UCONN FREN 1177 Quizzes 1,2,3,4

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B. Nostradamus

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B. Nostradamus

Who is the most famous French astrologer? A. Merlin B. Nostradamus C. Nicolas Flamel D. Etienne de Bourbon

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A. To raise the dead

What is the goal of a necromancer? A. To raise the dead B. To know everybody's secrets C. To accurately predict the future D. To fly to the Sabbath on the moon

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B. the art of changing lead into gold

What is alchemy? A.The art of raising the dead B. The art of changing lead into gold C. The art of casting spells and curses D. The art of reading the future in the stars

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C. A cannibal horse who first drowns its victims

What is a kelpie? A. A spirit of the woods B. The personification of death in Brittany C. A cannibal horse who first drowns its victims D. A womanlike creature whose screams herald Death

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B. The personification of death in Brittany

Who is l'Ankou? A. A spirit of the woods B. The personification of death in Brittany C.The leader of the Wild Hunt D. A womanlike creature whose screams herald Death

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B. The Wild Hunt led by "Erla the King"

What is the Mesnie Hellequin? A. A Sabbath where witches honor the Devil B. The Wild Hunt led by "Erla the King" C. The title of a medieval play D. An ancient fertility cult

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D. A male demon who seduces women and impregnates them

What is an incubus? A. An angel of light B. B. An aspiring monk C. A female demon who seduces men and takes their seed D. A male demon who seduces women and impregnates them

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B. A textbook of High Magic

What is the ars notoria? A. A technique of relaxation B. A textbook of High Magic C. A way to organize notary archives D. A repertory of notorious magicians

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A. Heretics who think the material world is evil

Who are the Cathars? A. Heretics who think the material world is evil B. Good Christians who strive for chastity C. Worshipers of the Devil D. Pagans who honor the goddess Diana

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C. A healer who knows herb-lore and Nature's properties

In the movie Sorceress, who is the Forest Woman? A. Etienne de Bourbon's daughter B. A wicked sorceress who worships the Devil C. A healer who knows herb-lore and Nature's properties D. A mother who takes her sick child to the sacred grove

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D. A Dominican monk looking for heretics

In the movie Sorceress, who is Etienne de Bourbon? A. A Knight Templar B. A parish priest protecting his people C. A sorcerer dealing in black magic D. A Dominican monk looking for heretics

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A. A valiant greyhound killed unfairly

In the movie Sorceress, who is Guinefort? A. A valiant greyhound killed unfairly B. A Christian saint with the head of a dog C. The name some villagers give to the Devil D. A pagan god worshiped during Roman times

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D. Henri-Corneille Agrippa von Nettesheim

Who is the most famous magician of the Renaissance? A. Jean Bodin B. Marsilo Ficino C. Heinrich Kramer (aka Institoris) D. Henri-Corneille Agrippa von Nettesheim

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B. He cannot consummate the marriage because of a curse

In the movie, what is the problem with Martin Guerre when he first marries Bertrande de Rols? A. He does not like women and would prefer a man B. He cannot consummate the marriage because of a curse C. He is a holy man and does not want to have sex with his wife D. He is a were-bear (he becomes a bear during the full-moon nights)

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B. An inquisitor who wrote a textbook for his colleagues

Who is Nicholas Eymerich? A. A notorious wizard and necromancer B. An inquisitor who wrote a textbook for his colleagues C. A judge who arrested many witched and had them executed D. An alchemist who wrote a book on how to transform lead into gold

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A. The Crusades

Which of these events did not influence the protestant Reformation? A. The Crusades B. The Black Death C. The printing press D. The discovery of the Americas

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C. Gianfrancesco Pico della Mirandola

Which of these persons is NOT a magician (magus)? A. Bombastus von Hohenheim (aka Paracelse) B. Henri-Corneille Agrippa von Nettesheim C. Gianfrancesco Pico della Mirandola D. John Dee

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C. A textbook for judges, to identify and destroy witches

The Malleus Maleficarum is... A. A textbook for witches, to learn spells and curses. B. A 16th century popular romance about witches C. A textbook for judges, to identify and destroy witches D. A political treatise discussing different kinds of government

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B. A judge and a witch-hunter (NR)

Nicolas Remy is... A. A famous magician B. A judge and a witch-hunter C. A monk of the Dominican order D. A physician who thinks witchcraft is a disease

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B. De la demonomanie des sorciers

