movement of air into lungs by:
diagram contracting and flattening
external intercostal muscles contract to move rib cage upwards and outwards
volume of chest vanity increases
pressure in chest cavity decreases below atmospheric pressure
mount of air out lungs by:
diaphragm relaxing and returning to domed shape,
internal intercostal muscles contact to move ribcage downwards and inwards
volume of chest cavity decreases
pressure in chest cavity increases above atmospheric pressure
order statements for process of expired air resuscitation:
Roll person onto back
Pinch nostrils closed and make a tight seal over the patient’s mouth with your own
Remove any obstruction visible in mouth with finger
Push forehead back and tilt chin to open airway
Wait for chest to fall then blow again
Blow gently into mouth and watch chest rise
After two breaths check pulse
Call for help, wear sterile gloves and mask if available
If there is a pulse continue blowing through mouth. If there is no pulse perform CPR.
order steps of stomata opening:
Water enters guard cell by osmosis down its water potential gradient
Active transport of K+ into the guard cells (using ATP produced in photosynthesis)
This lowers the water potential of the guard cell
Guard cell becomes turgid and stoma opens
order steps for process of nail polish implant
Paint clear nail varnish onto the surface of a leaf
Examine using a light microscope at high magnification
Calculate the density of stomata per mm2
Count the number of stomata in the field of view
Repeat count at least five times and calculate mean
Peel off the dried layer of nail varnish
Measure the diameter of the field of view using a stage micrometer and calculate the area of the field of view
Calculate the area of the field of view