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Digestive enzymes
________ convert food into small soluble molecules that can be absorbed into the bloodstream.
________ living in cells can be the trigger for cancers.
________ can sometimes cause negative side effects like headaches.
________ is a carbohydrase which breaks down starch.
________ is caused by uncontrolled cell growth and division.
Risk factors
________ are linked to an increased rate of a disease.
________- Linked to many different cancers including bowel, liver and kidney cancer.
________ to fit an artificial heart can lead to bleeding and infection.
Coronary arteries
________ branch off the aorta and surround the heart making sure it gets all the oxygenated blood it needs.
Immune reactions
________ initially caused by a pathogen can trigger allergies such as skin rashes and asthma.
Carbon dioxide
________ diffuses out of the blood (high concentration) into the alveolus (low concentration) to be breathed out.
organ system
The roots, stem and leaves form a plant ________ for transport of substances around the plant.
Lack of platelets
________ can cause excessive bleeding and bruising.
gas exchange
The role of stomata and guard cells are to control ________ and water loss.
________ break down proteins to amino acids.
________ are used to keep the coronary arteries open.
optimum temperature
All enzymes have a(n) ________ they work best at.
________ including ionising radiation, as risk factors in cancer.
Spongy mesophyll
________- Contains big air spaces to allow gases to diffuse in and out of cells.
products of digestion
The ________ are used to build new carbohydrates, lipids and proteins.
food substances
They transport ________ made in the leaves to the rest of the plant for immediate use or for storage.
________ are all large proteins and all proteins are made up of chains of amino acids.
________- Involved in the exchange of materials at the tissues.
Xylem tubes
________ take water up.
movement of food
The ________ molecules through phloem tissue is called translocation.
Epidermal tissues
________- covers the whole plant.
hollow tubes
It is composed of ________ strengthened by lignin adapted for the transport of water in the transpiration stream.
mineral ions
They carry water and ________ from the roots to the stem and leaves.
The ________ and phloem form a network of vascular bundles which deliver water and other nutrients to the entire leaf and take away the glucose produced by photosynthesis.
high pressure
The heart pumps blood out at ________ so the artery walls are strong and elastic.
The lungs are like ________ and are protected by the ribcage.
________ is made in the liver and stored in the gall bladder.
The ________ split into progressively smaller tubes called bronchioles.
If the ________ contains lipids, the mixture will separate out into two layers.
Mutations in the ________ genes have been linked to an increased likelihood of developing breast and ovarian cancer.
________ breaks down lipids and is made in the pancreas and the small instestine.
hydrochloric acid
It is alkaline to neutralise ________ from the stomach.
Lipases break down ________ to glycerol and fatty acids.
________ is the loss of water from the plant.
Benign tumours
________ are growths of abnormal cells which are contained in one area usually within a membrane.
environmental conditions
The opening and closing of stomata is controlled by guard cells in response to ________.
Meristem tissue
________- found at the growing tips of shoots and roots and is able to differentiate into lots of different types of plant cell allowing the plant to grow.
Phloem tissue transports
________ dissolved sugars from the leaves to the rest of the plant for immediate use or storage.
palisade layer
The ________ has lots of chloroplasts which means that they are near the top of the leaf where they can get the most light.
nerve cells
It can damage the ________ in the brain causing the brain to lose volume.
food sample
If the ________ contains a reducing sugar, the solution in the test tube will change from the normal blue colour to green, yellow or brick red depending on the amount of sugar in the food.
effect of alcohol
The ________ on the liver and brain function- Too much alcohol can affect brain function.
system reactions
Immune ________ in the body caused by infection by a pathogen can sometimes trigger allergic reactions such as skin rashes or worsen the symptoms of asthma for asthma sufferers.
The lock and key model
Every enzyme has an active site with a unique shape that fits onto the substance involved in a reaction
Carry blood away from the heart
Carry blood to the heart
Involved in the exchange of materials at the tissues
In body tissues the reverse happens
oxyhaemoglobin splits up into haemoglobin and oxygen to release oxygen to the cells
They help the blood to clot at a wound
to stop all your blood pouring out and to stop microorganisms getting in
They can be
aspects of a persons lifestyle, substances in the persons body or environment
Obesity as a risk factor for Type 2 diabetes
makes the body less sensitive or resistant to insulin meaning that it struggles to control the concentration of glucose in the blood
The effect of alcohol on the liver and brain function
Too much alcohol can affect brain function
The effect of smoking on lung disease and lung cancer
It damages the walls of arteries and the cells in the lining of the lungs
The effects of smoking and alcohol on unborn babies
Can cause lots of health problems for the unborn baby
The human cost of non communicable disease
tens of millions of people around the world die from non communicable diseases per year
The financial cost of non communicable disease
the cost to the NHS of researching and treating these diseases is huge and it is the same for other health services and organisations around the world
Linked to lung cancer but research has also linked it to other types of cancer including mouth, bowel, stomach and cervical cancer
Linked to many different cancers including bowel, liver and kidney cancer
UV exposure
People who are often exposed to UV radiation from the sun have an increased chance of developing skin cancer
Viral infection
Infection with some viruses has been shown to increase the chances of developing certain types of cancer
Epidermal tissues
covers the whole plant
Palisade mesophyll
Where most photosynthesis happens
Spongy mesophyll
Contains big air spaces to allow gases to diffuse in and out of cells
Xylem and phloem
Transport things like water, mineral ions and food around the plant
Meristem tissue
found at the growing tips of shoots and roots and is able to differentiate into lots of different types of plant cell allowing the plant to grow