Which of these books is written by Jean Bodin? A. De l'Inconstance des mauvais anges et des demons B. De la demonomanie des sorciers C. Invective contre la secte de vauderie D. Discours execrable des sorciers

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A. Jehan Wier

Which one among these writers asserts that witchcraft is a by-product of melancholy? A. Jehan Wier B. Pierre de Lancre C. Francois Rabelais D. Michel de Montaigne

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B. Albrecht Durer

Who is the author of the engraving Melancholia? A. Lucas Cranach B. Albrecht Durer C. Pierre-Paul Rubens D. Rembrant van Rijn

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D. Rembrandt van Rijn

Which of these artists is NOT famous for his depictions of witches? A. Hans Baldung-Grien B. Lucas Cranach C. Albrecht Dürer D. Rembrandt van Rijn

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D. Carmina malefacta

Which of these elements does NOT belong in the Sabbath? A. Conjunctio carnalis B. Comestio carnis humane C. Apostasia a fide D. Carmina malefacta

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D. They stick needles in her whole body to find the Devil's mark

How do the Inquisitors make sure that an accused woman is a witch? A. They hypnotize her to get her true confession B. They throw her from a tower to see if she can fly C. They show her to an owl: if it looks straight at her, she is a witch D. They stick needles in her whole body to find the Devil's mark

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D. An African beast that has been artificially armored and made vicious

In the Brotherhood of Wolves, the "Gevaudan Beast" is: A. A werewolf B. The scourge of God C. The nickname of a famous hunter D. An African beast that has been artificially armored and made vicious

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B. Architecture

Which of these topics does NOT appeal to 18th-century people? A. Alchemy B. Architecture C. Magnetism D. Reincarnation

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C. A medical doctor studying hypnotism

In the movie Black Magic, who is Dr. Messmer? A. An enemy of the Gypsies B. An immortal aristocrat C. A medical doctor studying hypnotism D. A judge who tries to indict Cagliostro

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C. The Count of Saint-Germain

Which of these characters is supposed to be immortal? A. Dr. Frankenstein B. Michel de Nostredame (Nostradamus) C. The Count of Saint-Germain D. The Marchioness of Montespan

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D. Sir Horace Walpole

Who is the author of the first gothic novel of the 18th century? A. Lord Byron B. John Polidori C. Mary Shelley D. Sir Horace Walpole

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D. The "modern" (19th century) taste for supernatural stories located in faraway places and times

What is the "Gothic Revival"? A. A group of musicians trying to recreate instruments from the Middle Ages B. A political movement wanting to go back to the "Old Regime" after the Revolution C. A popular organization trying to resurrect so-called Gothic (13th century) values and customs D. The "modern" (19th century) taste for supernatural stories located in faraway places and times

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D. The brightest angel who fell from Heaven because of his pride

Who is Lucifer, according to 19th century writers? A. An attractive incubus B. A man who revolted against God C. The foulest devil, to be avoided at all costs D. The brightest angel who fell from Heaven because of his pride

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A. Buddhism

Which of these life experiments did Joris-Karl Huysmans NOT attempt to ease his boredom? A. Buddhism B. Christianity C. Dandyism D. Satanism

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D. Lord Ruthven

Who is the first "literary" vampire of the 19th century? A. The Count of Monte-Cristo B. Carmilla von Karnstein C. Vlad Tepes D. Lord Ruthven

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D. Carmilla von Karnstein

Who is the first lesbian vampire of the 19th century? A. Clarimonde B. Vlad Tepes C. Lord Ruthven D. Carmilla von Karnstein

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A. An ancient vampire

In the movie Nosferatu, who is Count Orlock? A. An ancient vampire B. A young real estate agent C. The chief of a band of gypsies D. A famous scientist specializing in carnivorous plants

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A. To be buried alive

What fear does the myth of the vampire alleviate? A. To be buried alive B. To become consumptive C. To become paralyzed D. To be transformed into an animal

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B. They represent the unconscious part of every human being

What do vampires, werewolves, and ghosts have in common? A. They prey upon "true" human beings B. They represent the unconscious part of every human being C. They are all males D. They are (un)dead

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A. The founder of Spiritualism

Allan Kardec is: A. The founder of Spiritualism B. An authentic Celtic druid C. A medium who sees the future D. A psychiatrist who studies reincarnation

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A. A sort of vapor emanating from the medium during a seance

