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A need or desire that energizes and directs behavior toward a goal
A complex, unlearned behavior that is rigidly patterned throughout a species.
drive reduction theory
The idea that a physiological need creates an aroused tension state (a drive) that motivates an organism to satisfy the need, restoring homeostasis.
The body's tendency to maintain a balanced or constant internal state.
External stimuli that either appeal to our needs or trigger positive or negative feelings, influencing behavior
hierarchy of needs
Abraham Maslow’s theory that human needs are arranged in a pyramid, with physiological needs at the base and self-actualization at the top
set point
the weight range in which the body naturally tends to stay, controlled by the hypothalamus and influenced by genetics and environment
sexual response cycle
Masters and Johnson’s four-stage model of sexual arousal: excitement, plateau, orgasm, and resolution
A sex hormone, primarily in females, that contributes to the development of female sexual characteristics and regulates the reproductive cycle
A sex hormone, primarily in males, that influences the development of male reproductive tissues and secondary sexual characteristics
achievement motivation
The drive to excel, succeed, or accomplish tasks, often in relation to a standard of excellence
task leadership
Leadership that focuses on setting goals, organizing work, and ensuring that tasks are completed efficiently
social leadership
Leadership that focuses on building teamwork, mediating conflicts, and supporting group cohesion
A complex psychological state involving physiological arousal, expressive behaviors, and conscious experience
james lange theory
The theory that emotions result from our awareness of physiological responses to stimuli (e.g., "I feel afraid because my heart is racing")
cannon bard theory
The theory that physiological arousal and emotional experience occur simultaneously but independently
two factor/ cognitive appraisal/ schachter singer theory
The theory that emotion is based on physiological arousal and a cognitive label (e.g., "My heart is racing, and I label this as fear")
The emotional release of aggressive or pent-up feelings, often through activities like venting or art
feel good do good
The tendency of people to be more helpful when they are in a good mood
subjective well being
An individual’s self-perceived happiness or satisfaction with life
adaption level phenomenon
The tendency to judge new experiences based on prior experiences, leading to a return to a baseline level of happiness
relative deprivation
The perception that one is worse off compared to others, which can affect emotions and motivation