Unit 14 Social Psychology

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Social Psychology

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Social Psychology

The scientific study of how the thoughts, feelings, and behaviors of people are influenced by the presence of others.

<p>The scientific study of how the thoughts, feelings, and behaviors of people are influenced by the presence of others.</p>
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Attribution Theory

Explaining (attributing) someone's behavior by either the situation the person is in OR the person's disposition (characteristic/personality) by FRITZ HEIDER

<p>Explaining (attributing) someone's behavior by either the situation the person is in OR the person's disposition (characteristic/personality) by FRITZ HEIDER</p>
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Fundamental Attribution Error

A tendency when explaining (attributing) someone's behavior, we make the mistake by underestimating the impact of the situation and overestimate the impact of the person's disposition (characteristic/personality)

<p>A tendency when explaining (attributing) someone's behavior, we make the mistake by underestimating the impact of the situation and overestimate the impact of the person's disposition (characteristic/personality)</p>
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A feeling of liking/disliking something/someone that can influence our behavior.

<p>A feeling of liking/disliking something/someone that can influence our behavior.</p>
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Peripheral Route Persuasion

Changing someone's attitude through means NOT related to LOGIC; instead appealing to fears, desires, and associations. This occurs when individuals lack the motivation or the capability to understand the speaker's message.

<p>Changing someone's attitude through means NOT related to LOGIC; instead appealing to fears, desires, and associations. This occurs when individuals lack the motivation or the capability to understand the speaker's message.</p>
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Central Route Persuasion

Changing someone's attitude through means focused on facts and the content of the message. It's analytical and uses evidence.

<p>Changing someone's attitude through means focused on facts and the content of the message. It's analytical and uses evidence.</p>
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the tendency for people who have first agreed to a small request to comply later with a larger request.

<p>the tendency for people who have first agreed to a small request to comply later with a larger request.</p>
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Set of expectations about the ways in which people are supposed to behave in different situations.

<p>Set of expectations about the ways in which people are supposed to behave in different situations.</p>
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Cognitive Dissonance Theory

We act to reduce the discomfort we feel when two of our thoughts are inconsistent (doesn't match) by LEON FESTINGER.

<p>We act to reduce the discomfort we feel when two of our thoughts are inconsistent (doesn't match) by LEON FESTINGER.</p>
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adjusting one's behavior/thinking to match with a group.

<p>adjusting one's behavior/thinking to match with a group.</p>
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Normative Social Influence

Conforming because of a desire to gain approval or avoid disapproval.

<p>Conforming because of a desire to gain approval or avoid disapproval.</p>
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Social Facilitation

Improved performance of tasks in the presence of others; occurs with simple or well-learned tasks but not with tasks that are difficult or not yet mastered.

<p>Improved performance of tasks in the presence of others; occurs with simple or well-learned tasks but not with tasks that are difficult or not yet mastered.</p>
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Social Loafing

a phenomenon whereby individuals become LESS productive (put in less effort) when in groups

<p>a phenomenon whereby individuals become LESS productive (put in less effort) when in groups</p>
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the LOSS of SELF-AWARENESS and SELF-RESTRAINT occurring in group situations that foster arousal and ANONYMITY.

<p>the LOSS of SELF-AWARENESS and SELF-RESTRAINT occurring in group situations that foster arousal and ANONYMITY.</p>
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Group Polarization

the tendency for a group to make decisions that are MORE EXTREME than the initial inclination of its members.

<p>the tendency for a group to make decisions that are MORE EXTREME than the initial inclination of its members.</p>
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the mode of thinking that occurs when the desire for harmony in a decision-making group OVERRIDES a realistic evaluation of other options.

<p>the mode of thinking that occurs when the desire for harmony in a decision-making group OVERRIDES a realistic evaluation of other options.</p>
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the enduring behaviors, ideas, attitudes, values and traditions shared by a group of people and transmitted from one generation to the next

<p>the enduring behaviors, ideas, attitudes, values and traditions shared by a group of people and transmitted from one generation to the next</p>
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an understood rule for accepted and expected behavior. They prescribe "proper" behavior.

<p>an understood rule for accepted and expected behavior. They prescribe "proper" behavior.</p>
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an unjustifiable (and usually negative) attitude toward a group and its members. It generally involves stereotyped beliefs, negative feelings, and a predisposition to discriminatory action.

<p>an unjustifiable (and usually negative) attitude toward a group and its members. It generally involves stereotyped beliefs, negative feelings, and a predisposition to discriminatory action.</p>
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a generalized (sometimes accurate but often overgeneralized) belief about a group of people.

<p>a generalized (sometimes accurate but often overgeneralized) belief about a group of people.</p>
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Unjustifiable negative BEHAVIOR toward a group and its members.

<p>Unjustifiable negative BEHAVIOR toward a group and its members.</p>
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Just-World Phenomenon

the tendency for people to believe the world is just and that people therefore get what they deserve and deserve what they get.

<p>the tendency for people to believe the world is just and that people therefore get what they deserve and deserve what they get.</p>
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"Us"—people with whom we share a common identity.

<p>"Us"—people with whom we share a common identity.</p>
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"Them"—those perceived as different or apart from our ingroup.

<p>"Them"—those perceived as different or apart from our ingroup.</p>
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Ingroup Bias

the tendency to favor our own group.

<p>the tendency to favor our own group.</p>
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Scapegoat Theory

the theory that prejudice offers an outlet for anger by providing someone to blame.