An ectoplasm is... A. A sort of vapor emanating from the medium during a seance B. A person who can transform his/her appearance at will C. An aggressive ghost that may hurt the living D. A kind of blood cell

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A. Predicting the future

What is NOT done during a seance? A. Predicting the future B. Writing automatically C. Taking pictures of spirits D. Revealing secrets of the past

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C. Sherlock Holmes

Which of these creatures/beings does not belong to the supernatural world? A.Lucifer B. Papa Legba C. Sherlock Holmes D. Lestat de Lioncourt

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C. A form of "parallel" Christian religion practiced by slaves in the West Indies

Historically voodoo is: A. The cult of Satan in the New World B. A purely African religion based on animism C. A form of "parallel" Christian religion practiced by slaves in the West Indies D. The religion of Native Americans adopted by the first colonists from the West

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D. A dead person brought back to a state of vegetative life in order to be a slave

Historically, a "real" zombie is: A. An incorporeal, blood-sucking entity haunting the Caribbean islands B. A cannibalistic mutant infected by a virus that makes people look like corpses C. A dead person who must eat human flesh to retain some kind of artificial life D. A dead person brought back to a state of vegetative life in order to be a slave

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A. A god of voodoo, subservient to the great god

What is a loa? A. A god of voodoo, subservient to the great god B. An animal that is worshiped as a god C. The reincarnation of a dead priest D. A half-god of the ancient world

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C. Papa Legba

Who is the loa associated with the crossroads? A. Erzulie B. Damballah C. Papa Legba D. Baron Samedi

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C. A white woman who has reluctantly come to admit the power of voodoo

In the movie I Walked with a Zombie, Mrs Rand is... A. A powerful mambo (voodoo priestess) B. A rationalist doctor who does not believe in voodoo C. A white woman who has reluctantly come to admit the power of voodoo D. A clever murderess who hides her crimes behind a pretense of black magic

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D. That she will transform into a leopard and kill her husband

In the movie Cat People, what is it that Irena fears? A. That her husband will turn into a leopard during their wedding night. B. That the zoo leopard will kill her if she is not a virgin anymore C. That she will become mad if her marriage is consummated D. That she will transform into a leopard and kill her husband

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B. They are terrified of them

In the movie Cat People, how do real animals react to the presence of the "cat people"? A. They attack them on sight B. They are terrified of them C. They are irresistibly drawn to them D. It depends; felines love them, birds fear them

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D. Miraculous Healing

Which of the following does not belong to Paul Fort's collection of paranormal phenomena? A. Poltergeist B. Telekinesy C. Teleportation D. Miraculous Healing

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D. A witch/wizard who is asked by the victim to lift the curse cast by a colleague

According to Jeanne Favret-Saada, a "disensorceller" is... A. The victim of a curse B. A priest who has the power to lift a curse C. A witch/wizard who gets paid to cast spells and curses on people D. A witch/wizard who is asked by the victim to lift the curse cast by a colleague

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A. a clairvoyant gypsy

In the movie Black Magic, who is Cagliostro? a. a clairvoyant Gypsy b. a reincarnation of an Egyptian pharaoh c. an immortal man d. a scientist

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b. a sorcerer who has power upon the wolves and runs with them at night.

What is a "meneur de loups"? a. an outlaw who fights against the king's soldiers b. a sorcerer who has power upon the wolves and runs with them at night. c. a big wolf who is the chief of a pack of wolves. d. a priest who has renounced god

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a. the vampire

What is the most popular "new" supernatural creature in the beginning of the 19th century? a. the vampire b. the alchemist c. the medium d. the soothsayer

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C. when somebody is bitten by a vampite and dies, he/she becomes a vampire

How does one become a vampire? a. some people are born as vampires b. people who do not go to church during seven years become vampires c. when somebody is bitten by a vampire and dies, he/she becomes a vampire d. a person cursed by a sorcerer becomes a vampire

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D. the cousin of Leopoldo who becomes possessed by Millarca

In the movie Blood and Roses, Carmilla is? a. a student of vampire-lore b. Millarca von Karnstein reincarnate c. the fiancee of Leopoldo von Karnstein d. the cousin of Leopoldo who becomes possessed by Millarca

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C. a werewolf's curse may be lifted by the love of a pure virgin

