t get too carried away with the “you have to do this to be a member of the church”
The state made illegal the
Deconstruction of pagan shrines
Pope Gregory said what about sacrificing animals
If the people insist on sacrificing animals let them do it. Just so long as they sacrifice it to God
God agriculture
One way to manage a group of strangers (kind of government in the Middle Ages)
A persistence threat to southern Europe
Area of Hungary a threat in the east
A threat from the north
The military of the feudalism
Social implications of feudalism
Warrior nobility, paid taxes in blood
The warrior nobility in feudalism gained control of who/what
The fief
The fact that the warrior nobility gained political control of the fief made the power of the government go to
Power of the government was in private hands
Another way that the mid evil society controlled society and a type of society
This type of society had peasant and serfs
In this type of society the townspeople are free and the fiefs could have several farms
another type of society in the mid evil times
Guild system
What types of things was the guild system focused on
Learning the trades, protecting the marker, caring for workers, they had their own hall in town to enforce the rules
Throughout the Middle Ages the what functioned more importantly than anything else
The bread and wine turn the wine and bread into the blood and body of Christ
The saturnalia was a festival in which they celebrated the God of agriculture. This was considered to be the
Best of times. Gifts were given. And emerged as a festival to mark the end of growing season
Who chose December the 25 as Christmas
Pope Julius 1
Why did the church chose this date as Christmas
To adopt and absorb the traditions of the pagan saturnalia festival.
God of the unconquerable sun
Cult of mithra
What must the church do to survive
Get people to church, offer alternative sources of magic etc
Relics- shroud of Turin
Clothe laid on Christ in the tomb. Example of magic
What the church has that other institutions don’t that makes them the most powerful
Salvation, education, wealth (especially the land attached to the church)
Passed on by non genetic means
The seven sacraments of the church (Catholic Church)
Baptism, confession, communion, confirmation, matrimony, holy orders, extreme unction(annointing of the sick)
How old are Catholics saved
How old are Protestants saved
Primogeniture (the oldest son inherits everything)
Monastic communities (a church problem)
Socially assigned role to the sex
The issue of control
Investiture conflict (another problem of the church)
Henry the 4 was stripped of the crown by
The church. Thought he should be deciding who the leaders were. Disagreed with the church so they church said he should go to hell.
Pope Gregory the 7
Brought Henry the 4 back into the church
Henry the 4
Lost the battle with the church
Thomas Aquinas linked
Logic and reason. He said all humans desire an eternal soul everything in nature has a purpose therefore salvation will happen
All authority comes form
The church and body
What three reasons will make the church collapse
Church crisis, nobility/military crisis, bubonic plague
The three legs of the Catholic Church stool
Bible, church, tradition
Civilization comes with the
No salvation outside of the
Wealth- has titles and land and then cars of good works. Not about the
Place where you go to be purged of your sins in the Catholic Church
Indulgences of good works
Good works
The church as an institution has moral and monetary authority. So the church does what
Wins any dispute between it and the state
Who was involved int eh first church crisis. The crown versus the church
France vs England
Who did pope boniface VIII challenge
Philip IV (the fair)
Who won in pope boniface VIII and Philip IV
Philip IV
What is papal bull
What people should be believing
Pope boniface VIII launched two things what were they
clericis laicos and the anti-papal campaign
What does ascult fili mean
Listen my son
Who are the estate generals
Support the crown/congress. Support the opposition of the pope
Who was the first Avignon pope (French)
Pope clement
Pope clement was _- to the king
Selling church offices
First years salary. The state would take the first years salary after the person buys office for themselves
Church is looking more and more human and less and less divine
The great schism
The pope said to support the church but who said no
Philip IV
Since the great schism occurred the church ends up with how many popes
During the people versus the church what movement occurred
The reform movement
Cynicism creeping into faith
Reform movement
Priest can be removed from the relationship
Idea you can have a relationship with God without the church
The new deviation or the brethren of the common life
Gerard grootes
Thomas á Kempis
Imitation of Christ. Kind of like what would Jesus do
Says teh church can not be reformed
Pollards and John Wycliffe
During the heretical movement what began being translated
The Bible began being read in vernacular. The language of the people
Rationale for nobility (military creates a privileged elite)
Prerogatives of the state
Significance. Power (decide now your people need to be punished)
How did France lose the Hundred Years’ War
Because they English had long bows to fight and it was also called the battle of crecy
Illiterate prophet
The third kalethfor. Standardized the Karen
Who helped strengthen the power of the crown
For Protestants only one legged stool
the Bible
The fact that the church loses authority makes the __ lose authority
Sing that God is perhaps communicating with them
First four leaders after Muhammad died.
The ___ plague is another reason the church failed
The population is always going to grow faster than the food supply
Malthusian crisis. Thomas Malthusian
The survivors of the bubonic plague have more food and becomes
How much of the population does the bubonic plague wipe out
Arabic kingdoms flourished in the area now known as
Domesticated Camels made what kingdoms prosper
Pastoralists (herders) versus southerners
Robert sapolsky
Thieves can’t steal crops but they can steal __
So pastoralists, says sapolsky
Develop warrior classes, develop monotheism, foster cultures of honor
By 500s Christina’s and Jews move into
Arabian peninsula
Early Mecca resulted in
An oasis in Hejaz