9b. gas exchange in mammals and plants

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group of similar cells in one or more different types, where are specialised to carry out particular function

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structural and functional unit composed of a collection of tissues working totters to perform a particular function

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epithelial tissue

tissue that line surfaces

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connective tissue

tissue that holds structures together and provides support eg bone, blood and cartilage

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muscle tissue

tissue that is able to contact to move parts of the body

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nervous tissue

tissue that converts stimuli to electrical impulses and conducts impulses

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squamous epithelium

single layer of flattened cells resting a basement membrane, gives smooth lining surface to reduce friction in blood vessels and heart chamber and provides a short diffusion dunce in alveoli and capillaries

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ciliated epithelium

columnar epithelial cells extending from surface, interspersed with goblet cells to produce mucus, to trap dirt and bacteria in trachea, and beat with ATP to move mucus

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A, has a large lumen, lined with ciliated epithelium, supported by rings of cartilage

<p>A, has a large lumen, lined with ciliated epithelium, supported by rings of cartilage</p>
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B, one goes to each lung, narrower lumen, lined with ciliated epithelium, supported by rings of cartilage

<p>B, one goes to each lung, narrower lumen, lined with ciliated epithelium, supported by rings of cartilage</p>
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C, smaller and more branched, may in each lung

<p>C, smaller and more branched, may in each lung</p>
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D, small pockets where gas exchange occurs

<p>D, small pockets where gas exchange occurs</p>
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E, contracts and moves down when you inhale

<p>E, contracts and moves down when you inhale</p>
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F, protects the lungs

<p>F, protects the lungs</p>
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pleural fluid

G, acts as a lubricant and protects lungs during ventilation

<p>G, acts as a lubricant and protects lungs during ventilation</p>
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pleural membranes

H, forms an airtight cavity

<p>H, forms an airtight cavity</p>
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intercostal muscles

I, antagonistic muscles that move the ribcage

<p>I, antagonistic muscles that move the ribcage</p>
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C rings of cartilage

to prevent collapse of trachea during inhalation, allow back to bend and allow passage of food down oesophagus

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smooth muscle

contacts to narrow lumen of bronchioles to reduce airflow an rent airborne particles entering lungs

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electric fibres

recoil to original length when smooth muscle relaxes so widens lumen

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short diffusion distance

due to alveoli walls been composed of one cell thick of squamous epithelium

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expel air

elastic fibres recoil in alveolar walls

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secreted by alveoli walls to reduce surface tension of water to prevent alveoli collapsing during expiration

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phagocytic cells

in the alveoli to engulf bacteria/foregin articles that reach there

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efficient gass exchange surface

features include, large surface area, thin to allow a short diffusion distance, steep concentration gradient maintained by a fresh supply of molecules on one side and removal on the other

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pulmonary ventilation

moment of diaphragm and ribcage during breathing

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movement of air into lungs by:

  • diagram contracting and flattening

  • external intercostal muscles contract to move rib cage upwards and outwards

  • volume of chest vanity increases

  • pressure in chest cavity decreases below atmospheric pressure

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forced expiration

mount of air out lungs by:

  • diaphragm relaxing and returning to domed shape,

  • internal intercostal muscles contact to move ribcage downwards and inwards

  • volume of chest cavity decreases

  • pressure in chest cavity increases above atmospheric pressure

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punctured lung

causes the chest cavity to no longer be airtight so pressure cannot change relative to external pressure, preventing ventilation

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tital volume

volume of air inhaled in one breath during steady regular breathing typically 05.dm3.

<p>volume of air inhaled in one breath during steady regular breathing typically 05.dm3.</p>
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breathing rate

number of breaths per minute

<p>number of breaths per minute</p>
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residual volume

volume of air that always remains in lungs after expiration, typically 1.5dm3

<p>volume of air that always remains in lungs after expiration, typically 1.5dm3</p>
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vital capacity

maximum volume of air exhaled after a deep breath in typically 5dm3, depends on age sex and fitness

<p>maximum volume of air exhaled after a deep breath in typically 5dm3, depends on age sex and fitness</p>
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total lung capacity

volume of lungs equals vital capacity plus residual volume

<p>volume of lungs equals vital capacity plus residual volume</p>
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pulmonary ventilation rate

volume of air passing though lungs in one minute. breathing rate x tidal volume dm3 min-1

<p>volume of air passing though lungs in one minute. breathing rate x tidal volume dm3 min-1</p>
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dead space

air present in trachea, branch and bronchioles where no gas exchange takes place with the blood

