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4 crotchet beats
2 crotchet beats
1 crotchet beat
½ crotchet beat
¼ crotchet beat
4 crotchet rest
Semibreve rest
2 crotchet rest
Minim rest
1 crotchet rest
Crotchet rest
½ crotchet rest
Quaver rest
¼ crotchet rest
Semiquaver rest
Dotted note rule
add half the note value
Articulation - Slurs
Connects two notes of different pitch
Articulation - Legato
play the notes as smoothly connected as possible
Articulation - Staccato
play the notes as short and crisp and detached as possible
Articulation - Tenuto
to hold or sustain a note for its full length
Articulation - Marcato
to be played louder or more forcefully than the surrounding music, emphasis
Articulation - Fermata
the note should be prolonged beyond the normal duration its note value would indicate
play a chord as a series of ascending or descending notes.
Dynamics - ppp
pianississimo - very very soft
Dynamics - pp
pianissimo - very soft
Dynamics - p
Piano - soft
Dynamics - mp
Mezzo Piano - somewhat soft
Dynamics - mf
Mezzo Forte - somewhat loud
Dynamics - f
Forte - loud
Dynamics - ff
fortissimo - very loud
Dynamics - fff
fortississimo - very very loud
Dynamics - sfz
Sforzando - sudden forcefull accent
Dynamics - crescendo
gradually increasing in volume
Dynamics - decrescendo
gradually decreasing in volume
Common musical text - Accelerando
play increasingly faster
Common musical text - ritardando
deliberate gradual decrease in speed
Common musical text - rallentando
Slackening/becoming slower
Common musical text - più mosso
more motion
Common musical text - meno mosso
played at reduced speed; less rapid
Common musical text - subito
immediately, suddenly
Common musical text - Poco (a little)
a small or gradual change in various musical elements such as tempo, dynamics, or expression
Common musical text - Grave
Slow and solemn
Common musical text - Lento
deliberate and leisurely pace.
Common musical text - adagio
played slowly
Common musical text - Andante
walking pace
Common musical text - Allegretto
moderately fast
Common musical text - allegro
lively - relatively fast pace
Common musical text - vivo
with life and vigour
Common musical text - presto
very fast tempo
Common Musical text - Moderato
at a moderate pace