Regarding werewolves, which of these sentences does not apply? a. a werewolf can only be killed with a silver bullet b. a werewolf only transforms into a wolf during the "three nights of the full moon" c. a werewolf curse may be lifted by the love of a pure virgin d. werewolves are often the victims of an evil sorcerer

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C. Nicolas Flamel

Who is the most famous French Alchemist? A. Merlin B. Nostradamus C. Nicolas Flamel D. Etienne de Bourbon

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D.The art of reading the future in the stars

What is astrology? A. The art of raising the dead B.The art of changing lead into gold C.The art of casting spells and curses D.The art of reading the future in the stars

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B. A fairy baby that has been substituted for a human child

What is a changeling? A. A human who can morph into an animal form B. A fairy baby that has been substituted for a human child C. A Circe-like sorceress who can transform people into animals D. A witch-baby

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C. The leader of the Wild Hunt

Who is Erla König? A. A womanlike creature whose screams herald death B. The personification of Death in Brittany C. The leader of the Wild Hunt D. A spirit of the woods

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B. A ruling in a penitential that says nocturnal flights are an illusion

What is the Canon Episcopi? A. A text-book for magical procedures B. A ruling in a penitential that says nocturnal flights are an illusion C. A religious character who may replace a bishop D. A supernatural means of flying at night with the goddess Diana

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A.The devil himself.

Who is Robinet des Vaux? A.The devil himself. B. An inquisitor in Arras. C. An hermit famous for his piety. D. The lover of the vaudoise Deniselle.

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B. The author of the Malleus maleficarum.

Who is Heinrich Kramer (aka Institoris)?

A. A notorious wizard and necromancer. B. The author of the Malleus maleficarum. C. An alchemist who wrote a book on how to transform lead into gold. D. A judge who arrested many witches and werewolves and had them executed.

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D. An enemy of the Gypsies and of Cagliostro

In the movie Black Magic, who is the Vicomte de Montaigne? A. An immortal aristocrat B. A medical doctor studying hypnotism C. A judge who tries to indict Cagliostro D. An enemy of the Gypsies and of Cagliostro

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C. To fly through the air like a bat

In the movie Nosferatu, what action cannot be performed by the vampire?

A. To take over a ship B. To mesmerize his victims C. To fly through the air like a bat D. To bring plague through an invasion of rats

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B. The creator of the first Tarot Card Game

Who is “Etteila”?

A. The founder of the Theosophical Society B. The creator of the first Tarot Card Game C. A mystic counselor of the Czar of Russia D. A self-proclaimed magician and theorician of magic

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D. A mystical woman who introduced André Breton to the Great Beyond

Who is Nadja?

A. The heroine of a supernatural romance B. The leader of the Theosophical Society C. A priestess of Wicca who could transform into a panther D. A mystical woman who introduced André Breton to the Great Beyond

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The King of the Dwarves

Who is Hellequin?

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D. "Carnal acquaintance" with the devil

Which of these crimes is Joan of Arc NOT accused of? A. Pride and contempt of the church B. Cross-dressing(dressing like a man) C. Having visions of saints( or demons) D. "Carnal acquaintance" with the devil

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A murderer of children who dabbles in dark magic

Who is Gilles de Rais?

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A judge and a witch hunter

Who is Henry Boguet?

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A. De l'Inconstance des mauvais anges et des demons

Which of these books was written by Pierre de Lancre? A. De l'Inconstance des mauvais anges et des demons B. De la demonomanie des sorciers C. Discours execrable des sorciers D.Invective contre la secte de vauderie

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C. Michel de Montaigne

Which one among these writers asserts that witchcraft does not exist? A. Jean Wier (Johannes Weyer) B. Francois Rabelais C. Michel de Montaigne D. Pierre de Lancre

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A. L'incredulite et mescreance du sortilege

Which of these books was not written by Jean Bodin? A. L'incredulite et mescreance du sortilege B. De la demonomanie des sorciers C. Colloquium heptaplomeres D. De la Repuiblique

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A so-called witch who sells poisons to the aristocracy

Who is "La Voisin"?

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Baron Samedi

Who is the loa associated with death and rebirth?

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Geralt of Rivia

What is the name of the "Witcher"?

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A female demon who seduces men and takes their seed

What is a succubus?

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A charismatic priest who has inappropriate relationships with his penitents

Who is Louis Gauffridi?

