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independent variable
variable that researchers manipulate in order to the effect it has on the dv.
dependent variable
variable that researchers measure to see if it was affected by a change in the IV
extraneous variable
any variable other than the IV that can influence the DV, potentially confounding the results of the study.
confounding variable
an extraneous variable that varies with the independent variable, making it difficult to determine the true effect of the IV on the DV.
controlled variables
variable that researcher holds constant to remove its potential effects on the dv.
a statement outlining the purpose of the research study.
the whole group that is of interest to the researcher
smaller, subgroup of the population selected for the research study.
random sampling
ensures that every member of the population has an equal chance of being selected for the sample.
stratified sampling
involves dividing the population into subgroups and randomly selecting samples from each subgroup to ensure representation.
controlled experiments
research method where one or more variables are manipulated to observe the effect on a dependent variable while controlling for extraneous factors.
between subjects design
every member of the sample is randomly allocated to either control of experimental group.
advantage - time efficient
disadvantage - participant differences
within subjects design
each member of the sample is involved in both the control and experimental conditions.
advantages - no individual differences
disadvantage - carry over effects
mixed subjects design
combines both elements of a between and within subjects design
advantage - researchers can test multiple variables
disadvantage - more challenging and complex
an overall evaluation and interpretation of the results of the data
a decision or judgement about the extent to which the research findings can be applied to the population represented in the sample.