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Ivan Pavlov
dogs; discovered conditioned responses
classical conditioning
type of learning that associates a stimulus with a response
baby albert
baby taught to fear rats with loud sound whenever he reached to pet a rat
can’t distinguish similar CSs; happened to baby albert
can’t distinguish between similar CSs
initial period of learning
gradual unlearning
Spontaneous recovery
hope; doesn’t go through extinction again
unconditioned stimulus; unlearned reaction inducer
unconditioned response
unlearned reaction
Neutral stimulus
stimulus that doesn’t initially elicit reaction
Conditioned stimulus
learned association between neutral stimulus and unconditioned stimulus
Conditioned response
learned reaction to to neutral stimulus
Operant conditioning
Changing behavior based on rewards/consequences; voluntary
operant chamber
skinner box; rats hit buttons for rewards
positive reinforcement/punishment
adding something to change behavior
negative reinforcement/punishment
taking something away to change behavior
trying to promote a behavior
trying to end a behavior
continuous reinforcement
reinforcement given every single time an action is performed
Intermittent reinforcement
reinforcement not given every time
reinforcing based on a regular/irregular schedule
reinforcing based on a regular/irregular number of behaviors done
John b watson
did baby Albert experiment
Albert bandura
Did bobo experiment
bobo experiment
children shown to have more agression towards clown when having seen adults do the same; social learning theory
social learning theory
people learn from what they see others doing
primary reinforcer
biologically satisfying reward
Secondary reinforcer
Learned to be satisfying reward
latent learning
learning that isn’t clear until reinforcement is present; cognitive maps
cognitive maps
unconsciously learning to navigate through experience
edward tolman
did latent learning experiment; rats and cognitive maps
created puzzle box experiment
yes,yes, no, no game; teaching/changing behavior based on punishment/reward
operant chamber/skinner box
rats hitting buttons for rewards
Learned helplessness
giving up because efforts seem futile
Martin seligman
shocked dogs in shuttle box; learned helplessness founder
external locus of control
belief that outside factors control success
Internal locus of control
belief that YOU control success
problem-focused coping
directly trying to solve problem
emotion-focused coping
managing emotions instead of trying to get rid of problem
vicarious reinforcement
learning to do something seeing someone else be rewarded
vicarious punishment
learning NOT to do something seeing someone else be punished
Mirror neurons
neurons that fire when we watch someone else do something; empathy neurons