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How old was Elizabeth when she became queen?
Which book did John Knox write in 1558?
The First Blast of the Trumpet against the Monstrous Regiment of Women
What did Elizabeth nearly die of in 1562?
What was placed or painted in every church during Elizabeth's reign?
Royal (coat of) Arms
Which protestant book was published in 1563? What was its full title?
Foxe's Book of Martyrs, Acts and Monuments
How many Marian councillors did Elizabeth retain? Name a peer. Name a commoner.
10, Arundel, Paulet
Which experienced councillor did Elizabeth dismiss?
(William) Paget
How large was Elizabeth's council? Her 'inner circle'?
40, 19
Who was Elizabeth's chief minister and 'secretary of state'? Under whom had he already held this post?
(William) Cecil, Northumberland
Who was Cecil's greatest rival and suitor to Elizabeth?
Robert Dudley
When was Dudley admitted to the council?
What title was Dudley granted in 1564?
Earl of Leicester
From when did the prospect of marriage to Dudley emerge?
When was Dudley's wife found dead at the bottom of the stairs?
When was a factional attempt made upon Cecil?
Who proposed to Elizabeth as soon as she became queen?
Phillip (II of Spain)
How many suitors did Elizabeth reject?
When did Mary QoS marry Darnley? When did she bear him a son?
1565, 1566
When did Mary QoS flee to England?
What did Mary write to the Spanish Ambassador in 1569?
Tell the Spanish Ambassador if his master will help me, I shall be Queen of England in 3 months, and Mass shall be said all over the country
Who was put forward as a candidate for Mary QoS' hand, only to be immediately imprisoned by Elizabeth?
What was the rate of parliaments between 1559-1601? 1529-59?
(one every) 3.25 years, 1.2 years
What was introduced in 1571 to increase parliamentary attendance?
Daily fine (for non attendance)
Which Parliamentary group emerged in Elizabeth's reign? How many MPs joined it?
Puritan choir, 43
What did Elizabeth receive from Parliament on its first day of sitting?
Petition asking her to get married
What did the House of Commons decide to block in 1566 until Elizabeth had settled the succession?
Subsidy Bill
How many parliamentary bills were vetoed over Elizabeth's reign? What percentage?
70, 14%
What proclamation did Elizabeth issue in December 1558?
Proclamation against unlicensed preaching
What did Elizabeth keep on here private communion table?
Crucifix, candles
What did Elizabeth do in private before the change became official?
Hear services in English
Who preached an anti-Catholic sermon in parliament at the start of Elizabeth's reign?
Richard Cox
When did Elizabeth issue a proclamation ordering the use of English prayer?
25th December 1558
When were the heresy trials stopped?
December 1558
How did Elizabeth respond to the presence of tapers at the opening of Parliament in 1559?
Away with these torches
Which parliamentary act failed in 1559, before being split into two separate bills?
Reformation Bill
Which two bishops were arrested by Elizabeth following the failure of the reformation bill?
Watson, White
Which two new bills replaced the reformation bill?
Supremacy Bill, Uniformity Bill
What was Elizabeth's title, according to the Supremacy Bill?
Supreme governor
Which elements of the Edwardian settlement were dropped in the uniformity bill?
Black rubric, Cranmer's ordinal
How many votes was the Uniformity Bill passed by in the House of Lords?
3 (21:18)
What did William Paulet claim he was carved out of?
(carved out of) the willow, not of the oak
When did John Jewel publish his 'Apologia Ecclesiase Anglicanae'?
How many clergymen resigned or were deprived between 1559-64?
How many of the Marian bishops refused to take the oath of Supremacy?
All but one
Who became Elizabeth's first Archbishop of Canterbury in 1559?
(Matthew) Parker
Name some new Elizabethan bishops.
(John) Jewel (Salisbury), (Richard) Cox (Ely)
What statement of religious policy did Elizabeth issue in 1559? What was to replace the altar?
Injunctions, Communion Table
What did clergymen need the permission of their bishop and two JPs to do?
How many commissions were set up to enact royal visitations in 1559?
Where was a churchwarden killed in a fight over the removal of the rood in 1561?
