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What are the symptoms of phobias?
Unreasonable anxiety in the presence of the phobic object
Avoidance of phobic object
Social Phobia
Afraid people will have negative evaluations of them
E.g., worst fear is giving a lecture in front of a bunch of people
What is the psychoanalytic theory of anxiety?
Hans and his mom were walking on the street and every once in a while the horses would go crazy and they start to come after Hans and they move out of the way. From that moment on Hans is afraid of horses and he will not leave the house because there are horses everywhere. He exchanged his fear of his father for the horses
Explanation for phobias - displaced anxiety for something deeper
What is the behavioral theory for anxiety?
What do psychoanalytic and behavioral theory share in common?
secondary gain
What is secondary gain?
Consequence of the symptom that is a positive that helps them gain this over time
E.g., Hans - now that he has a phobia he get more attention from his mother and more empathy from his father (improves their life)
What is cognitive schema theory for anxiety?
Way of understanding the world that anticipates harm/ expects bad things to happen
If you have this you may be more likely to develop a phobia
What are the treatments for phobias?
Behavioral (for Simple Phobias)
Cognitive Behavioral (for Social Phobia and for Agoraphobia via Panic treatment)
Physiological Treatments
Psychoanalytic Psychotherapy
fostering insight regarding the unconscious motives that presumably lie at the heart of the patient's symptoms
Situational Exposure
the person repeatedly confronts the situations that have previously been avoided
Interoceptive Exposure
aimed at reducing the person’s fear of internal, bodily sensations that are frequently associated with the onset of a panic attack, such as increased heart and respiration rate and dizziness
Cognitive Therapy for Anxiety
Therapists help clients identify cognitions that are relevant to their problem, recognize the relation between these thoughts and maladaptive emotional responses (such as prolonged anxiety), and examine the evidence that supports or contradicts these beliefs, and they teach clients more useful ways of interpreting events in their environment
What is OCD?
Phobia of your potential behaviors
What are the symptoms of OCD
Obsessions - intrusive, and unwanted thoughts, images, or urges that cause distress
Compulsions - repetitive, ritualistic behaviors or mental acts that individuals feel driven to perform in response to intrusive thoughts or obsessions
What main treatments were used for OCD?
Exposure and Response Prevention
Reuptake Inhibitors
How effective are reuptake inhibitors for OCD treatment?
E.g., prozac
Obsessions do not completely go away, but patients will say their obsessions bother them less
Somatoform Disorders
a group of mental health conditions characterized by physical symptoms that are not fully explained by a medical condition
real physiological disorders that are inspired by psychology
Conversion Disorder
Psychological conflict got converted to physical symptoms
Dissociative (Psychogenic) Amnesia
Selective loss of memories of personal identities
Can tell you general info like today’s date, president of US but could not remember their sibling
Dissociative (Psychogenic) Fugue
Loses their identity and starts to assemble a new identity
Multiple Personality (Dissociative Identity Disorder)
Loss of important aspects of personal identity, the person develops multiple partial identities and the coexist with one another