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What does qualitative research approach emphasize?
Contextual and subjective accuracy
What does quantitative research seek?
What is the aim of qualitative research?
Describe and understand social phenomena
What does qualitative research look for?
What methods does qualitative research use?
Flexible methods
What is the nature of qualitative research data?
Rich and descriptive
How is qualitative data analyzed?
Identification and coding of themes
Does grounded theory start with a hypothesis?
What does grounded theory start with?
What is the purpose of coding in qualitative research?
Attach labels to data segments
What are the three types of coding?
Open, axial, selective
What is the starting point in deductive research?
What philosophical approach is associated with deductive research?
What is the sequence in deductive research?
Theory -> Hypothesis -> Observation -> Confirmation
What is the starting point in inductive research?
What philosophical approach is associated with inductive research?
What is the sequence in inductive research?
Observation -> Pattern -> Tentative Hypothesis -> Theory
What informs the research question in inductive research?
Accumulated knowledge
What does inductive research let the project do?
When do you conduct qualitative research?
When there is no answer to a specific question
What should you show in a literature review?
The gap
What is purposive sampling?
Intentionally selecting a sample based on study needs
What is theoretical sampling?
Purposeful and iterative sampling in grounded theory
What does epistemology study?
What is positivism?
Observing behavior, cause and effect, variables, and relationships
For what type of research is positivism better suited?
Research done for decades
What did Francis Bacon say about knowledge?
It is perfect
What does positivism aim to do with hypotheses?
Generate and test them
What is interpretivism?
Understanding the world from an individual's point of view
What type of process is interpretivism?
For what type of research is interpretivism better suited?
New things research
What did Harriet Martineau say about truth?
There is no truth
What does interpretivism offer?
An interpretation
What is post-positivism?
Between positivism and interpretivism
What did Karl Popper say about knowledge?
It cannot be perfectly known
How can we generate truthful knowledge according to epistemology?
Interpretivism, Positivism
What is the methodology for interpretivism?
Case study, grounded theory
What is the methodology for positivism?
Experiments, surveys
What methods does interpretivism use to acquire knowledge?
Interviews, observation, discourse analysis
What methods does positivism use to acquire knowledge?
Questionnaires, structured observations
What is an unstructured interview?
Informational conversational interview
What guides a semi-structured interview?
General interview guide
What type of questions are used in a semi-structured interview?
Open-ended, non-dichotomous, singular, clear
What is a structured interview?
Standardized open-ended
What are the ethical principles in qualitative work?
Fairness, transparency, informed consent, confidentiality
When do you start your data analysis in qualitative research?
From the beginning of research
What are the first steps in qualitative data analysis?
Conduct & transcribe interviews, read & reread, analyze while collecting
Are there strict rules for qualitative data analysis?
No, only guides
What is segmenting in qualitative data analysis?
Cutting data in meaningful segments, assigning labels, organizing labels into categories, comparing categories
What is reassembling in qualitative data analysis?
Finding relationships, assessing credibility, theoretical model
How do you prepare for coding?
Compile database, file naming system, page and line numbers
What is a transcript?
Accurate written record of audio/visual data
What are the rules for transcribing interviews?
Write what you hear, delete crutch words, finish unfinished sentences with "-", add comments in [brackets], spelling, use "..." if something is left out, italics for emphasis, identify pauses
What are the two types of open coding?
Open, In vivo
What is in vivo coding?
Label directly from text, use only words from transcript
What is axial coding?
Rearrange the code to categories
What is selective coding?
Identify core variable grounded in data
How to understand the spiral of analysis?
Left side: Input, Middle: Researcher tasks, Right side: Output
What are the steps in the spiral of analysis?
Data collection, Open coding, Axial coding, Selective coding
What is involved in data collection?
Ethical principles, Sampling, Formulating RQ and purpose, Reviewing literature & theory
What are the types of open coding?
In vivo, Researcher-denoted, Theoretical
What is researcher-denoted coding?
Summarized by researcher
What is theoretical coding?
Apply labels from theory
What are the characteristics of the core in selective coding?
Central, Heart of analysis, Appears frequently, Not easily saturated, Abstract formulation, Facilitates analysis
What is the principle of constant comparison?
Alternating data collection and analysis, Non-linear process, Compare new data with previous results
What is involved in building a grounded theory?
Identify patterns, Find contradictory patterns, Support for patterns
What are sensitizing concepts?
Important features of social interaction, Guidelines for research
What is theoretical saturation?
No new data in interviews, Similar patterns appear
What is iteration in research?
Incorporate learning throughout the process
What is ethnography?
Study of human behavior in natural setting, Participation, Observation
When is ethnography used?
Study new phenomena, Uncover hidden aspects
What distinguishes a case study?
End result is understanding, not theory, Various methods
What are the important aspects of content analysis?
Frequency counts, Grouping texts into codes
When to use content analysis?
Identifying frequent ideas, Social media analysis
What are the key activities before data collection?
Ethical principles, Sampling, Formulating RQ and purpose, Reviewing literature & theory
What are the steps in open coding?
In vivo coding, Researcher-denoted coding, Theoretical coding
What is theoretical saturation?
No new data, Similar patterns
What are the main differences in ethnography?
More observation, Fewer questions
What distinguishes case studies?
Single-case, Multiple-case, Holistic unit, Embedded unit
What are the important aspects of content analysis?
Frequency counts, Grouping texts into codes
What is the focus of grounded theory?
Generate theory from data
What analytical approach is used in grounded theory?
Constant comparison
What analytical approach is used in ethnography?
Thick description
What are the data collection methods for ethnography?
Participant observation, Interviews, Gathering artifacts
What is the focus of a case study?
In-depth examination of a single case or small number of cases
What analytical approach is used in case studies?
Using multiple analytical techniques
What are the data collection methods for case studies?
Interviews, Observations, Surveys, Document analysis
What is the focus of content analysis?
Systematic analysis of textual or visual data
What analytical approach is used in content analysis?
Identifying recurring themes, patterns, or trends
What are the data collection methods for content analysis?
Textual or visual data, Surveys, Media content, Social media posts
What is the quality principle associated with internal validity in quantitative research?
Truth value of evidence
What is the qualitative equivalent of internal validity?
What is the quality principle associated with external validity/generalizability in quantitative research?
Applicability of evidence
What is the qualitative equivalent of external validity/generalizability?
What is the quality principle associated with reliability in quantitative research?
Consistency of evidence
What is the qualitative equivalent of reliability?
What is the quality principle associated with objectivity in quantitative research?
"Neutrality" of evidence
What is the qualitative equivalent of objectivity?