History HL Final

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Final for the first semester

124 Terms

ideology by Karl Marx - theory that in a capitalist society, poor people will get tired of being treated poorly and revolt
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marx’s theory of alienation - when people are strained from aspects of their human nature as a concequence of living in a society of division of labor and classism
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a non belief in religion, or another god'/afterlife - this was an important aspect of Marx’s perfect utopia
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Edward Bernstein
marxist theorist associated with cosmopolitan-liberatarian nationalism
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elite class, higher middle class
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economic system in which money is earned by profit and capital, and private actors own and control property - Marx associates this with classism, something that causes revolution
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Class struggle
economic or social tension that occurs because of class conflict between mostly the rich and poor, exploited v exploiters, etc
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system in which the property is publically owned and shared, and people work and are paid based on their needs and abilities
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form of language used by a specific area or region - marx stressed social factor of language - also debate, knowing truth by uncovering contradictory claims in the reasoning of one’s adversary
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Dialectical Materialism
marxist theory that historical events result from class conflict, which is caused by materialist needs or consumerism, and revolution
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Divine Right
theory that kings and queens are given their power by the hand of god in, so they have a divine right to rule - Marx was concerned with this
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Friedrich Engels
was close friends with Karl Marx and coauthored a lot of his works with him - condemned capitalism and organized religion, came up with groundwork for modern capitalism
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German Idealism
developed from work of emmanuel kant - restore reason to former preeminence and grandeur
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Friedrich Hegels
german philosopher - believed in marxism, however while Marx believed the rich use wealth to abuse and dominate the poor, Hegels believed that wealth and property was necessary
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Historical Materialism
used to describe Marx’s theory of history - locates change in the rise of class societies and way humans work to make livelihood
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ideology emphasizing the value and goodness of a human being, their needs, and ability to seek rational ways to solve problems - marxist humanism which investigates complexity of human nature and what society would best help them thrive
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Industrial Revolution
transition to new manufacturing processes in GB, US, and Europe in 1760 - 1840 - marx claimed it polarized class gap even more
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Immanuel Kant
german philosophist whose works explored moral ethics, metaphysics, epistemology, and aesthetics
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V.I. Lenin
russian revolutionary politician - was inspired by principles of marxism to start the russian revolution, ruled first in soviet russia
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working class
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act of trying to erase something from history and make a revision - in terms of marxism, revisions to the marxist theory allowed for an alliance with the bourgeois
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private property and means of production and distribution is communally owned and shared - everyone gets the same thing
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Leon Trotsky
marxist politician, theorist, and revolutionary - former member of the constituent assembly of russia
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theory of a perfect society - marxism criticizes it, wants to break tension between state and civil society
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World War I
the great war between the great powers of Europe and Asia: France, Germany, Great Britain, Russia, Japan, Italy
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August Madness
Germany declared war on France on August 12 1914
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Blank Cheque
July of 1914 - germany gave austria a blank cheque to handle its punishment of serbia
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discouraging an action or event in warby instilling fear of concequences
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type of battleship in early 20th century
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Eastern Question
the question of what would become of the balkans now that the ottoman empire had fallen
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July crisis
series of interrelated politcal, military, and diplomatic conflicts that occured between great european powers before ww1 started
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Live and let live
should tolerate opinion of others so they will do the same for you - anti war saying
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british RMS passengership that was sunk by a german torpedo
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ones country should maintain military strength and be prepared to use it for the national intersest
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identifying yourself with your country, and supporting all its interests and actions because its just the nation you’re from
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neutral buffer zone
neutral zonal area between two fighting countries or bodies of land
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new imperialism
period of colonial expansion between the european powers, united states, and japan during late 19th - early 20th century
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no man’s land
the 100 meter stretch in between two opposing trench armies
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november criminals
germany made criminals out of the people that signed the armitrice surrendering and ending ww1
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primacy of the offensive v. defensive
offensive - defending force will have no chance to repel the atacks, so offending force must act

defensive - offending forces will have no chance to offend the attack, so the defensive must attack
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realpolitik v. weltpolitik
realpolitik: bismarks’ system of alliances

weltpolitik: wilhelms policies
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schlieffen plan
name given to german pre war plans - conquer france, then take over russia
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shell shock
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social darwinism
survival of the fittest - certain people in society are more fit to be more powerful - racism, scramble for africa, pitted countries against each other for expansion
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stage of surrender where no country can continue fighting each other, they’re depleted of veterans and resources, so they must surrender
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total war
world war
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treaty of brest-litovsk
treaty between russia and the major powers - marked russia’s withdrawal from the war
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war by timetable
chain of events take on cause of ww1: franz ferdinand assassination kickstarted all other events that led to the start of ww1
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war by attrition
wearing down an opponent to force their physical (resource) collapse
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chinese civil war
civil war between the GMD (Guomdang/nationalist party) and the CCP (chinese communist party)
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Anti campaigns
mao wanted to purge china of all capitalists and those in his party who were disloyal
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Boxer Rebellion and Taiping Rebellion
rebellion against the Qing dynasty and traditionalism after they lost the first sino japanese war
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Chinese Communist Party
reform campaign started by Mao Zedong
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Comfort Women
the japanese army kidnapped and forced millions of chinese women into sexual slavery in order to fill the sexual “appetites” of the japanese soldiers - rape of nanjing
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soviet controlled organization that encourages world wide communism
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ancient chinese belief system that encompasses 3 main beliefs: benevolence, general sense in doing what’s right, and loyalty in serving superiors
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collective and cooperative farming
collective: jointly owned

