What is sidechain compression?
A mixing technique where you tell the compressor to listen to a different input.
How does sidechain compression work?
Place a compressor on our underscore.
Tell the compressor side chain to listen to the voice-over.
Adjust the threshold, ratio, attack and release.
Now the compressor will only turn down the underscore when the voice-over is speaking.
What is dialogue?
Dialogue includes any speech in a form of media that comes from a character or person on screen.
Dialogue can be recorded on location during filming or overdubbed post filming.
What is overdubbing?
Recording a track over a previously recorded track.
Why might you need to overdub dialogue?
The dialogue captured on location has too much background noise.
You are using a different voice actor from the one in the footage.
You are overdubbing or ‘dubbing’ the dialogue in different languages.
What is the problem when recording dialogue that is not in the same location as the footage is from?
One problem with recording dialogue is that you will not be in the same location as the footage is from.
This means that the recordings can often sound out of place as the acoustic space is completely different.
You will also most likely not want to get too close to a microphone, otherwise the proximity effect will be too much and not match other dialogue.
How could we solve the issue of recording in a different location?
Record ‘room tone’ on location.
A room tone recording is a long recording of the natural sound of a space.
This recording can be used to fill in silences between dialogue overdubbing.