What is legislation?
Creating and enacting laws in order to protect individuals, firms and society as a whole
What is consumer protection?
Laws that protect the consumer from firms with regards to the quality of goods and services sold
Big businesses are more powerful than individual consumers, therefore the legislation attempts to stop the consumer from being exploited
What are some consumer protection laws?
Sale of Goods Act - goods must be as described, fit for purpose and of merchantable quality
Trade Descriptions Act - goods must be fully as described, i.e. not misleading
Consumer Protection Act - businesses are liable for any costs incurred as a result of faulty or damaged products, and prices quoted must be correct and not misleading
What is employee protection?
Safeguards employeesâ rights in the workplace
What are some employee protection laws?
Employment Act - âsecondary picketingâ and closed shops (where all workers belong to a single union) outlawed
Trade Union Act - a secret ballot is required before strike action
Trade Union Reform Act - unions must give employees at least seven day'sâ notice of industrial action
Employment Relations Act - right to recognition of a union in the workplace if 50% belong to a union
What is environmental protection?
Helps to ensure that firms do not have a negative impact on the environment
What are some environmental protection laws?
Environmental Protection Act - firms must improve the control of pollution arising from industrial and other processes
Environment Act - a firm must clean up any contaminated site that it owns
What is competition policy?
Monopolies can exploit consumers by charging higher prices, so they are regulated in order to protect the customer for free and fair competition
What is health and safety?
Protects employees from exploitation and the consequences of poor health and safety
What are some health and safety laws?
Health and Safety at Work Act - a firm must provide a safe working environment with free safety equipment and clothing, there must be an H&S policy and union safety representatives are allowed to inspect the workplace
Health and Safety Regulations - to provide adequate first aid provision, including free eye tests; employers must also consult on any H&S changes in the workplace