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History Study Guide

Chapter 7: Medieval Europe

How did changing economic and social conditions, wars, and the growing power of monarchs begin to shape nation-states in France and England?

Describe feudalism, how did they shape nation states (self sufficiency , no trade) forming a strong military. Mutual obligations and early government. Growing power of the monarchs. France moved towards monarchy. England moved towards parliament.

How did conflicts between monarchs and popes affect the power balance in Europe?

During the Middle Ages, Europeans believed in Papal supremacy, meaning that the pope had complete power over both secular and non-secular things. The Roman Catholic church had an active hand in government. The monarch was part of the church, but only had secular power. If there was a conflict between the monarch and the pope, the monarch would be excommunicated and the kingdom would be interdicted. The monarch would usually have to apologize in order to avoid a rebellion. In some cases, a monarch would either exile the pope, or elect a new pope, usually from that kingdom, to remove the interdict. They did as much as possible to prove that they were more powerful than the other.

What were the causes and effects of the crusades?



Pope Urban II wanted to heal the schism

Decreased European warfare

Pope Urban II wanted to increase his power over the Middle East

Increased trade and money economy

Christians wanted “The Holy Lands”

Hatred between Christians and Muslims.

Increased monarch power.

Reconquista in Spain

How did culture and art flourish during the high middle ages?

Culture and art had been almost non-existent due to the amount of wars in Medieval Europe. In the High Middle Ages, the first European Universities were created. Many Greek texts were translated into Arabic in Muslim ruled Spain, then translated into Latin from there, causing Christian scholars to create scholasticism (using reason to support religious beliefs). New poems and books were written, and new gothic architecture.

What were the causes and effects of the Hundred Years War?



England and France wanted the Norman Lands

Parliament became more powerful

England and France both wanted the English channel

Disappearance of knights

Joan of Arc became

France won

English wanted the French Throne

What were the causes and effects of the Black Death?



Bad hygiene

Religious craziness

Fleas on rats

Dark Ages

Trade increased spread of disease

2/3 of Europe died

The rise and fall of the Byzantine Empire.

Constantine transformed the city of Byzantium into Constantinople which was a perfect port for trade. Eventually the Ottoman empire took over the trading empire, made the city Istanbul, and created the Ottoman Empire.

How did Russia grow its power in the 14th and 15th centuries?

Russia grew its power during the 14th and 15th centuries because of its size, military, and self-isolation. Russia took many customs from the Byzantine Empire, becoming it’s legacy in a way. Russia had lots of land with lots of different growing conditions, meaning that the state could be both self-sufficient and prosperous. Eventually, the Russian government decided that it would be better off on its own, and completely isolated itself from the rest of the world.

How did geography and ethnic diversity in Eastern Europe contribute to the turmoil in the area?

The diverse mix of people caused religious and cultural turmoil, but also added to the culture and knowledge of the region. The region was good for trade with Asia because it was right in the middle of Europe, Asia, and Africa, meaning many different people’s ideas cycled around. Eastern Europe was also slightly cut off from Western Europe because of geographic barriers such as the Alps mountain range.

Chapter 8: African Empires

Explain the teachings of Islam.

Islam teaches that the prophet Muhammed was the first leader of Islam after he got a vision from the angle Gabriel. He went to Mecca and started to teach people about the religion. The Muslim holy book is the Quran and their law code is the Sharia. There are five pillars of Islam: make the hajj, fast on Ramadan, give to the poor, pray five times a day, and have faith

Compare and contrast Islam, Catholicism, and Judaism


-Monotheistic-”People of the book”-Pretty much the same


-Bible, Torah, Quran-Slightly different beliefs about prophets and sons and stuff

How did Muhammad’s successors expand their rule and spread Islam?