What proportion of the senior clergymen in York refused to accept the royal supremacy? What happened to them?
40%, deprived
What percentage of London clergymen were deprived?
What did Jewel, Grindal and Sandys threaten to resign over in 1560? Who backed down?
Elizabeth's order to put a crucifix on the communion table, Elizabeth
By 1560, what proportion of parishes had removed altars and images?
When did Long Melford church sell their Catholic service equipment?
How many preachers were there in Sussex in 1569?
What proportion of Suffolk benefices had no incumbent?
What did Bishop Pilkington of Durham complain about Sunday church attendance?
Ye shall see but few... ...but the alehouse is ever full
What were religious benefactions in the 1530s? In the 1570s?
£27,000, £2500
Which two neighbouring towns conformed at very different speeds? (One in 1559, one in 1566)
Auburn, Thurlby (Diocese of Lincoln)
Which Puritan Manifesto was created in 1572?
Admonition to Parliament
How were Catholics described by the Speaker of the House of Commons in 1563?
What was passed through convocation in 1563? What did Elizabeth refuse to allow?
39 articles, (it to b) passed through Parliament (due to the strongly worded attacks on Catholics)
How many refusals to swear the supremacy oath counted as treason? What did Elizabeth tell Parker not to do?
2, insist upon a 2nd
How percentage of clergymen who attended the 'clerical fashion parade' in Lambeth (1566) refused to accept "papist" clothing?
33%, (37/110)
When was the Vestarian Controversy?
Which group rejected a hierarchical (episcopal) church?
When did the Pope order English Catholics not to attend church?
When was Elizabeth excommunicated by the Pope?
When was the Northern Rebellion?
How many Catholics remained in England by 1570?
Which Draconian law was passed in 1571 following the Northern Rising?
Treason Act
When did Catholic missionaries begin arriving in England?
Which Earls joined/ led the Northern rising?
Northumberland, Westmorland
Which Spanish ambassador fed the discontent of the Northern rebels, falsely promising Spanish support?
De Spes
Who did Elizabeth summon to court after she heard of the proposed Norfolk/ Mary QoS marriage? Who did she imprison?
Northumberland, Westmorland, Norfolk
How many people joined the Northern Rising?
Which banner did the Northern rebels march behind in Ripon?
Banner of the 5 wounds
In which Cathedral was the communion table removed and mass restored by the rebels?
Where did Northumberland and Westmorland flee?
How many Northern rebels were executed? Including who?
450, Northumberland
How many French Huigenots were killed in and after the St. Bartholomew's Day massacre?
Which Treaty brought peace with France in April 1559? For long long was Calais ceded to the French? In return for what payment?
(Treaty of) Cateau-Cambresis, 8years, 500,000 crowns
Which friendly Spanish ambassador was replaced by the troublesome De Spes in 1568?
De Silva
Which 1571 plot, leading to the execution of Norfolk, did Philip II support?
Ridolfi Plot
How much did one Spanish Bullion ship seized by the English contain?
40,000 florins
Which protestant delivered the first sermon of Elizabeth's reign from St Paul's cross?
William Bail
How many lay opponents were there to the 2nd supremacy bill in the house of Lords?
In 1559, what proportion of the Southern clergy acknowledged the supremacy?
What proportion of the clergy were deprived during the first 2 years of Elizabeth's reign?
Where did parishioners refuse to allow the removal of their church loft, resulting in their excommunication in 1562?
What happened to the high altar in Morebath?
(It was) covered with a board
What proportion of Lancashire parishes destroyed vestments and mass equipment as ordered in 1559-60? By 1565-66?
1/4, 1/2
How long did at least 1/2 parishes retain their vestments and mass equipment?
(a) decade
When did Long Melford finally sell its mass equipment?
In 1576, what proportion of Lancashire priests had been ordained before 1559?
In 1561, what proportion of Ely benefices were absent?
How many priests were ordained in Chester with "apparent inadequacies" from 1562-9?
Where did it take over 30 years to impose the new Prayer Book?
Which academic exiles regarded themselves as the church government in exile?