Act 2, Scene 1

Important Quotes


    A sense of secrecy created by the fact that they are by themselves. It shows that they are hiding something.


  • “Before you visit his, to make inquire / Of his behaviour.”

    Reinforces the theme of surveillance as Polonius wants his servant, Reynaldo, to spy on his son, Laertes.


  • “And how, and who, what means, and where they keep, / What company, at what expense;”

    Use of listing speeds up the pace of this scene, creating a slight sense of panic. Repeated use of interrogative words creates a sense of suspicion, revealing that Polonius doesn’t even trust his own son that much.


  • “he’s very wild, Addicted so and so’ and there put on him / What forgeries you please;”

    The continuous use of long sentence lengths contrasts Reynaldo's use of repeated short sentence lengths, displaying the difference of status. Use of listing. The quote shows that he is willing to slander his son in order to find out what he does. Suggests distrust between father and son, contrasting Hamlet and Old Hamlet’s relationship.


  • “My lord, that would dishonour him.”

    The use of short sentence lengths presents the power imbalance between him and Polonius. It also shows that he is shocked by the fact that Polonius is willing to slander Laertes, his own son.


  • “You must not put another scandal on him, / That he is open to incontinency -”

    Use of imperative. He commands Reynaldo to not make rumours of Laertes of being sexually excessive, showing that he is willing to slander his son in every other aspect, but that.



  • During 1570, Pope Pius V had excommunicated Queen Elizabeth I and labelled her a heretic because she had made England a Protestant nation.
  • This made her an enemy of the Catholic state, and caused Catholics to be targeted for their faith, forcing them to practise their faith is secret.
  • In order to evade this hidden threat, Queen Elizabeth I established a complex spy network. This spy network may have influenced the theme of surveillance in this play.
  • This Spy network was led by Sir Francis Walsingham (who was one of Queen Elizabeth I’s most loyal ministers.
  • This network was so efficient that it had uncovered plots to overthrow Queen Elizabeth I and replace her with Mary Queen of Scots, who was Catholic