The first four Muslim caliphs took over Byzantine, Persia, and much of the Middle East. They split into two different groups the Sunni and the Shiite. the Sufi (mystics). The Umayyad caliphate extended Sunni Islam through Europe, Africa, and Asia. They had good fighting tactics and a tax on non-Muslims, causing more people to convert.The Arabs had more rights than non-Arabs. They expanded into the south of Spain. The Abbasid empire was founded on complete equality

What are a few Muslim achievements in economics, math, science, art, and literature?

Rich oral traditions in poetry and song, calligraphy, architecture, the scientific study of history, astronomy, medical schools, and algebra.

The rise and fall of the Ottoman and Safavid empires.




They conquered Constantinople and extended into the Middle East. Dominated Mediterranean trade. Sunni Muslim.

The bureaucracy became corrupt and the empire became outdated.


Shiite nation in Persia. Centralized government, controlled international silk trade.

The Safavids started being less religiously tolerant and Sunni Muslims rebelled. The Qajars took control of the area.

How did geography shape Egypt?

Geography shaped Egypt in many ways. The Nile river provided fertile land and trade, it was close to the Red Sea, and the Sahara desert provided as a barrier from enemies, and they had direct contact with the Mediterranean. Camels!

The development and decline of Africa’s kingdoms.




Bordered Egypt and conquered it in 730 BCE under Piankhi. Their capital commanded Red Sea trade.

Conquered by Ezana’s army of Axum.


Conquered Egypt in 350 BCE, controlled India- Mediterranean trade routes.

Civil war and economic downfall.


Grew independently in the mountains. Both Christian and Jewish.

Persecuted in the 1900s


Muslim nation founded by Sundiata. Very rich and influential. Controlled the gold-salt trade.

Replaced by Songhai


Developed by Sonni Ali the soldier king. Had control of Timbuktu and trade on the Niger River.

Dispute in succession led to civil war.

Chapter 10: The Renaissance

Explain the characteristics of the Italian Renaissance. Also, why did it start in Italy?

The Italian renaissance was characterized by humanism, realism, and individualism. Humanism arose from the reading of Ancient Greek and Roman texts by Europeans. It enforced learning, the arts, and worldly happiness away from religion. Realism was a movement in art that was composed of techniques (including perspective) that make a piece look realistic. Individualism was all about the achievements of the individual, like writing, drawing, mathematics, and astronomy. The Renaissance started in Italy for many reasons. They were the first to get hit by the Black Death but they were also the first to recover from it. They had lots of trade so they had access to ideas from North Africa, Asia, and the Middle East. This trade also caused Italy to have a few extremely wealthy merchant families, such as the Medicis, who were patrons of the arts.

Explain the characteristics of the Northern Renaissance.

The Northern renaissance was characterized by much of the same things that Italy was, but also consisted of a few incredibly important inventions. religion was much more prevalent in the North at that time, so they started to translate religious documents into vernacular. This spurred the invention of the printing press by Johannes Gutenberg in 1450.

Know the causes and effects of the Protestant Reformation.



Church corruption




Martin Luther and the 95 Theses

North/south religious split

Understand how the Protestant Reformation put Europe on two distinct religious paths.

The Protestant Reformation caused different nations in Europe to split into different religions. This caused half of Europe to be loyal to the Pope, and half to their own religious leaders. This also led to an abundance of wars between Protestants and Catholics.

Explain the scientific advancements made during the Renaissance.

-printing press


-pretty architecture

-accurate knowledge of anatomy

Chapter 11: European Exploration

What were the motivations for exploration in the 15th and 16th century?

Europeans wanted to explore the world in the 15th and 16th centuries because they wanted the commodity of spices and the profits from the spice trade. They Spanish and the Portuguese tried to find an Atlantic route around Africa to South Asia to get to the Moluccan Islands where most spices were produced. They then tried to go around the globe across the Atlantic instead. They didn’t know that they would hit the Americas on the way there.

What was the rivalry between Spain and Portugal and how was it resolved in the late 15th century?

There was a rivalry between Spain and Portugal because they both wanted to claim all the land in South America and the Caribbean Islands. This was solved by the Treaty of Tordesillas in 1494, wherein the monarchs of Spain and Portugal agreed to split South America down a line.

