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Eastern empire still existed for about 1000 years as the Byzantine empire
Culturally and politically fragmented; decentralized into tribal kingdoms fighting for dominance. In constant state of warfare
System of mutual obligations that exist between classes
European feudalism hierarchy
1. King
2. Lords
4. Peasants (serfs)
The feudal period of time in Europe comes to be known as
The Dark Ages. Period when standard of living and intellectual life declines
1000-1450 is when
The sun begins to rise again. High Middle Ages
Significant rise in power of
Kings begin to consolidate
Centralized power, authority and land, political power
Power shifts away from _____ to the ____
1. Feudal lords
2. Monarchs (absolute power)
Methods kings used to consolidate people and power
Established huge bureaucracies to carry out their wills and plans and established massive armies and weaponry
Magna corta (by 1200s)
The signing of the document led to power between lord and king to be shared more. Gave some rights to nobles
Around the same time is the development of
The English parliament
Roman Catholic Church
One constant/continuity that ran through this time period. Was a unifying presence
Catholic Church had most of the intellectuals, educators and philosophers in order to
Ensure that the people don't question their authority
Catholic doctrine led to
Lack of artistry, creativity and expression
Power struggle develops between kings and the Catholic Church
The Crusades (12th century)
The pope urged Christians to take back the holy city of Jerusalem from Muslims. Goes on for a long time with victories on both sides
If you join the crusades, you...
Automatically go to heaven
Effect of crusades
Shifted European allegiance from monarchy back to Catholic Church
Marco Polo (13th century)
Journeyed to and detailed his travels to China. Opened the eyes of Europeans to Asia "half a world away".
Effect of Marco Polo in Europe
Lead to innovation and desire for wealth Asia had
The rise of middle class
Bourgeoisie; shop keepers and small landowners
Small ice age
Decline in agricultural production. Leads to population decrease which leads to poor economy
The renaissance
Rebirth or reawakening. Roman/greek art, culture, and literature
Mona Lisa
Painting that showed more humanistic features, more details, more color
Loyalty during feudalism
Spread of Black Death
Mongol empire catapulted dead bodies into city walls. Also spread by fleas from rats