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Gutenberg Printing Press
Revolutionized book production, spreading ideas widely.
Leonardo da Vinci
Renaissance figure promoting humanism, influencing Reformation indirectly.
Artist whose work questioned traditional authority during Renaissance.
Henry IV
Converted to Catholicism; issued Edict of Nantes.
Moderates advocating for political stability over religious purity.
French Calvinist Protestants facing persecution during Reformation.
Cluniac Reforms
10th-century reforms addressing Church corruption, influencing Reformation.
Wycliffe's followers advocating for biblical literacy and reform.
Jan Hus's followers challenging Church doctrines for reform.
Dutch humanist critiquing Church corruption, promoting moral reform.
In Praise of Folly
Erasmus's satire critiquing societal and Church abuses.
Babylonian Captivity
Papal residence in Avignon, marking Church's decline.
Martin Luther
Theologian whose 95 Theses sparked the Protestant Reformation.
Sale promising sin punishment reduction, criticized by reformers.
Buying/selling Church offices, seen as corrupt practice.
Favoritism in Church positions, criticized during Reformation.
Catholic belief in Eucharist's transformation into Christ's body.
Protestant belief in coexistence of Christ's body in Eucharist.
95 Theses
Luther's document criticizing Church practices, foundational Reformation text.
John Calvin
Reformer emphasizing predestination and moral living in theology.
Predestined individuals for salvation in Calvinist belief.
Predestined individuals for damnation in Calvinist theology.
English Protestants seeking to purify Church of England.
Henry VIII
King initiating English Reformation, establishing Church of England.
Mary I
Restored Catholicism in England, persecuted Protestants.
Elizabeth I
Established Anglican Church, promoted religious tolerance in England.
Mary Queen of Scots
Catholic claimant to English throne, executed amid conflicts.
Anglican Church
Church blending Catholicism and Protestantism, key in England.
Catholic Church's response to Protestant Reformation, aimed at reform.
Church tribunals enforcing orthodoxy during Counter-Reformation.
Catholic order promoting education and defending Catholicism.
Council of Trent
Addressed Church corruption, clarified Catholic doctrine.
Index of Prohibited Books
List of banned publications deemed heretical by Church.
Philip II
Spanish king defending Catholicism, involved in Reformation conflicts.
Spanish Armada
Fleet sent to invade England, marking naval power shift.
New monarchies
Rulers centralizing power, intersecting with Reformation conflicts.
Queen Isabella and King Ferdinand
United Spain, shaping Reformation-era religious and political context.