How were a small group of conquistadores able to conquer large Native communities?

A small group of conquistadors conquered thousands of Native Americans for a few reasons. They had firearms and cannons, which the Native people did not. They carried diseases that the people in the Americas weren’t immune to yet. Many people in the Aztec nation wanted a government overthrow because of the human sacrifices, so they actually helped the conquistadors conquer them, the Aztecs also were fighting to capture and sacrifice later while the Spanish were fighting to kill. Lastly, Montezuma was suspicious that Cortes was Quetzalcoatl coming back from the east.

How did Spain and Portugal govern their colonies in the Americas?

The Spanish and Portuguese ruled their American colonies badly. They forcibly converted the Native people and made them tirelessly work their fields. The population of these Native communities went down drastically because of the unknown diseases carried by the Europeans.

What were the social classes that developed in South America?

The new social classes in the South American colonies were formed based on race.

  1. Peninsulares: born in Spain

  2. Creoles: Europeans born in America

  3. Mestizos: Children of Spanish and Indigenous

  4. Mulattoes: Children of European and African

How did European powers struggle for control of the Americas?

European powers battled for control of the Americas. Spain and Portugal had a long time feud based on who got claim of the Caribbean islands and Central America. Later, France had a legal claim over lots of North America. The English came over to the East Coast and began to colonize it more than the French ever had. The English wanted to expand out west into French territory, which led to the French and Indian War between England and France for land in North America. England won and France had to give it’s land to various European nations.

How did the triangular trade affect merchants, farmers, and enslaved people?

Merchants: Got a lot richer because of higher trade.

Farmers: Got richer off of other people’s unpaid labor.

Enslaved people: kidnapped from homes, forced into generational slavery, treated terribly, middle passage where 2 million died.

What were the positive and negative effects of the Columbian exchange?



Spread of plants

Spread of diseases

Spread of animals

Native population decrease

More available food and more options


History Study Guide

Chapter 7: Medieval Europe

How did changing economic and social conditions, wars, and the growing power of monarchs begin to shape nation-states in France and England?

Describe feudalism, how did they shape nation states (self sufficiency , no trade) forming a strong military. Mutual obligations and early government. Growing power of the monarchs. France moved towards monarchy. England moved towards parliament.

How did conflicts between monarchs and popes affect the power balance in Europe?

During the Middle Ages, Europeans believed in Papal supremacy, meaning that the pope had complete power over both secular and non-secular things. The Roman Catholic church had an active hand in government. The monarch was part of the church, but only had secular power. If there was a conflict between the monarch and the pope, the monarch would be excommunicated and the kingdom would be interdicted. The monarch would usually have to apologize in order to avoid a rebellion. In some cases, a monarch would either exile the pope, or elect a new pope, usually from that kingdom, to remove the interdict. They did as much as possible to prove that they were more powerful than the other.

What were the causes and effects of the crusades?



Pope Urban II wanted to heal the schism

Decreased European warfare

Pope Urban II wanted to increase his power over the Middle East

Increased trade and money economy

Christians wanted “The Holy Lands”

Hatred between Christians and Muslims.

Increased monarch power.

Reconquista in Spain

How did culture and art flourish during the high middle ages?

Culture and art had been almost non-existent due to the amount of wars in Medieval Europe. In the High Middle Ages, the first European Universities were created. Many Greek texts were translated into Arabic in Muslim ruled Spain, then translated into Latin from there, causing Christian scholars to create scholasticism (using reason to support religious beliefs). New poems and books were written, and new gothic architecture.

What were the causes and effects of the Hundred Years War?



England and France wanted the Norman Lands

Parliament became more powerful

England and France both wanted the English channel

Disappearance of knights

Joan of Arc became

France won

English wanted the French Throne

What were the causes and effects of the Black Death?