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forces expiration volume (FEV1)

volume of air that can be breathed out in the first second of forced exhalation

= (4.3 x height (in mm) - 0.029 x age (in years)) - 2.49

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peak expiratory flow rate PEFR

maximum rate of forcing air out the mouth measured with a peak flow meter, influenced by height, sex and age, greater at about 30-35 years old, effected by asthma or COPD

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respiratory arrest

when a person stops breathing

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causes of respiratory arrest

obstruction of airway blocking the trachea or bronchi

drug overdose that results in nervous system an the breathing system being depressed sufficiently to stop

asthma attack, sever pneumonia, severe shock, or heart attack

near drowning

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expired air resuscitation

emergency first aid procedure used if someone suffers respirator arrest

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mechanical ventilation

used to assist or replace spontaneous breathing, may involve use of ventilator to push air into lungs or suck air out lungs (iron lung)

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8, 1, 3, 4, 2, 6, 5, 7, 9

order statements for process of expired air resuscitation:

  1. Roll person onto back

  2. Pinch nostrils closed and make a tight seal over the patient’s mouth with your own

  3. Remove any obstruction visible in mouth with finger

  4. Push forehead back and tilt chin to open airway

  5. Wait for chest to fall then blow again

  6. Blow gently into mouth and watch chest rise

  7. After two breaths check pulse

  8. Call for help, wear sterile gloves and mask if available

  9. If there is a pulse continue blowing through mouth. If there is no pulse perform CPR.

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EAR resuscitate unconscious person

as expired air still contains about 16% oxygen and a higher level of carbon dioxide in expired air also stimulates breathing

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EAR with a small child

don’t tilt head back as far

make a seal with mouth and nose

reduce volume of breaths but increase frequency

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lenticels or stomata

where most gas exchange happens in plants

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A, waterproof to reduce water loss by evaporation

<p>A, waterproof to reduce water loss by evaporation</p>
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upper epidermis

B, transparent to allow light through

<p>B, transparent to allow light through</p>
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palisade mesophyll cel

C, many chloroplast to carry out photosynthesis

<p>C, many chloroplast to carry out photosynthesis</p>
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D, bring water and mineral ions from the roots

<p>D, bring water and mineral ions from the roots</p>
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E, take the products of photosynthesis to other parts of the plant

<p>E, take the products of photosynthesis to other parts of the plant</p>
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spongy mesophyll cell

H, air spaces to allow circulation of gases

<p>H, air spaces to allow circulation of gases</p>
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guard cell

I, open or close stoma

<p>I, open or close stoma</p>
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lower epidermis

F, transparent to allow light through, on underside

<p>F, transparent to allow light through, on underside</p>
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J, allow gases to diffuse in and out of leaf

<p>J, allow gases to diffuse in and out of leaf</p>
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pores in leaves which allow carbon dioxide in and oxygen out during the day

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leaf adaptations

thin/cell have thin cell walls so short diffusion distance

large surface area for gas exchange

many stomas an large air spaces in spongy mesophyll to allow diffusion of gases

steep concentration gradient maintained by using carbon dioxide

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loss of water by evaporation from aerial parts of a plant, as water evaporates from cell walls of mesophyll into air spaces in leaf, then lost down water vapour potential gradient

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prevent water loss

waxy cuticle- limits where can be lost

guard cells can close stomata

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state where stomata open as the are vacuoles full

<p>state where stomata open as the are vacuoles full</p>
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state when stomata are closed as stomata aren’t full

<p>state when stomata are closed as stomata aren’t full</p>
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cellulose microfibrils

arranged in hoops around cell so cell only increase in length when it becomes turgid

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absorb light to produce ATP to open stoma

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thick inner cell wall

compared to thin outer cell wall so guard cell bend more result to become banana shaped to open stoma

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2, 3, 1, 4

order steps of stomata opening:

  1. Water enters guard cell by osmosis down its water potential gradient

  2. Active transport of K+ into the guard cells (using ATP produced in photosynthesis)

  3. This lowers the water potential of the guard cell

  4. Guard cell becomes turgid and stoma opens

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nail polish imprint

used to reveal distribution of stomata in upper and lower epidermis of plants, can be viewed under microscope

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1, 6, 2, 4, 5, 7, 8, 3a

order steps for process of nail polish implant

  1. Paint clear nail varnish onto the surface of a leaf

  2. Examine using a light microscope at high magnification

  3. Calculate the density of stomata per mm2

  4. Count the number of stomata in the field of view

  5. Repeat count at least five times and calculate mean

  6. Peel off the dried layer of nail varnish

  7. Measure the diameter of the field of view using a stage micrometer and calculate the area of the field of view

  8. Calculate the area of the field of view

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advantage of high density of stomata

treated has exchange for photosynthesis

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disadvantage of high density of stomata

greater water loss by transpiration

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