Re distributive taxation-wealthier pay more 3)Supporting extensive welfare state 4)fostering close links with trade unions since they were established to protect and advance the interests of the workers.
1948- Health Secretary Aneurin Bevan introduced the NHS
The maintenance grant was introduced to allow students from poorer backgrounds to go to university. 3)Acts of parliament were passed to encourage a more equal and fair society such as the Race Relations Act 1968 which made discrimination in the workplace illegal and the Sex Discrimination Act 1975.
1)In order to pay for generous welfare state, taxes on the more wealthy dramatically increased under labour . At it's height in 1979 under James Callaghan, the top rate of taxation reached 83%. 2) 20% of the economy was nationalised including steel, coal, electricity and the Bank Of England. 3) 1965, Deputy Prime Minister announced plan for economic growth which would expand the economy by 25%
-Top rate of taxation increased to 50p for incomes over £123,000 -£80,000= 45% rate -Corporation tax increase to 26% by 2020
reverse privatisation of Royal Mail -repeal trade union act 2016
Minimum wage increased to £10 an hour+abolish zero hour contracts -free school meals
Starmer released a detailed plan for tackling anti-semitism within the labour patty committing again to already established independent complaints process and addressing the “back log” of anti-semitism cases
High profile suspensions of members including Corbyn