Bad hygiene

Religious craziness

Fleas on rats

Dark Ages

Trade increased spread of disease

2/3 of Europe died

The rise and fall of the Byzantine Empire.

Constantine transformed the city of Byzantium into Constantinople which was a perfect port for trade. Eventually the Ottoman empire took over the trading empire, made the city Istanbul, and created the Ottoman Empire.

How did Russia grow its power in the 14th and 15th centuries?

Russia grew its power during the 14th and 15th centuries because of its size, military, and self-isolation. Russia took many customs from the Byzantine Empire, becoming it’s legacy in a way. Russia had lots of land with lots of different growing conditions, meaning that the state could be both self-sufficient and prosperous. Eventually, the Russian government decided that it would be better off on its own, and completely isolated itself from the rest of the world.

How did geography and ethnic diversity in Eastern Europe contribute to the turmoil in the area?

The diverse mix of people caused religious and cultural turmoil, but also added to the culture and knowledge of the region. The region was good for trade with Asia because it was right in the middle of Europe, Asia, and Africa, meaning many different people’s ideas cycled around. Eastern Europe was also slightly cut off from Western Europe because of geographic barriers such as the Alps mountain range.

Chapter 8: African Empires

Explain the teachings of Islam.

Islam teaches that the prophet Muhammed was the first leader of Islam after he got a vision from the angle Gabriel. He went to Mecca and started to teach people about the religion. The Muslim holy book is the Quran and their law code is the Sharia. There are five pillars of Islam: make the hajj, fast on Ramadan, give to the poor, pray five times a day, and have faith

Compare and contrast Islam, Catholicism, and Judaism


-Monotheistic-”People of the book”-Pretty much the same


-Bible, Torah, Quran-Slightly different beliefs about prophets and sons and stuff

How did Muhammad’s successors expand their rule and spread Islam?

The first four Muslim caliphs took over Byzantine, Persia, and much of the Middle East. They split into two different groups the Sunni and the Shiite. the Sufi (mystics). The Umayyad caliphate extended Sunni Islam through Europe, Africa, and Asia. They had good fighting tactics and a tax on non-Muslims, causing more people to convert.The Arabs had more rights than non-Arabs. They expanded into the south of Spain. The Abbasid empire was founded on complete equality

What are a few Muslim achievements in economics, math, science, art, and literature?

Rich oral traditions in poetry and song, calligraphy, architecture, the scientific study of history, astronomy, medical schools, and algebra.

The rise and fall of the Ottoman and Safavid empires.




They conquered Constantinople and extended into the Middle East. Dominated Mediterranean trade. Sunni Muslim.

The bureaucracy became corrupt and the empire became outdated.


Shiite nation in Persia. Centralized government, controlled international silk trade.

The Safavids started being less religiously tolerant and Sunni Muslims rebelled. The Qajars took control of the area.

How did geography shape Egypt?

Geography shaped Egypt in many ways. The Nile river provided fertile land and trade, it was close to the Red Sea, and the Sahara desert provided as a barrier from enemies, and they had direct contact with the Mediterranean. Camels!

The development and decline of Africa’s kingdoms.




Bordered Egypt and conquered it in 730 BCE under Piankhi. Their capital commanded Red Sea trade.

Conquered by Ezana’s army of Axum.


Conquered Egypt in 350 BCE, controlled India- Mediterranean trade routes.

Civil war and economic downfall.


Grew independently in the mountains. Both Christian and Jewish.

Persecuted in the 1900s


Muslim nation founded by Sundiata. Very rich and influential. Controlled the gold-salt trade.

Replaced by Songhai


Developed by Sonni Ali the soldier king. Had control of Timbuktu and trade on the Niger River.

Dispute in succession led to civil war.

Chapter 10: The Renaissance

Explain the characteristics of the Italian Renaissance. Also, why did it start in Italy?

