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Comparison shopping is
the process of evaluating alternative stores, brands and prices.
a rebate is
a partial refund of the price of a product
service contracts are
agreements between business and consumer to cover the repair costs of a product.
personal factors that could affect your daily buying habits:
education, gender, age, occupation
Open dating is
The information on the label of some food products includes that help the consumer determine freshness.
an advantage of leasing an automobile is
smaller upfront cash outlay
A full warranty is
Product can be fixed or replaced during a reasonable amount of time
A limited warranty is
covers only certain aspects of the product such as parts or requires the buyer to incur part of the cost for shipping or repairs
what are the following automobile driving costs are categorized as fixed ownership costs
Registration fees, insurance, interest on car loans, depreciation.
Most consumer complaints are resolved
at the original sales location
arbitration is
a third party tries to settle a grievance and the process is binding.