What did Russia not have?
A Renaissance
Russia was what from Western Europe?
Who expelled Mongol rule and proclaimed himself czar?
Ivan III/ The Great
What did Moscow become the center of?
The Eastern Orthodox Church
What did Russia preserve?
The Byzantine Culture
How did Russia expand?
Through the usage of Cossacks
What were the cossacks?
Russian peasants/soliders
Who crushed the boyars?
Ivan IV/The Terrible
What was the period of civil war after Ivan IV’s death called?
Time of Troubles
Who ended the Time of Troubles
Michael Romanov as czar
What is the Tsar/czar?
A divinely ordained autocratic ruler.
How were merchants regulated in Russia?
Heavily regulated by the czar
What were most peasants?
What was the East for the West?
the Breadbasket
What dynasty ruled until WWI?
The Romanov dynasty
Who westernized Russia?
Peter the Great
Who built St. Petersburg?
Peter the Great
Who was Enlightened?
Catherine the Great
Catherine the Great did what for Russia?
Expanded Russia west and south to the black sea.
Who took over Constantinople in 1453?
The Ottoman empire
The Ottomans did what to the regions surrounding the Western Mediterranean?
Dominated them
Where did the Ottomans stop their expansion?
Vienna, Austria
What religion were the Ottomans?
What religious thing was practiced?
What was absent in the Ottoman Empire?
Private Property and hereditary nobility
Who were the Janissaries?
Enslaved Christian boys
What was the Janissarie system called?
The devshirme
Who defended the peasants?
The Sultan
How were woman treated in the Ottoman Empire?
They were subordinates
Increased war with the Safavids lead to what?
Sunni-Shia split (Battle of Chaldrain)
Who took parts of Hungary for the Ottomans?
Suleiman the Magnificent
Where did Suleiman the Magnificent stop the expansion of the Ottomans?
What did the Ottomans do until 1922?
Keep Eastern Europe on its toes.
Where was the Mughal Empire located?
India for over 300 years
What are Zamindars?
Indian Princes/Rajas
What did Zamindars do?
Collect Tribute from peasants
What did most Zamindars do with collected tribute?
Embezzle the money
Who Abolished the jizya?
What did Akbar create by combining several religions
What did Akbar eliminate that encouraged shopping?
Akbar monetized what?
The tax system
What did Akbars tax system bypass
Zamindars embezzlement
What happened after Akbars death?
Taj Mahal construction
What did people after Akbar destroy?
Hindu temples
How did they pay for the Taj Mahal?
Pepper sales
What religious thing was not practiced after Akbar
Toleration for other religions
Who arrived and set up trade posts?
The Europeans
How did the Mughals decline?
Ignoring the Europeans
What uprisings declined the Mughals?
Hindu Uprisings
Who defeated the Mongols?
Ming China
What did the Ming sponsor?
Voyages under Zheng He
What happened to the Ming?
Conquered by the Qing
How long was the Qing Dynasty?
What did the Qing maintain?
Ethnic Elite
How did the Qing employ Chinese Officals?
Civil Service Exams
What did the Qing practice?
Confucian rituals
What trade was banned by the Qing?
Catholics and European merchants banned
Trade was still what in the Qing?
Substantial with the Philippines
Japan was in what Shogunate?
Tokugawa Shogunate
What did Japan do with Europe?
What happened due to Trade with Europe in Japan?
Decline of Feudalism and guns
How long did the Tokugawa Shogunate last
What did the Tokugawa Shogunate do to the social class
A rigid social class
What happened to Japans Trade
They did the National Seclusion Policy
Who was exempt from the Seclusion policy?
The Dutch due to their practice of Kowtow
What happened due to the Seclusion policy?
Culture thrived (haiku and Kabuki)
What type of religion was Islam
What are the followers of Islam called?
Who did Muslims believe in?
What is the holy book of Islam called?
The Qur’an
Who was the message of Allah transferred through?
Muhammad, the “last prophet”.
Who did Muhammad receive revelations from?
Muhammad was driven out to Yathrib and formed what?
the Umma
When Muhammad returned to Mecca, he destroyed all shrines except for?
The Ka’aba
What is the 1st Pillar in Islam?
Profession in faith
What is the 2nd Pillar in Islam?
Pilgrimage to Mecca
What is the 3rd Pillar in Islam?
Fasting during the month of Ramadan
What is the 4th Pillar in Islam?
Alms giving to the poor
What is the 5th Pillar in Islam?
Prayer 5 times a day
When Muslims pray were do they face?
Towards Mecca
How did Christianity spread?
Trade, missions, tax policies, and conquering
Judaism and Christianity recognize Abraham and Moses as what?
Who was nominated caliph?
Ali, Muhammad’s first cousin
Who challenged Ali’s rule?
The Umayyad
When Mu’awiya is the next caliph what does he form?
The Umayyad Dynasty
What do the Sunni believe in?
Any righteous Muslim can be Imam
What do the Shi’ite believe in?
Believe Imam should be related to Ali
What is a Caliph?
Leader of the Caliphates
What type of government was Islam?
How does the Empire and Religion spread initially?
How does the Empire and Religion spread later?
Trade/Tax Exemption
Who was taxed in Islam?
What was the standardized currency in Islam?
Gold and Silver coins with religious phrases
What does Dar Al Islam mean?
House of Islam
Use of what throughout Dar Al Islam brought Saharan West and Sub Saharan Africa into the larger trade network?
Use of Credit and Bills of Sale
What did the Muslims produce for better tools and weapons?
What did the Production of steel improve?
Camel Saddle and the Astrolabe
What Agricultural Products were spread throughout Dar Al Islam?
Sugar and Citrus
What irrigation technique was spread throughout Dar Al Islam?