The Italian renaissance was characterized by humanism, realism, and individualism. Humanism arose from the reading of Ancient Greek and Roman texts by Europeans. It enforced learning, the arts, and worldly happiness away from religion. Realism was a movement in art that was composed of techniques (including perspective) that make a piece look realistic. Individualism was all about the achievements of the individual, like writing, drawing, mathematics, and astronomy. The Renaissance started in Italy for many reasons. They were the first to get hit by the Black Death but they were also the first to recover from it. They had lots of trade so they had access to ideas from North Africa, Asia, and the Middle East. This trade also caused Italy to have a few extremely wealthy merchant families, such as the Medicis, who were patrons of the arts.

Explain the characteristics of the Northern Renaissance.

The Northern renaissance was characterized by much of the same things that Italy was, but also consisted of a few incredibly important inventions. religion was much more prevalent in the North at that time, so they started to translate religious documents into vernacular. This spurred the invention of the printing press by Johannes Gutenberg in 1450.

Know the causes and effects of the Protestant Reformation.



Church corruption




Martin Luther and the 95 Theses

North/south religious split

Understand how the Protestant Reformation put Europe on two distinct religious paths.

The Protestant Reformation caused different nations in Europe to split into different religions. This caused half of Europe to be loyal to the Pope, and half to their own religious leaders. This also led to an abundance of wars between Protestants and Catholics.

Explain the scientific advancements made during the Renaissance.

-printing press


-pretty architecture

-accurate knowledge of anatomy

Chapter 11: European Exploration

What were the motivations for exploration in the 15th and 16th century?

Europeans wanted to explore the world in the 15th and 16th centuries because they wanted the commodity of spices and the profits from the spice trade. They Spanish and the Portuguese tried to find an Atlantic route around Africa to South Asia to get to the Moluccan Islands where most spices were produced. They then tried to go around the globe across the Atlantic instead. They didn’t know that they would hit the Americas on the way there.

What was the rivalry between Spain and Portugal and how was it resolved in the late 15th century?

There was a rivalry between Spain and Portugal because they both wanted to claim all the land in South America and the Caribbean Islands. This was solved by the Treaty of Tordesillas in 1494, wherein the monarchs of Spain and Portugal agreed to split South America down a line.

How were a small group of conquistadores able to conquer large Native communities?

A small group of conquistadors conquered thousands of Native Americans for a few reasons. They had firearms and cannons, which the Native people did not. They carried diseases that the people in the Americas weren’t immune to yet. Many people in the Aztec nation wanted a government overthrow because of the human sacrifices, so they actually helped the conquistadors conquer them, the Aztecs also were fighting to capture and sacrifice later while the Spanish were fighting to kill. Lastly, Montezuma was suspicious that Cortes was Quetzalcoatl coming back from the east.

How did Spain and Portugal govern their colonies in the Americas?

The Spanish and Portuguese ruled their American colonies badly. They forcibly converted the Native people and made them tirelessly work their fields. The population of these Native communities went down drastically because of the unknown diseases carried by the Europeans.

What were the social classes that developed in South America?

The new social classes in the South American colonies were formed based on race.

  1. Peninsulares: born in Spain

  2. Creoles: Europeans born in America

  3. Mestizos: Children of Spanish and Indigenous

  4. Mulattoes: Children of European and African

How did European powers struggle for control of the Americas?

European powers battled for control of the Americas. Spain and Portugal had a long time feud based on who got claim of the Caribbean islands and Central America. Later, France had a legal claim over lots of North America. The English came over to the East Coast and began to colonize it more than the French ever had. The English wanted to expand out west into French territory, which led to the French and Indian War between England and France for land in North America. England won and France had to give it’s land to various European nations.

How did the triangular trade affect merchants, farmers, and enslaved people?

Merchants: Got a lot richer because of higher trade.

Farmers: Got richer off of other people’s unpaid labor.

Enslaved people: kidnapped from homes, forced into generational slavery, treated terribly, middle passage where 2 million died.

What were the positive and negative effects of the Columbian exchange?



Spread of plants

Spread of diseases

Spread of animals

Native population decrease

More available food and more options
