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surface-level diversity
differences in easily perceived traits that do not reflect the ways people think or feel (race, gender, etc)
deep-level diversity
differences in values, personality, and work preferences that become progressively more important for determining similarity as people get to know one another better.
Book definition: noting the differences between things (can be unfair)
Lecture definition: Unjustified (usually negative or harmful) action toward a member of a group because of his or her membership in that group (behavioral component)
judging someone based on perception of group that they belong to (cognitive component)
stereotype threat
The degree to which we are concerned with being judged by or treated negatively based on a certain stereotype, can lead to poor performance
Biographical characteristics
Personal characteristics—such as age, gender, race, and length of tenure—that are objective and easily obtained from personnel records. These characteristics are representative of surface-level diversity.
What is the relationship between age and job performance, and age and job satisfaction?
No relationship with performance, but increase job satisfaction with age
glass ceiling
women less likely to be selected for leadership positions than men
glass cliff
women are put in charge of more difficult tasks and crises
An individual’s capacity to perform the various tasks in a job.
Intellectual abilities
The capacity to do mental activities—thinking, reasoning, and problem solving.
General mental ability (GMA)
An overall factor of intelligence, as suggested by the positive correlations among specific intellectual ability dimensions.
What are the 7 dimensions of intellectual ability?
number aptitude, verbal comprehension, perceptual speed, inductive reasoning, deductive reasoning, spatial visualization, memory
Wonderlic Ability Test
most widely used intelligence test in hiring, measures speed and power
Physical abilities
The capacity to do tasks that demand stamina, dexterity, strength, and similar characteristics.
What are the 9 basic abilities for physical performance?
Dynamic strength, Trunk strength, Static strength, Explosive strength, Extent flexibility, Dynamic flexibility, Body coordination, Balance, Stamina
Diversity management
The process and programs by which managers make everyone more aware of and sensitive to the needs and differences of others.
perceived divisions that split groups by differences
An affective (emotional, evaluative, visceral) disposition towards a distinguishable group of people based only on their membership in that group (the emotional component)
cognitive misers
But people have limited cognitive resources, so we use shortcuts and patterns to view the world around us
In what manner do we process information?
Top-down, automatic information processing
One of the primary tools of fast automatic judgment, a pattern imposed on complex reality or experience to help us interpret, explain, and predict
What is the relationship between stereotypes and schemas?
Stereotypes are specific kinds of schemas (person schemas)
Expectancy violations
Stereotype inconsistent behavior that threatens our ability to make sense of the world
What are the two reactions to a person’s behavior violating a stereotype?
assimilation - reinterpret the behavior in a stereotype-consistent way
contrast - when you can’t reinterpret, view behavior as more extreme
Howard vs Heidi shows _______
Gender Double Bind - Women going into interview worried people won’t like them if they are assertive
But also, being assertive is necessary to do well in interview (don’t want to confirm beliefs or come off as meek or nice)