cooperative: government owned
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cultural revolution
great proletarian cultural revolution - CCP fought against old, abusive cultural traditions in china and abolished them
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Mao wanted to consolidate power by purging and humiliating those who were disloyal, elite, capitalist, bourgeois
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double tenth and Qing dynasty
double tenth: wuchan uprising - rebellion that took place against the qing dynasty 1911

qing dynasty: ancient rule
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five year plans
mao’s economic plans to bring prosperity and social growth to china
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foreign enclaves
foreign controlled ports in china because britain established open door policy
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the fourth of may movement
rebellion by students against treaty of versailles decision for reform towards national indendence, socio-cultural rebuilding
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GMD nationalist party
nationalist party led by Chiang Kai Shek
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Great Leap Forward
Mao’s campaign for consolidation of power in china and reform socially, culturally, politically, and economically
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Guerilla Warfare
warfare tactics used by mao to fight against the GMD and Japanese - had great urban and rural benefits, could gain support, sneak in at night and sabotage plans, etc
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Jiangxi Soviet
government that Mao created to recruit and train soldiers - largest territory in soviet republic
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Long March
mao went on a long march with all his communist supporters and red army to evade the national army and get to shaanxi to build a base
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Mukgen Incident
japanese train company exploded dynamite over train tracks, japanese train went over it, japanese accused china of doing it, led to conflict and japanese occupation of manchuria and second united front
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Sun’s Three Principles
nationalism, democracy, and people’s livelihood
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Treaty of Versailles
china was isolated, foreign powers gave Japan german occupations of china, lot of feelings of betrayal and anger
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Twenty Eight and a half Bolsheviks
chinese students that challenged maoist rule and the ccp
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United Front
gmd and ccp formed a united front when fighting the warlords and in the second sino japanese war
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Warlord Era
era when china was controlled by regional warlords and other powers - constantly at war
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White Terror
attacks on communist chinese in huge cities like shanghai - by the GMD and 180,000 people were killed
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Amau Doctrine (1934)

Stated that Japan reserved the right to act unilaterally in order to preserve peace and order in East Asia, and was a statement of their claim of China

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Anglo-Japanese Alliance (1902)

Alliance signed between Britain and Japan against the main threat of Russia, and was renewed twice during World War I and terminated after the war was over

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Anglo-Japanese Alliance (significance)

Britain cooperated with France to drop Russia as an ally in hopes of avoiding conflict, but angered the US because the US and Japan were not on good terms

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Collective Security

An alliance between countries to secure the security and safety of each other. An aggressor to one state/country is an aggressor to another state/country, and if an outside state attacks a state in the alliance, each country bans together to repel that aggressor.

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Collective Security (significance)

LON was considered the first attempt at maintaining collective security and a strong international peace alliance, but fell apart after WWII - included 4 permanent members - Great Britain, France, Japan and Italy - and 4 nonpermanent members - Belgium, Brazil, Greece and Spain. United States didn’t join because there were republican concerns that it would inhibit the country’s ability to defend its’ own interests.

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Fascism and Ultranationalism/Radical Nationalism

Fascism and Ultranationalism all fall under the requirements of a dictatorship, militaristic and nationalistic, with a centralized military.

Ultranationalism: Extreme nationalism that promotes the interests of one state over another

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Greater East Asia Co-Prosperity Sphere

Concept developed by the Empire of Japan, and first announced over the radio by Foreign Minister Yosuke Matsuoka, aimed at creating a self-sufficient block of Asian peoples and states that would be led and ruled by Japan, and free from western influence.

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Hull Note

Note and final proposal delivered by the United States to the Empire of Japan before the Atomic Bomb was dropped - Asked Japan to withdraw occupation from China and Indochina

Japan refused, and came up with a backup offer in which they would remove troops if the US would stop aiding the nationalists in China and freezing Japanese assets, and begin providing Japan with oil and helping them occupy the Dutch Indies. The US, obviously, refused.

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Kwantung Army (and Mukden Incident)

First formed as security force after Russo-Japanese war, then evolved into military force during the interwar period to help Japanese occupations and interests in China, Manchukuo and Mangolia.

Involved in perpetuating war crimes during WWII, and sponsoring unit 731. Took over the government of Japan and maintained full military control over it.

