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Turkey Vulture
Primarily black
Bald, red head
Light underside of both primaries and secondaries
Red-shouldered Hawk
Reddish underside
Barring on both underside and topside of wings
Red-tailed Hawk
Pale underside
Dark topside with distinguished red tail
Yellow-bellied Sapsucker
Red both on forehead and chin
Yellow hue to chest/belly
Red-bellied Woodpecker
Pale belly
Dark and light striped topside
Red on crown of head exclusively
Downy Woodpecker
Small woodpecker
Red in small spot at nape
Dark topside
Light underside
Carolina Chickadee
Black on crown of head and chin
White around eyes & nape
Gray back
Tan underside
Tufted Titmouse
Gray overall
Red on sides underneath wings
Cardinal-like crest
Ruby-crowned Kinglet
Red not always visible
Plain overall
No indicative striping on head
No dark eye bar
Golden-crowned Kinglet
Yellow always visible
Dark striping along edges of yellow
Dark eye bar
Brown-headed Nuthatch
Very small
Brown crown of head & nape
Grey body
Light underside
Carolina Wren
Longer, curved bill
White eyebrow
Darker brown top, lighter brown underside
Light striping on wings and tail
Brown Thrasher
Long bill
Solid top
Speckled underside
Northern Mockingbird
Dark wings
Flash of white on wings when flapped
Hermit Thrush
Often stands upright (boy scout)
Brown topside
Distinct spotting on throat/upper breast
Little to no spotting on belly
American Robin
Dark topside
Red underside
White eye ring
Yellow bill
House Finch
Large, wide beak
Males red on face and breast
Females streaky and brown
Field Sparrow
Pink beak
Pink-brown striping on head & back
Pale underside
White-throated Sparrow
Yellow eyebrows
Black and white striped crown
White throat
Eastern Towhee
Rufous side
Brown topside for females
Black topside for males
White underside
Males often have red eyes
Yellow-rumped Warbler
Gray, black, and white
Yellow underneath wings
Yellow on rump
Sometimes yellow on crown
Northern Cardinal
Crest on head
Red beak, black face
Males bright red
Females brown and muted red
Harris’s Hawk
Solid colored
Muted brown
Reddish brown
White around cloaca
Great Horned Owl
Long ear tufts
Solid brown face
White chin
Soul in the eyes
Barred Owl
Brown and grey
No soul in the eyes
Mississippi Kite
Dark around eyes
Gray overall
Darker tail
Palm Warbler
Yellow underside
Rusty cap
Rusty streaks on belly
Loggerhead Shrike
Light grey
Black bandit mask
Hooked bill
Dark primaries & tail
Northern Harrier
Gray-ish to buff
White rump
Owl-like ring around face
American Kestrel
Reddish back
Black feather edges
Grey head and wings
Tan underside
Henslow’s Sparrow
Large beak
Yellow overall
Red-cockaded Woodpecker
Very little red
Black and white
Cedar Waxwing
Brown underside
Grey topside
Red waxy wing-tips
Bandit mask
Tree Swallow
Iridescent blue topside
White underside
Long wings, wide tail
Blue Jay
Crested head
Blue topside
White underside
Black accents
Red-headed Woodpecker
Solid red head
No speckling along topside
Black topside
White underside
Ring-necked Duck
Grey bill with white ring toward end separating black tip
Black topside
White underside
American Coot
White bill
Solid black
Red eyes
White-breasted Nuthatch
Scooping bill
Black crown
Grey topside
White underside
Climbs down trees head-first
Wood Stork
Ugly bald head
White body
Common Yellowthroat
Black bandit mask
Yellow throat/breast
Tan topside
White ring on top of bandit mask
Bald Eagle
Brown body
White head & tail
Yellow legs & beak
White Ibis
White body
Black wing tips
Red beak & face
Red legs
Great Egret
Yellow bill
Black legs
Great Blue Heron
Yellow bill
Black bandit mask
Long feathers on back of head
Pied-billed Grebe
Ring around bill
Black Vulture
Bald head
Lighter underside of primaries only
Red-winged Blackbird
Red/orange epaulettes on shoulder
Snowy Egret
Black bill
Black legs
Yellow feet
Long feathers on back of head
Common Ground Dove
Black accents
Iridescent/speckled head & chest
Mourning Dove
Blue eye ring
Smooth chest & head
Brown with black accents
Fish Crow
Large bill
Tricolored Heron
Blue topside
White underside
Yellow bill & legs
Greater Yellowlegs
Bright yellow legs
Sandy, speckled topside
Pale underside with minimal spotting
Long bill
Brown topside
White underside
Two black “necklaces”
One black band going between eyes
Black-bellied Plover
Sandy, speckled topside
Black underside
Shorter bill
Black legs
Semipalmated Plover
Brown topside
White underside
Black beak-tip with orange base
Orange legs
Black band going between eyes
One black “necklace”
Belted Kingfisher
Blue-gray topside
White underside
Rusty belt
Crazy crested head
Straight bill
Long neck
Shiny back
Spotted Sandpiper
Sandy topside
Pale underside spotted
Pale legs
Orange beak
Boat-tailed Grackle
Black and glossy (more blue)
Females brown
Very long tail
Common Grackle
Black and glossy (more colorful)
Slimmer tail
Forster’s Tern
Bright orange bill and legs
Pale body
Black crown/around eyes
Grey topside
Glossy Ibis
Black and glossy (more red)
Long curved bill
Black bill and legs
Little Blue Heron
Dark grey/blue
Pale yellow legs
Black/grey beak
Blue-winged Teal
White crescent between eyes and bill
Blue on wing
American Avocet
Pale/dirty head
Black back/wings
Scoop-like beak
Very long legs
Brown and white
Balding middle-aged man
Green-winged Teal
Reddish head with green stripes
Green on wings
Grey-brown rest of body
Swamp Sparrow
Grey head
Black markings
Dark all the way around
Common Gallinule
Red beak
Black body
Dirty yellow legs
Black-crowned Night Heron
Black shawl
Grey underside
Long feathers on back of head
Double-crested Cormorant
Shorter neck
Hooked bill
Orange bill
Gray Catbird
Black crown & tail
Rufous rump
Pine Warbler
Grey wings
Longer bill
Ruddy Duck
Red body
Black and white head
Blue bill
Tail sticks up out of water
Pale body
Rufous head
Pale bill
White body
White nape
Iridescent black face & neck & back
Brown Pelican
Large gular pouch
Dirty brown body
Paler head
Royal Tern
Crested head
Black on head
White face & undersides
Grey topside
Solid orange bill
Laughing Gull
Solid black head
Grey topside
White underside
Common Loon
Solid black head
Red eye
Black and white speckled body
Clapper Rail
Big feet
Black Rail
Red eye
Speckled topside
Northern Flicker
Red or black on corner of mouth
Red on back of head
Yellow underside of wings and tails
Black chest patch
Black spots
Song Sparrow
Brown striping as opposed to black
Grey beak
Eastern Phoebe
Mousey brown-grey
Pale underside
Fluffy, round