the abiding ___ of God
“presence” major theme in Matthew
“about the church” unique feature of Matthew
Jesus talks ___
percent of Mark found in Matthew
emphasizes Jesus’ ___
“humanity” major theme in Mark
purpose of Mark’s Gospel
offers comfort, courage, and council to Christians suffering Nero’s persecution
shortest Gospel
an abbreviated account of the resurrection
Mark 16:1-8
there are both present and future aspects of God’s Kingdom- God’s power and presence arrived with Jesus, His rule will arrive when its established at the eschaton
the “already-not-yet” of the Kingdom of God
worship and ____
“prayer” major theme in luke
the Gospel where Jesus prays most often
what Gospel emphasizes the work of the Holy Spirit
ways Luke emphasizes ministry to the outcasts
Jesus insists that the Gospel be proclaimed as a message of hope to all (24:47)
challenges prejudicial attitudes towards Samaritans and tax collectors
women featured prominently
poverty is viewed as a consequence of injustice
what Luke means by the “present reality” of salvation
Jesus’ life provides salvation- Christians should experience the consequences and manifestations of God’s saving power here and now
Luke 6:35
But love your enemies, do good to them, and lend to them without expecting to get anything back. Then your reward will be great, and you will be children of the Most High, because he is kind to the ungrateful and wicked.
Luke 11:8
…because of your shameless audacity he will surely get up and give you as much as you need.
major theme in luke
ministry to ___
“outcasts” major theme in luke
divine images for _____
“Jesus” - major theme in luke
present availability of ___ - Luke
“salvation” major theme in ___
hostility towards ___
“jewish leaders” major theme in Matthew
Jesus as the Son of ___ & ___
“God” & “Man” major theme in Matthew
the ___ of Jesus
“teachings” major theme of Matthew
major theme in Matthew
interpreting ___ - Matthew
“scripture” major theme in ___
binding and ___
“loosing” major theme in Matthew
worship and ___, ___ and understanding
“doubt”, “faith” major theme in Matthew
centrality of the ___
“cross” major theme in Mark
major theme in Mark
proclamation of the ___ of God
“kingdom” major theme in Mark
___ of the disciples - Mark
“failures” major theme in ___
features ___ predominantly
“Peter” unique feature of Matthew
“just ___” approach
“facts” unique feature of Matthew
appeals to a ___ audience
“Jewish” unique feature of Matthew
___ of religious leaders
“critical” unique feature of Matthew
“___ citations”
“fulfillment” unique theme of Matthew