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London Naval Treaties

Agreement signed between the US, UK, Japan, France and Italy - called the Treaty for the limitation and reduction of Naval Armament

Regulated the submarine warfare of each country, and limited naval shipbuilding, cruisers and destroyers

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Washington Naval Crisis

Known as five power treaty - agreed to prevent an arms race by limiting naval construction, including battleships, battlecruisers, aircraft carriers, warships limited to 10,000 tons displacement each, cruisers, destroyers, submarines

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Lytton Report

Findings of the Lytton commission, entrusted by the League of Nations, in an attempt to evaluate the Mukden Incident. The investigation included one representative from each of the main powers (US, Germany, Italy, France and UK), and headed by the Earl of Lutton.

Found that Japan was the aggressor, but Chinese nationalism was also at fault - found that Japan wrongfully invaded Manchuria, and demanded that Manchuria be given back to China. Report also stated that the puppet state of Manchukuo should not be recognized.

Japan walked out of the LON and never returned to the council.

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Puppet state of the Empire of Japan adopted after Japan invaded Manchuria. Also called Manchuria, and created in Northeast China and inner Mangolia.

Invasion of Manchuria marks significant turning points in Sino-Japanese War, Chinese Civil War, and World War II.

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Meiji Emperor

Great general who ruled Japan during the feudal period lost his power and the emperor was restored to the supreme position.

Resulted in the dissolution of the Japanese feudal system of government, and the restoration of the imperial system

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Open Door Policy

US diplomatic policy which called for the protection of equal privileges for all countries trading with China, and for the support of Chinese territorial and administrative integrity

The Open Door Policy stated that all nations, including the United States, could enjoy equal access to the Chinese market. Hay's logic was that American economic power would then be able to dominate the Chinese market and fend off other foreign competitors.

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Radical nationalism

A more radical version of nationalism: not just fighting for your own country in a militaristic sense, but actually attempting to expand your country’s power, beliefs and create an empire with devout respect for the country

Ex: Japan, would incorporate radical nationalism into the military, teaching soldiers that the greatest honor is to die for your country

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Ribbentrop-Molotov Pact

Non aggressive pact between Nazi Germany and Soviet Russia that enabled their powers to petition eastern Europe between them - known as the Hitler Stalin Pact, or treaty of nonaggression

Agreed that they would not attack each other, and would cooperate to divide the countries that lay between them to conquer and expand their rule over

Hitler violated the treaty, and after fall of france invaded the Soviet Union

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Russo Japanese War

War fought between Empire of Japan and Russian Empire over rival imperial ambitions in Manchuria and Korea

Russia sought a warm-water port for its navy and maritime trade. Japan saw Russia as a rival and offered Russia dominance in Manchuria if it acknowledged that Korea was within Japan’s sphere of influence. Russia refused, and demanded a neutral buffer zone between Russia and Japan in Korea. Japan’s imperial army opened a surprise fire attack on Russia in Port Arthur, and the war began.

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Showa Emperor/Hirohito (1926-1989)

Longest reigning monarch in Japan - was the head of state under Meiji Constitution during Japan’s imperial expansion, militarization and involvement in WWII

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Sino Japanese Wars

First Sino Japanese War (1894-95) - fought between the imperial army of Japan and Qing Dynasty of China over Korean occupations

Second Sino Japanese War (1937-45) - fought between Japan and China (CCP and GMD Guomindang) over Japanese expansion and policy in East Asia

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Stimson Doctrine

Doctrine issued by US Secretary Henry L. Stimson decried that the US would not recognize any treaty or agreement between Japan and China that violated any US rights or agreements to which the US subscribed

Proclaimed the US would not recognize territorial acquisitions achieved by force

In response to Japanese conquest in China

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Taisho Democracy

Followed the Meiji Period and came after Russo Japanese war

Term for Japan’s continued moves towards broader representational government, and their rise to the international scene and liberalism

Tax qualifications for voting were reduced, party politics flourished and labor legislation was passed

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Tripartite INTERVENTION (1895)

Triple intervention

Goal was to stop Japanese expansion in China

Issued by Russia, Germany and France over the Treaty of Shimonoseki imposed by Japan in China after the end of the Sino Japanese War

Required that Japan return the Liaodong Peninsula to China in return for indemnity/compensation of 30,000,000 taels

Japan’s reaction to this is one of main causes of Russo-Japanese war

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Tripartite Pact (1940)

Berlin Pact - signed by Japan, Italy and Germany

was a defensive military alliance and 6 articles long

was directed primarily at the US

Axis powers agreed to assist each other and work together to maintain dominance in europe and east asia

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21 demands (1915)

Set of demands made by empire of Japan to the government of the republic of China

Demands called for confirming of Japan’s railway and mining claims in the Shandong province, granting of special concessions in Manchuria, Sino-Japanese control of military bases like the Han-Ye-Ping, Access to land across China’s coasts, and Japanese control of all of their military, political, and economic.

China attempted to stall and leak full contents to the European powers, hoping they would do something against threat of Japan and contain Japan

US was supporting China, so they insisted that the demands for control of Japan be dropped from the set of demands

Japan threatened to excede the demands, to which China accepted them - then the demands were annulled at Washington Naval conference

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