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It is defined as the area of technology associated with and applied to the realization of electronic systems made of extremely small electronic parts or elements
The first computer or the counting frame is _______.
The first mechanical computer is ____.
Pascaline - Blaise Pascal (1642)
The first digital computer is ______.
Electronic Numerical Integrator and Computer (ENIAC) - 1946
It should be Atanasoff- Berry Computer (ABC) but it is not progammable and not Turing - Complete (cannot solve any kind of problem)
Eras of Electronics
Vacuum Tubes
Integrated Circuits
Artificial Intelligence
ENIAC specifications:
Size: 1,800 sq.ft.
Storage: 20 words (80 bytes)
Clock Speed: 7,000 problems/sec
18,000 vacuum tubes
70,000 resistors
10,000 capacitors
6,000 switches
The first transistor created is ____.
Point Contact Transistor (PCT)
Created by Walter Brattain, John Bardeen and William Shockley (Supervisor) in Bell Labs.
An elementary electronic device constructed as a single unit.
Discrete Electronic Circuit
Before integrated circuits, all transistor, resistors, capacitors, and diodes were dicrete.
Father of Integrated Circuit
Jack Kilby
He produces a microcircuit made from germanium
It is a miniaturized electronics circuit that has been manufactured in the surface of a thin substrate of semiconductor material
Integrated Circuit
It consists of elements inseparably associated and formed on or within a single substrate.
Microchip/ Chip/ Silicon Chip/ Microcircuit
Advantages of Integrated Circuit:
Cost, High Speed, Reliability, Compactness, Ease of Maintenance, Low Power and Modular Construction
Limitations of Integrated Circuit:
Mega Power is impossible and Inductors are impractical
Fortunately, resistance-capacitance (RC) circuits are capable of doing most things that inductance-capacitance (LC) circuits can do.
Less than 12 gates per chip
Small Scale Integration
between 12-200 gates per chip
Medium Scale Integration
More than 100 gates per chip
Large Scale Integration
excess of 100,000 gates per chip
Very Large Scale Integration
more than 1 million gates per chip
Ultra Large Scale Integration
It states that “The number of transistors on a microchip doubles every two years though the cost of computer is halved.”
Moore’s Law (Gordon Moore)