It describes mankin’s preparation for the coming of the messiah
It derived its name from the language it is originally written which is in Hebrew
It shows God’s promises to His people
God’s covenant of salvation to His people
Came from humble beginnings
was a carpenter’s son
was given many titles like Techer, Rabbi, Prophet etc.
a Jewish historian, mentioned Jesus in his writings towards the end of the first-century
Mentioned Jesus as a “wise man, a doer of wonderful works, a teacher of man and condemned by Pilate to crucifixion”
A Roman historian referred to Jesus in his account of a fire that burned in Rome
He, himself, have no great love for that strange group of people called Christians
was a governmor of one of the Roman provinces in Asia Minor
He wrote a letter to the emperor Trojan for advice on what to do with the Christians because the Romans were always condemned about the growth of the Christian community
It is the 4th ecumenical council of the Christian Church
It says “No” to the doctrines that deny either that Christ was truly human or that Christ was truly divine
A parable that was spoken by the Lord at the end of the Sermon of the Mount
Jesus said that we should not only hear His teachings, but also act upon what we learned