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Cellular respiration
Oxidation into two types of energy - ATP and heat, exothermic reaction that releases energy
Breakdown of large, complex molecules to provide energy for smaller molecules, such as the oxidation of carbohydrates, proteins, and lipids
Reactions that use ATP energy to build larger molecules for muscle contraction, transport, and synthesis of cellular compounds
Reactants/products of a metabolic reaction
Endothermic reaction, requires lots of energy to occur
Purpose of catabolism
Degrade food molecules into building blocks so they can be degraded into CO2, H2O, and ATP
Energy is harvested and stored where
The bonds of ATP, which is the energy currency of cells
If glucose is the starting material of glycolysis, it requires the breakage of
2 ATP bonds
If glycogen is the starting material of glycolysis, it requires the breakage of
1 ATP bond
Glycolysis is a pathway for … and includes … steps which are catalyzed by …
Carbohydrate catabolism, 10, enzymes
Products of glycolysis
4 ATP (2 net for glucose, 3 net for glycogen), 2 NADH, 2 pyruvate
If O2 is present, the pyruvate are used for
Degradation of glucose into CO2, H2O, and more ATP
NADH must be … so glycoysis can continue
Step 6 includes the rexodiation of
NADH into NAD+, this is the limiting reagent
2 ATPS are used in steps 1 and 3 to
Prime glucose for splitting
What are intermediates in step 4?
Fructose 1,6 - bipphosphate, dihydroxyacteonephosphate, glyceraldehyde-3-phosphate
NADH is formed at which step
Step 6
The two ATP are formed at steps
7 and 10
2 pyruvates are produced at step
When conditions are anearobic, the 2 pyruvate can be fermented into
2 ethanol and 2 CO2 OR 2 Lactates
Fermentation is used for what
To regenerate and reoxidize NADH back into NAD+ so glycolysis can continue
The Cori Cycle occurs when
Oxygen levels increase after strenuous exercise stops
Lactate is produced during anaerobic glycolysis in … where it is delivered to … and oxidized back into …
Skeletal muscle, the liver, pyruvate
In the cori cycle, glucose is carried back for
Immediate use to produce energy, or stored in muscle tissue as glycogen
Low blood sugar
High blood sugar
Synthesis of glycogen
Synthesis of glucose from non-carbohydrate sources such as AA, lactate, and glycerol
Breakdown of glycogen into glucose
Renal threshold
Amount over which a substance (glucose) is spilled into the urine
Decreases blood sugar by allowing glucose to eneter cells, made in beta cells of the pancreas
Increases blood sugar and breaksdown glycogen into glucose, made in alpha cells of the pancreas
Increases blood sugar to muscles
Diabetes mellitus
Abnormal carbohydrate, protein, and lipid metabolism
Diabetes type I
Insulin dependent, usually little insulin made
Diabetes type II
Non-insulin dependent, insulin is made but it doesn’t work
Diagnostic testing
Taste test, dipstick for reducing sugars, glucose tolerance, blood glucose monitering
To decrease blood sugar levels…
Increase glycogen, fat storage, and urine output