<p>the theory that prejudice offers an outlet for anger by providing someone to blame.</p>
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Other-Race Effect

the tendency to recall faces of one's own race more accurately than faces of other races. Also called the cross-race effect and the own-race bias

<p>the tendency to recall faces of one's own race more accurately than faces of other races. Also called the cross-race effect and the own-race bias</p>
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physical or verbal behavior intended to hurt someone.

<p>physical or verbal behavior intended to hurt someone.</p>
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Social Script

Culturally modeled guide for how to act in various situations.

<p>Culturally modeled guide for how to act in various situations.</p>
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Frustration-Aggression Principle

the principle that frustration (how you get when your attempt to achieve a goal is blocked) creates anger, which can generate aggression.

<p>the principle that frustration (how you get when your attempt to achieve a goal is blocked) creates anger, which can generate aggression.</p>
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Mere Exposure Effect

the phenomenon that repeated exposure to new stimuli increases liking of them.

<p>the phenomenon that repeated exposure to new stimuli increases liking of them.</p>
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Passionate Love

an aroused state of intense positive absorption in another, usually present at the beginning of a love relationship.

<p>an aroused state of intense positive absorption in another, usually present at the beginning of a love relationship.</p>
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Companionate Love

long-lasting relationship experience involving affection, trust, and concern for a partner's well-being

<p>long-lasting relationship experience involving affection, trust, and concern for a partner's well-being</p>
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revealing intimate aspects of oneself to others.

<p>revealing intimate aspects of oneself to others.</p>
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unselfish concern for the welfare of others

<p>unselfish concern for the welfare of others</p>
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Bystander Effect

the tendency for any given bystander to be LESS LIKELY to give aid if other bystanders are present.

<p>the tendency for any given bystander to be LESS LIKELY to give aid if other bystanders are present.</p>
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Social Exchange Theory

the theory that our social behavior is an exchange process, the aim of which is to maximize benefits and minimize costs.

<p>the theory that our social behavior is an exchange process, the aim of which is to maximize benefits and minimize costs.</p>
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Reciprocity Norm

an expectation that people will help, not hurt, those who have helped them. Help them because they helped you.

<p>an expectation that people will help, not hurt, those who have helped them. Help them because they helped you.</p>
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Social-Responsibility Norm

an expectation that people will help those who need help the most

<p>an expectation that people will help those who need help the most</p>
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a perceived incompatibility of actions, goals, or ideas.

<p>a perceived incompatibility of actions, goals, or ideas.</p>
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Social Trap

a situation in which a group of people act to obtain short-term individual gains, which in the long run leads to a loss for the group as a whole

<p>a situation in which a group of people act to obtain short-term individual gains, which in the long run leads to a loss for the group as a whole</p>
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Mirror-Image Perceptions

mutual views often held by conflicting people, like when each side sees itself as good and peaceful and views the other side as evil and aggressive.

<p>mutual views often held by conflicting people, like when each side sees itself as good and peaceful and views the other side as evil and aggressive.</p>
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Self Fulfilling Prophecy

a belief that leads to its own fulfillment

<p>a belief that leads to its own fulfillment</p>
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Superordinate Goals

shared goals that override differences among people and require their cooperation.

<p>shared goals that override differences among people and require their cooperation.</p>
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Graduated and Reciprocated Initiatives in Tension Reduction (GRIT)

A strategy designed to decrease international tensions.

<p>A strategy designed to decrease international tensions.</p>
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Solomon Asch

Studied conformity with his "Line Experiment."

<p>Studied conformity with his "Line Experiment."</p>
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Leon Festinger

American social psychologist known for his work in cognitive dissonance.

<p>American social psychologist known for his work in cognitive dissonance.</p>
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Stanley Milgram

Conducted a controversial "shock" experiment on obedience. He was interested in the obedience of Nazi soldiers during WWII and if their behaviors could be repeated with American citizens.

<p>Conducted a controversial "shock" experiment on obedience. He was interested in the obedience of Nazi soldiers during WWII and if their behaviors could be repeated with American citizens.</p>
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Philip Zimbardo

Famous for his Stanford Prison Experiment, which studied the psychological effects of being a prisoner or prison guard (role-playing, obedience, conformity, groupthink, etc).

<p>Famous for his Stanford Prison Experiment, which studied the psychological effects of being a prisoner or prison guard (role-playing, obedience, conformity, groupthink, etc).</p>
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self-serving bias

the tendency to perceive oneself favorably.

<p>the tendency to perceive oneself favorably.</p>
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low-ball technique

2-step strategy in which the influencer secures agreement with a request by understating the true cost.

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persuasive technique involving making an unreasonably large request before making the small request we're hoping to have granted

<p>persuasive technique involving making an unreasonably large request before making the small request we're hoping to have granted</p>
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Fritz Heider

Proposed the attribution theory.

<p>Proposed the attribution theory.</p>
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informational social influence

Conforming because we take group's comments or actions as a source of information about what is correct, proper, or effective.

<p>Conforming because we take group's comments or actions as a source of information about what is correct, proper, or effective.</p>
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What % of subjects in Asch's Line Experiment conformed to the group's "wrong" answer?

37% (About 1 out of 3 people)

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When are people MORE likely to conform?

They like the group's status or find them attractive. They're incompetent or insecure.

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Would a person coming from an individualistic culture or a collectivistic culture be MORE LIKELY to conform?


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In Milgram's Shock Experiment, what % of subjects went ALL the way to 450-volts to shock their "students"?

65% (about 2 out of 3 people)

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When is obedience HIGHEST?

1. the person giving the orders was close at hand and was perceived to be a legitimate authority figure.
2. the authority figure was supported by a prestigious institution.
3. the victim was depersonalized or at a distance, even in another room
4. there were no role models for defiance

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