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A politician who wants to get Grandier out of the way

In the movie The Devils, Laubardemont is mainly:

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A wizard who has signed a pact with the devil

Urbain Grandier is NOT:

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1.) POLTERGEISTS: unquiet spirits, someone who is not happy to be dead

2.) HELPER SPIRITS: includes Jesus and Martin Luther

3.) SPIRITISM: Choose to become incarnate again to help the living. Includes allen kardec. Great priests/kings/pharaohs

Define the three categories of spirits

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An astronomer who went into a seance unbiased to examine its plausibility and came out saying it might be real

Who is Camille Flammarion?

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What loa is the father of all loas?

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Erzulie (Freda)

Who is the loa of spirits, beauty, jewelry, and love?

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Witchcraft is natural, innate, simpler than magic, linked to the devil, now a religion

Magic is the idea that there is a set of laws for the universe, does not imply that there is a god Magic is learned

Claude Levi-Strauss said that there was no aspect of witchcraft that isn't related to religion

What are the differences and resemblances between witchcraft and magic?

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Magic: idea that there is a new set of laws for the universe but does not imply that there is a god

Religion: belief in supernatural powers and that if you pray to them, they will be good to you. External and implies that god exists and certain supernatural beings also do

Science: senses of certainty based on experiments and ways of studying the laws of nature. Explain all things of the universe with experiments and logic.

What is the relationship between magic, science, and religion?

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Judges and monks try to interpret old superstitions of the village and put them in a Christian frame. If it didn't fit then it must be the devil's beliefs but it was usually just old pagan beliefs.

What is the role of culture and religion in creating the concept of witchcraft?

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  • Witches are followers of the devil -Religion and superstition coexisted until the Dominicans -Added new beliefs to replace old popular ones -Can't reach everywhere -Praying to local saints -People don't know what to believe in anymore so witchcraft becomes popular

Popular superstitions, religious discourse: show how these two elements enter in conflict in 16th century representations of witchcraft in France

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1.)Someone is accused 2.)Judge holds trials with witness 3.) Torture 4.)Eventual condemnation

  • There was no counter against being accused.

  • Torture forces accused to confess to what they were accused of and sometimes other worse things There was a shift from women to men

Based on the Crucible and the Devil's movie, describe the mechanics of witchhunting during the 17th century

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Magic was not as terrifying as witchcraft. This was a way to frame a person with political power in order to take their power away Trials were huge spectacles Those accused were usually priests that some people found to be too charismatic or who weren't living up to their vows Accused of possessing nuns or random women. Accusers don't actually believe in witchcraft/the devil

Politics of Magic: Based on the Crucible and the Devil's movies, analyze how political considerations played a large part in the most famous witch trials

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-Since there was a shift to science, people needed a new belief system -People get really into alchemy (Philosopher's stone/Elixir of life) -Count of Saint Germain and Joseph Balsamo (Count of Cagliostro) were masters of the supernatural -Orientalism fascinated people → buddhism was becoming a thing, because no one could understand hieroglyphics they thought Egypt was a culture based on magic -Manifested itself through science & medicine through hypnotism (Dr. Mesmer) and magnetism (clairvoyance)

During the "enlightened" 18th century, how does the supernatural manifest itself in contemporary culture?

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-Alternative spiritualities (wiccan and neb-paganism) -Surrealism -Paranormal, ESP -Supernatural Romance

The re-enchantment of the world: What are the manifestations of a "return of the supernatural" in the 21st-century Western world?

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-Lucifer is a hero(women who read stuff about him thought they could "change" him) -Witches are feminists who are fighting against oppression of the aristocracy -Supernatural stories have a grand, romantic aspect to them -Surrealism: trying to change the perspective of the world -Belief that there is something else -Rediscovery of pagan cults -Vampires, ghosts, werewolves, and zombies

What are the new supernatural trends of the19th century?

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There are new witches who were able to learn from different means such as books,They are also able to learn witchcraft without being persecuted. People can also self teach now. They can learn to do contracts and celebrations. Old witchcraft is no longer believed because it is outdated. Witches believe in no judgement now, that there is a heaven but not a hell. They believe in rebellion against the scientific world Fritz Graf said that people are uncomfortable with lack of structure in reality so they created systems of belief to encompass all of the irregularities of life.

How do you explain the return of witchcraft and other parallel beliefs in modern society?

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C. Merlin

Who is the most famous French enchanter? A. Nostradamus B. Nicolas Flamel C. Merlin D. Henri Boguet

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An old woman

What does the term, "vetula," mean?

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