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consumers; cellular respiration
Ex: fungi, mammals
Producers; photosynthesis
ex: plants
Relationship between photosynthesis and aerobic life
Exchange CO2 and Oxygen in the atmosphere
Issues for plants when transitioning from water to land
less tolerant to disturbance; they dry out from lack of water or drought; they lack nutrient intake and structure; their water intake performance decreases
Land to Water: Plant Adaptations
roots, vascular tissue, leaves and stems with waxy cuticles
large, distinct areas with specific climate, soil, and vegetation, that influence plant and animal inhabitance
community of living organisms; their interaction with each other and their physical environment
building blocks of plants
kingdom, phylum, class, order, family, genus, species
Cladogram and Phylogenic tree
Diagram describing relationships between different groups of clades; evolutionary history between species and taxa
Points where lineage splits into evolutionary paths; indicate a common ancestor
group of organisms with a common ancestor; including each organism’s descendants
Any observable feature or trait of an organism
Represents the LEVELS of organization within a hierarchical system of classification
Root System
A system that uptakes water/nutrients/minerals, and stabilizes the plant
Shoot System
above ground system. involved in photosynthesis, reproduction, and transportation
Dermal Tissue System
outer protective system of the plant; first line of defense against environmental stresses; makes the epidermis
Vascular Tissue System
system that transports water/nutrients/minerals throughout the plant; ‘plumbing system’; 2 main types of vascular tissues: xylem and phloem
Ground Tissue System
System that plays crucial role in storage, support, photosynthesis. Three main types of tissues that make up this system: parenchyma, collenchyma, and sclerenchyma
Parenchyma Tissue
versatile ground tissue with thin walls; wound healing
Collenchyma Tissue
simple tissue that gives structural support to young and growing plants; prevent breakage
Sclerenchyma Tissue
mature, thick and rigid cell walls that provide structure
Key structure responsible for the upward transport of water, minerals, and nutrients from the roots
Water-conducting cells in xylem; lacks preforations
Xylem cells; perforations allow for rapid and effective movement of water and minerals
Transports sugar (food) produced during photosynthesis from leaves DOWNWARD, other parts of the plant
Composed of companion cells, sieve elements or sieve tube cells
Sieve Elements, Sieve Tube Cells, and Companion Cells
Sieve Elements and Sieve tube elements - Specialized plant cells involved in nutrient transport in the phloem
Companion Cells - Act as "companions" to assist sieve tube elements in nutrient transport
Outermost layer of living cells covering plant surfaces ex: leaves, stems, roots
Provides protection and regulates water absorption
Often covered by a waxy cuticle for additional protection
Guard Cells
Specialized cells in plant leaves that control the opening and closing of stomates (outside of stomata)
Tiny pores on the surface of plant that facilitate in the diffusion of CO2
Hair-like structures on the surface of plant parts
Reduces water loss and reflects excess sunlight
Protective tissue; replaces epidermis in older stems and roots of woody plants
Cork Cells
in periderm; produce a protective layer that becomes dead at maturity; in woody plants
Regions of plant tissue where cells divide and differentiate
Responsible for the growth and development of plants
Two Types: Primary and Secondary
Primary Growth Meristems
Apical, Vertical Growth
In tips of roots and shoots
Secondary Growth Meristems
Lateral, In axils of leaves
The two main meristems: the vascular cambium and the cork cambium
Vascular Cambium
Production of secondary xylem and phloem, leading to an increase in the plant's girth or thickness
ex: Formation of wood
Cork Cambium
Produces cork cells, which replace the epidermis in older stems and roots (woody plants)
Scientific study of plants
A main and singular root that is vertical with lateral root branching
Vascular seed-producing plants that do not produce flowers
Ex: Conifers, seeds are in the cones they produce
A class of flowering plants, flowers usually in multiples of three
ex: Magnolia tree
Class of flowering plants with 2 seed leaves in their embryos
ex: Roses, Sunflowers, Tomatoes
flowering plants
Fibrous roots
Many thin roots that are equal in size and do not have a prominent central root
ex: Monocot roots
Class of flowering plants with 1 seed leaf in their embryos
ex: bananas, grasses, palms
Feeder Roots
uptake water/minerals; roots 4-7x farther than leaf canopies; surface areas for photosynthesis and absorption; growth even if shoot is dormant
Vascular Cylinder
Central column of vascular tissues; found in roots of vascular plants
Includes xylem/phloem tissues and is responsible for the transport of water, nutrients, and other substances throughout the plant
Primary Vascular Tissues
Early-formed vascular tissues that either transport water/nutrients/ minerals
Types: Primary phloem, protoxylem poles, metaxylem
Primary Phloem
Early-formed phloem tissue responsible for the transport of SUGARS to leaves for photosynthesis or nutrients
Protoxylem poles
Early-formed xylem tissue of water and minerals. Gives initial structural support.
Later-formed xylem tissue that is thick. Transports water and minerals. Provides a more developed structure
Plant tissue inside endodermis, that originates from the procambium
First to develop lateral roots; nonvascular
Special Root: Aerial Roots
Roots that are exposed to the air all/most the time
Some have chlorophyll and can photosynthesize
Special Root: Fleshy Roots
Very thick roots that store food to help feed the whole plant system
Enlarged storage organs ex: potatoes and carrots
Apical Meristem Architecture
Regions that divide cells and turn into tissue for primary growth at the tips of roots/shoots
ex: totipotency
The ability of a cell to differentiate into any type of cell, creating the whole plant
ex: propagation of plants from plant tissue pieces
Stem Structure
Main structure of a plant that supports and transports
Cylinder of discrete strands - arrangement of vascular bundles in the stem
Growth rings - vascular cambium adds layers to xylem/phloem -forms rings that represent age
Scattered Distribution
Scattered arrangement of vascular bundles
Monocots and some herbaceous plants are scattered
Stem Epidermis
One cell layer thick
Cortex- support plant, and store starch
Collenchyma- in young stems for flexible support
Parenchyma - simple plant tissues with diverse functions
tissue that differentiates into phloem, xylem, and vascular cambium
development of vascular tissue in stem
Storage root function
Protects plants from heavy metals/ pollutants and creates foods in the ground